if u stay for ur senior year ur a jagChick please do not a foolish decision like Marcus Forston and stay for your Senior year.
Love Chick's passion, but he may not even start here next year.
He's so slow. I nicknamed him, "The Sloth," last season. Its frustrating to watch him.
He'll start but I just dont see him doing much. He's been kind of a bust in my opinion.
Geezus people. There's no downside to doing this for any player. It's always beneficial to get an unbiased review.
Enlighten me as to the process. If a player submits paperwork to a Draft Advisory Board, does that not mean he is entertaining the idea of coming out? What review would the player receive that might be beneficial for their decision one way or the other?
Man some people are really just flat out dumb. Chick clearly isn't declaring for the draft, he is just seeing where he stands at this point. If any of us were in his position we would do the same exact thing, guaranteed. He sees where he stands now, and then busts his *** to try to improve that tenfold between now and this time next year.
Also, a little encouraged by Papa Perrymans comments. Denzel staying an extra year would be huge.
Chickillo has the talent to start in the NFL. This staff ****ed him up, but he'll do well at the next level.
Mark my words. He'll be a solid pro.
Go on.
They either should've had him stay at around 250 and asked him to be a pass rusher or bulked him up even a bit more than he is now and had him strictly as a run stuffer. They tried to have him be both and it failed.
Actually declaring for the draft, and submitting paperwork to get feedback on where you're projected to go are 2 different things.
L u l z at anyone ripping him. He gets his feedback and he'll know what he needs to work on to prep for the next draft.
Does anyone actually know exactly what the Draft Advisory Board does once it gets a player paperwork?
Any first hand experience out there?