Canes to B1G?

BIG 10 wants a warm place to come play in Nov. and may be a December championship game. it would be good for us $$$ and maybe for them. honestly, the acc has not been good to us. whether it be the refs alone are reason to freaking leave. if they come knocking 80million dollars reasons to answer the door
At this point…..
If Miami can get into the B1G, get in.
Can’t hope to get in SEC and B1G would be better than ACC probably ever could be (regarding money and stability). And I assume if Miami were to get in it would be with a few other ACC teams.
Big Suey: Hurrah episode. Just listened to it and basically he said someone from the school reached out to him about it since I guess he had mentioned it before on the show. Says if ND doesn't join the ACC then that would be the move to make. Whether it is true or not idk but he does say someone from the school reached out to him about it.
I mean, it makes sense. I actually believe the info, now.

Unfortunately, ND gives zero ***** about anyone else. They could be playing the ACC as suckers and end up in the Big 10 or SEC.
For the BIG10, it makes sense to expand their footprint to southern markets, given the population growth in the southern parts of the country. Peeling off AAU schools like UNC and GaTech (to satisfy the academics) and then potentially adding in football brands (i.e., Miami, FSU, or VaTech) (to satisfy the pragmatists) could give them a strong southern pod and reason for ESPN to open up the wallet even further.
I won’t complain about leaving the ACC if it is a sinking ship.

I would gladly join a conference if it means keeping the program alive.

At this point, I don’t see any major conference running to us.
Don't believe for one second that it is true, but it would get Miami out of the ACC and away from the Tobacco Road cartel that runs this stupid conference.

And, most importantly, the BIG 10 pays waaaayyyy more money. The ACC let themselves be put into second-class status position by ESPN, whose main interest will always be with protecting their primary investment, the $EC..

If Miami ever got offered a spot in the BIG10, which they won't, the school would be incompetent not to take it, so, of course, they wouldn't.
You guys really want UM playing games in November/December in Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin? The weather would suck for half our games.
I was at a night game in Ann Arbor in October. By the end of the game it was 40 degrees.
Yeah but these big 10 schools do get kids from the south including Florida. Just gotta toughen up for cold games
You guys really want UM playing games in November/December in Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin? The weather would suck for half our games.
I was at a night game in Ann Arbor in October. By the end of the game it was 40 degrees.

Last season when we played Duke, it was around 40 degrees. We won 48-0.

They make thermal underwear now that keeps you nice and toasty. Cold weather shouldn't be the reason to keep Miami out of the B1G.

It gets really, really, really cold in some parts of SEC and ACC country as well. Many years ago, I did some training at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. In January it was 0 degrees with windchill. ZERO degrees.

My parents live in Kentucky and it regularly dips down to 10-15 degrees in the winter. Pretty much every conference is going to have its share of cold weather games.
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Not if we join the Big 10. The level of comp is right up there with the SEC. now the one thing I would say is that we shouldn’t go alone and should try to bring at least VT with us and see if we can somehow help the Big 10 scoop up ND because if super conferences are becoming legit(they are) then scheduling for ND is going to get 3x harder.
After UVA went out on a limb to get VT into the ACC, there’s no way the VA legislature let’s VT abandon UVA.

They’re bound at the hip.
We should join the SEC.

The Big10 is a great conference, but Miami is not a northern team. I know that Miami sees itself as the Stanford of the South or whatever and our leadership would probably rather hobnob with the President of Michigan rather than Alabama... but I just hope our snobbery doesn't become a barrier for us.

From a recruiting standpoint, to a travel standpoint, to a money standpoint, the SEC makes way more sense. If FSU is in the SEC and Miami in the Big 10, that helps FSU recruiting-wise in my opinion. I think South Florida kids prefer the SEC.

Miami is in the Southeast. Join the Southeastern Conference if it's an option (and it would be if we wanted it). It's not rocket surgery. I don't hate the idea of the Big 10, but I think the SEC is a better choice IMO.
How many times has this been rehashed. UF would love nothing more than to see us left standing when the music stops. They’d fall on their sword before they let us in.
Being old school, I always thought that different parts of the country had there teams in there own divisions to play and compete with other parts of the country.

This brought a lot of north vs south who’s the best ( example )

Now soon s team 3000 miles away snow bound or on the west coast can be in the Deep South SEC division

This all seems very weird to me , am I alone in this ?


I think the move to the ACC already took care of that. If we are going to be a nearly dead program, at least we can get rich in the B1G. Miami should be good at both athletics and academics; but at least be good at just one of those. Right now we suck in both those areas. Miami with an extra 20-30 million that would come from the B1G athletics, Miami could at least try to improve its academic standing.

Oh, there is also the small matter of the $10 BILLION (yes, with a capital B) in research grant money exclusive to B1G schools through the Big10 Academic Alliance. When the SEC has a 10 billion pot of money that Miami can dip into for academic research, then we can compare apples to apples about which conference is the most beneficial to the university.
The move to the acc didnt kill Miami. Miami killed Miami.
FSU generates us revenue. That's not a rivalry game that should be lost IMO. If they go SEC and we go Big 10, that game is finished.

The reason the SEC would add us is ESPN. We're a big brand, and that's the name of the game in this realignment - collecting big brands that create flashy matchups for must-see-TV.

If the SEC tells us "no," then yeah, go to the Big 10. It beats the **** out of the ACC. But if the reason is some kind of elitism where we see ourselves as being more like Michigan and less like Alabama, then our motives are bad... that's my point. SEC works a lot better for us if that's an option.
The reason we must go is to not be an orphan after realignment, not to be remake ourselves as some other school.

The reason we don’t go SEC is UF. They’d love nothing more than to be our death knell.