It wasn't an anomaly. It was par for the course with this corching staff--have a huge game at home that can put you in the coastal driver's seat, and blow the game.
While I will definitely disagree with that game not being an anomaly (like frosty said: how many games did we fumble multiple big play kick/punt returns, or have the other team recover fumbles in their endzone for a TD, or have our punter down at the spot because his knee touched as he fielded the snap?)...I will agree that we've had several seasons (including under Shannon) where we had our Coastal fate in our hands and ****ed it away. Even after the VT loss--VT lost the next week, and put us back in the driver's seat. What did we do? We folded against Duke in their house. I do agree on that sentiment.
And no, it's not "dumb as ****." We lost the duke and VT games because we could not stop anybody. Duke Johnson does not change that.
Yes it is. Do you not understand that if our offense performs better and/or stays on the field longer because Duke Johnson is on the field...what impact that has on the defense?
Duke was one of the few games where we won overall TOP--32 min to 28. However, Morris threw the ball
49 times in that game. Imagine if we cut that back to 30-35, giving those 14-19 touches to Duke Johnson, possessed the ball for 4-5 more minutes, and keep our Defense (as putrid as it was and is) off the field? I think that gives us a legit shot to win that ballgame.
More proof--late in the 3rd quarter, we were down 31-30 to Duke. We had possessed the football earlier in the game on 4 different drives for 10 plays apiece, and 3 FG's and a TD. I think if we flip some of those earlier drives from FG's to TD's (which Duke Johnson certainly couldn't have hurt the cause for), we are leading. Also, the last 5 drives of the Duke game when we were down 31-30...our drives went like this:
3rd Qtr: TOP - 02:29 Start - MIA 9 Plays - 5 Yards - 35 Result - Punt
4th Qtr: TOP - 01:40 Start - MIA 1 Plays - 4 Yards - 40 Result - Punt
4th Qtr: TOP - 01:28 Start - MIA 24 Plays - 4 Yards - 18 Result - Punt
4th Qtr: TOP - 01:34 Start - MIA 25 Plays - 4 Yards - 7 Result - Turnover on Downs
4th Qtr: TOP - 01:02 Start - MIA 29 Plays - 8 Yards - 55 Result - Turnover on Downs
So, in crunch time, when Duke Johnson most likely could/would have helped, we had 3 punts and 2 turnovers on downs because Morris was pretty much exclusively throwing the ball. He went a combined
7 of 16 on those drives (NOTE: 16 throws on 25 of our final offensive plays).
Now...when you're 4-5 plays and off the field as an offense, and your defense sucks pretty hard anyways, and you're asking them to go keep going out after only a 1:30 or so rest, and stop a pretty good Duke offense that was wearing our D out...good offenses (with all their healthy guys) will go out there, possess the ball for a while, score, and put the defense in a not-so-tenuous position. Instead...our guys are ****-near going 3-and-out each drive, and Duke's offense took full advantage of a worn out sh1tty Defense to pull away with 17 points in the final frame.
Show me ONE place where I've said our D doesn't suck. It indeed, does. However, our Offense, especially in all of our losses save for maybe F$U, didn't do our Defense any favors either. The numbers show it. It's empirically provable. To ignore that is "dumb as ****".