Cam Ward to Portal

No reason for them to go after Cam Ward with Weigman. Unless for some reasoon, Weigman is just deadset on getting outta A&M but he's the clear starter. I guess we can dream..
I'd agree but the op tweet says A&M has inquired into Ward already and the guy that brings a lot of Texas inside info says Weigman could bounce
“A million here
A million there”

Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne GIF by giphydiscovery
He just outplayed a Heisman finalist, on the road. And y'all saying you wouldn't take him? Or pay him $1m?

Smh who the **** do you think Miami is? Lmao

Lol…6.6 yppass 3-2 ratio. Decent day, but neither played great.

6 pts vs. AZ, 7 pts vs Stanford

Again, he's a QB and decent option…I can't believe the cult like following I'm reading about this kid on here. His decision making is terrible at times.
**** of a first post.

Love this guy’s potential.

Likely Oregon or some team out west.
Why is it assumed he goes to some team out west? He’s from Texas, has higher odds to land at A&M than Oregon imo. Even went to college in Texas before going to WSU. Don’t think he’s a “west coast” guy.
Ward. Weigman. Pratt

If you want to win next year it’s these 3, in that order. Make all 3 of them say no before you move on to the Howard’s/Roger’s of the world.
Why is it assumed he goes to some team out west? He’s from Texas, has higher odds to land at A&M than Oregon imo. Even went to college in Texas before going to WSU. Don’t think he’s a “west coast” guy.
Ok, buddy. That’s your opinion and I have mine. Sorry it didn’t align with yours especially since I anticipated Weigman staying at TAMU? You know Weigman is out?

I know he’s not a west coast guy. I just didn’t feel like listing every possible destination he could go to. Oregon and Washington count as “out West as does USC if they aren’t ready to turn the team over to their Freshman QB.
Ok, buddy. That’s your opinion and I have mine. Sorry it didn’t align with yours especially since I anticipated Weigman staying at TAMU? You know Weigman is out?

I know he’s not a west coast guy. I just didn’t feel like listing every possible destination he could go to. Oregon and Washington count as “out West as does USC if they aren’t ready to turn the team over to their Freshman QB.
Sorry, wasn’t throwing a dig. Came off sideways. Was more of a question for you as to why you think he’s going to stay on west coast.

I don’t know **** lol just reading tea leaves and have seen multiple sources say A&M has inquired about Ward… which would make me believe Weigman wants a fresh start. Idc if we get Aggies sloppy seconds (pause), either or would be great here.