Cal Fans' Behavior

I sat right in the Cal Alumni old money section. 40 yard line, 20 rows up from the Cal bench. Largely respectful folks. Most were just happy to see their stadium full for the first time in ~15 years. (quite the turnout by the Cal faithful - Impressive scene).

There was a group of kids from the Marin Catholic JV football team sitting right behind me. Before the game they were lightly heckling me and my buddy saying that Cal's D was gonna throttle Cam Ward. At one point they all looked at me and did the upside down U. I took a pic of them and told them this is the "before pic," and said I expect them to pose for the After pic when the Canes roll.

They were polite kids but got a little bit aggressive to the point where my buddy turned around and told them to chill out, and they did. Again these were respectful kids, but I was in a section of "golden level alums."

My seats:

View attachment 306235

The Before pic:

View attachment 306237

As promised.... THE AFTER PIC. :)

View attachment 306238

A great night. All in good fun IMO.
That’s an awesome interaction. Cool with the chirping, and you guys thought it got distasteful, made it known and they cut it out. Good stuff.
They remind me of West Virginia fans. They think they’re so elite, wouldn’t they hate that comparison? :nelson-haha:
Umm yeah, so...

By and large the Cal crowd was cool and it was a good experience in funky Berkeley.

Yes, as I was just in front of Cam's family's cousins about nine rounds(me) /rows up on the Miami side near the student section.

As Cal built a lead, some of the students started become serious ****s and actually putting upside down U's in people's faces and seriously taunting Canes fans who kept their cool more than once. I saw this with my own eyeballs. But overall, it was a good experience and Bear fans were fun.
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Not a frequent poster here, but seeing some anecdotal reports on social media, etc of Cal fans' unruly behavior targeted towards Miami fans. Thought about screenshotting what I've seen (with the user blurred) but decided against that.

Fans who were there, were Cal fans unruly?
Its Cali its fake tough all talk, the body is weak. Pause
The Cal fans were excellent:

*on the streets of Berkeley pregame the bars were full and fully hopping. Many Cal fans and Miami fans were speaking very cordially to each other. No tension whatsoever. Very fun and collegial atmosphere.

*in the stadium, depends on where you sat. I was in an 80% Miami section and all was great.. only exception was a group of 6-8 group of guys in their 30s …half supporting Miami, the other half Cal. All friends. They were drunk, smoking weed, and putting some kind of white lozenge next to their lower gum. (Naïve me: no idea what it was but they passed it among themselves). In the third Q, one just bent over and threw up multiple times in front of himself. His buddies just laughed and then eventually took him outside. Gross.

*the Cal Student section was awesome. Sure they chanted “**** Miami” and “**** the Refs” after the targeting review. Who cares? In a normally laid back atmosphere, these kids came to win.

After the game? The Cal fans were devastated. The Cane fans were more incredulous than happy. They couldn’t believe it.

An awesome night in Berkeley.
Every dumbass fan base does that unoriginal down hand gesture. The SMU players were doing the down “L” all game long. My issue is we get penalized for stuff everyone else does. The Cal fans couldn’t be that bad. TBH, they couldn’t have been worse than we are and they can sure as **** can’t be worse than the biggest ******** I have ever had to deal with: the Virginia Tech inbreds.
Great showing of Canes in Berkeley for Game Day and the game. Campus was cleaned up for ESPN and their fans showed out. Hobo Camp sign was genius. So much so that two Cal profs standing behind us were discussing the etymology of "Hobo" and how astonishing it is that this generation would employ that word. Best part was being yelled at by a middle-aged woman in my first 5 steps onto campus for carrying a Starbucks cup!?! Even their coffee police are left of left. Great day/night.
I like their behavior. Last year when they played good ball everyone was talking **** about them. This year they didn't have any outside expectations. It at least makes it interesting. Build a transcontinental rivalry.
What do you all expect among kids aged 17-21?

I assure you, it was not all kids.

The Cal student section was at midfield behind the Hurricanes sideline.

But the REST of the stadium was heavily alums and non-alum fans (older than 17-21). And that's where I personally saw some ****. I was on the side behind the Cal players and coaches, around the 25 yard line.
There was quite a bit of high end, Bay Area talent in my section that night.

You were about one section over from me (though with those weird-*** sections, it could have been 2 sections over).

And they brag about that stadium being designed by some great architect. It seemed more like it was designed by the guy who created Pac Man...
Great showing of Canes in Berkeley for Game Day and the game. Campus was cleaned up for ESPN and their fans showed out. Hobo Camp sign was genius. So much so that two Cal profs standing behind us were discussing the etymology of "Hobo" and how astonishing it is that this generation would employ that word. Best part was being yelled at by a middle-aged woman in my first 5 steps onto campus for carrying a Starbucks cup!?! Even their coffee police are left of left. Great day/night.

I recycled my Starbucks...right into those Port-o-Lets on the side of the GameDay area...
*the Cal Student section was awesome. Sure they chanted “**** Miami” and “**** the Refs” after the targeting review. Who cares? In a normally laid back atmosphere, these kids came to win.

Yeah, sure, the Cal student section didn't throw cups and bottles onto our players...the video was a deep-fake...

Viva la ignorance.