I was in row 19 of T, some of their fans came just behind where we were sitting and started a fight. It actually started after the security guard got there. He was totally useless, they had no police there whatsoever and the security guard was a joke
I was just skimming through this to see if anyone else had posted about that. I was in row 20 in section T and what I assume were students (or at least student aged fans) were jawing with 2 Miami fans one who looked like he was mid 50s and another that was probably in his late 60s.
I have no idea who started it, but there were like 20 kids to the 2 Miami fans and they were going back and forth yelling and posturing. It was very heated and you could see that it might turn physical. Someone walked over to try to intervene, but I dont think he was security; I think he was just a fan (although not wearing Cal or Miami gear) as he didnt have any security garb and was sitting a few rows in front of me when he saw the commotion. He initially got everyone to settle down, but then this one kid came and totally cold clocked the ~55 year old. The guy who was punched was a big dude and took it well even though it split his cheek open. The kid that punched him retreated into the crowd laughing like a punk.
The guy in his 60s left shortly after that, but the guy who was punched stayed there and was still jawing with the kids. Several people (neutral Cal fans and Miami fans) tried numerous times to get him to slide over a few seats and swap places with people so things might calm down down. It wasn't his fault (at least I assume he didnt do anything to deserve the punch), but him staying there (he was directly next to the students) wasn't doing anyone any favors particularly since he was more than happy to engage in shouting and posturing matches with anyone that baited him. He refused to move over a few seats and things stayed tense for quite some time until he eventually left (maybe 45-60 min later).
On one hand I give him credit for standing his ground, on the other... there were like 100 students within 20 feet of him and if things escalated again he would likely have gotten his *** beat and bunch of bystanders likely would have gotten hurt too. A Miami fan had to take her two young children and leave as she was afraid a fight was going to breakout and they would get caught in the crossfire. Others left as well. I didnt leave, but was close enough to be concerned that we might get pulled into the fray if a fight broke out again and we had 2 young children with us.
We had another encounter before the game with a kid (looked student aged) came up to us out of nowhere talking a bunch of trash throwing around N bombs at us (we are white and he was black). It was unprovoked as we hadn't said anything to him or even looked at him. And it wasn't just trash talking while passing us; he actually stopped in front of us and was trying to bait us into going back and forth with him (we had the 2 young kids with us then too). We just laughed and kept walking, he followed us for a bit but eventually moved on.
I will say though that these 2 incidents were the exceptions that we saw. There were definitely people saying things like '**** Miami' but it generally wasn't aimed at individual fans. I went to the restroom at half time when they were up big expecting to be trash talked the whole time and no one said anything. Same thing after the game. Overall their fans were fine, better than a lot of other fans I have been around.
Outside those 2 experiences and 3.5 of the 4 hours where it looked like we were going to lose, it was a great time