Bissainthe bomb on Cal's QB

Miami had three timeouts. Miami would have likely gotten the ball back, provided there was a stop. People act like Cal would have been able to take a knee had they gotten that call.

Exactly. And if they call illegal man downfield on the last TD, who says we don’t still score?

It would have been 2nd and goal from about the 10 yard line.

There was nothing up to that point that would have indicated they would have stopped us 3 more times.

This play happened right in front of me. I went NUTS when it happened. I jumped out of my seat and started screaming, "BOOM!!! BOOM!! STAY DOWN LUKE!!" lol

Then one of the Cal fans sitting behind me pointed to Mendoza's parents who were sitting a few rows in front of me. After that I stayed quiet enough for them to not hear me but my buddy and I were high fiving for like 45 seconds.

Man that got me pumped up. It was the exact moment when I knew the Canes would win this game.

Pic of my seats from before the game. The guy in the Mendoza jersey is the QB's dad.

My Cal Game Seats.jpg
Again. The way it is implemented, I hate the targeting rule.

If a defensive player makes a diving tackle, and the offensive player crouches down and their head is now where the player is headed .5 seconds before impact, what is he supposed to do? Pull a Neo and dodge bullets?

Of course I want to protect players, but the defense has a right to make a play. Yes, if the defensive player puts his helmet into the other guys ear hole, fine.

But I want something in the rule that states;

Exception: during an official review of targeting, if during the review it is found that the offensive player made a football move (e.g., crouching, leaning, sidestep, et al.) while a defensive player was initiating a tackle and the defensive player inadvertently collided with offensive player in the neck and head area due to aforementioned football move, at the referees discretion may:

1.) Rule that targeting was not enforced due to minor incidental contact.

2.) Targeting I -Incidental contact occured with severe contact with the head and neck area, and a 5 yard penalty is enforced. This foul would be treated like an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

3.) Targeting II (Flagrant) - Obvious contact with head and neck area. Player disqualified, head coach disqualified. Possible suspension. 15 yard penalty.

This way you protect the players, its still enforceable, and if a headhunter ***** a guy up, you can throw him out of the game. Furthermore, I would add kicking the coach out of the game and possible suspension.

To me, this shouldn't be an all or nothing sort of penalty.
There needs to be some kind of amendment to the rule that says when the runner lowers their head, they can’t be targeted unless it’s absolutely egregious. WB lowered his shoulder and drove through him. He couldn’t help Mendoza’s lean forward. The hit wasn’t even particularly high.
When I saw the replay I was nervous I’m just glad they didn’t call that but Wes has got to wrap up better dude left his feet and lowered his head
It was not targeting in my opinion, but was as stupid play by Bissainthe anyways. He could have delivered a bigger hit by making a text book tackle. Instead he went for a highlight and came an inch from costing us the game and maybe the season. This team needs to tighten up
It was not targeting in my opinion, but was as stupid play by Bissainthe anyways. He could have delivered a bigger hit by making a text book tackle. Instead he went for a highlight and came an inch from costing us the game and maybe the season. This team needs to tighten up

It was another example of bad fundamentals. Bissanthe went for a big shoulder hit instead of wrapping up and driving through. Why? Why risk the penalty when the runner is line up for a bone crushing tackle into his ribs that could dislodge the ball? Cristobal has done a lot of things well but we still have players doing a lot of dumb things that will eventually catch up to us.
News flash. We had under 2 minutes and over 90 yards to go. Don’t give up a 70+ yard pass? Cal lost this in so many more moments that this call is a blip on the radar.
If this hit wasn't on the QB, not a single person would be asking if it was targeting.
He wasn't a defenseless WR or a Qb going for a slide. If you're going to call this targeting, you are literally going to eliminate all tackles against RBs.
I was shocked the refs didn't **** that up considering how inconsistent refs are with targeting. I'm glad that common sense prevailed here.

It ****es me off every time I see a defender being punished for lowering his shoulder for a tackle yet it's perfectly fine for the runner to lead with the crown of his helmet to break a tackle. Bissainthe lead with his shoulder and any helmet to helmet contact was inadvertent and the result of Mendoza dropping his head at the last second.

Without him lowering his head it's a picture perfect example of what a big hit is supposed to look like, straight between the numbers.
That’s why I was like just wrap them up because we never get those calls, especially when it’s the quarterback that gets hit
It was our usual Miami-ing... it was a kill shot instead of just tackling the ******* guy... Great we got the call. If it went against us, we would all pretty much be "what a ******* moron"...
I f*cking hate the targeting rule and have despised it since day 1. It’s too subjective and when you hear words like “He launched, a defenseless player” you’ve lost the plot of playing football.

The same Gen Z snot nosed punk who came up with targeting also invented the new NFL kickoff rule. If you want to be a defenseless player don’t play football. What happened to the standard personal foul calls on the field?
You think gen Z'ers are affecting college and NFL rule books?