Again. The way it is implemented, I hate the targeting rule.
If a defensive player makes a diving tackle, and the offensive player crouches down and their head is now where the player is headed .5 seconds before impact, what is he supposed to do? Pull a Neo and dodge bullets?
Of course I want to protect players, but the defense has a right to make a play. Yes, if the defensive player puts his helmet into the other guys ear hole, fine.
But I want something in the rule that states;
Exception: during an official review of targeting, if during the review it is found that the offensive player made a football move (e.g., crouching, leaning, sidestep, et al.) while a defensive player was initiating a tackle and the defensive player inadvertently collided with offensive player in the neck and head area due to aforementioned football move, at the referees discretion may:
1.) Rule that targeting was not enforced due to minor incidental contact.
2.) Targeting I -Incidental contact occured with severe contact with the head and neck area, and a 5 yard penalty is enforced. This foul would be treated like an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
3.) Targeting II (Flagrant) - Obvious contact with head and neck area. Player disqualified, head coach disqualified. Possible suspension. 15 yard penalty.
This way you protect the players, its still enforceable, and if a headhunter ***** a guy up, you can throw him out of the game. Furthermore, I would add kicking the coach out of the game and possible suspension.
To me, this shouldn't be an all or nothing sort of penalty.