Bissainthe bomb on Cal's QB

When it’s not a defenseless player, the hit has to be pretty egregious to be targeting. That’s because a non defenseless player is a dynamic entity that can change body position and draw contact to the head that can’t be prevented by the defender. That’s why they changed the rule, which is for the better of the game. The defender has to really be going for the kill shot for it to get called. That was clearly not the case here.

That said, heads up tackling is the best practice. Wes should get a really good *** chewing for using **** poor technique in a critical moment.

Did you see him afterwards? Dude was just chilling on the sidelines like nothing happened. I was like ohhhh this guy did some good acting on the ground cause he knew he was short and was hoping to get that call.
Cal and everybody talking about this, but won't mention we had 3 timeouts still. And we scored with 30 seconds left. Game wasn't over. Stfu
That’s why I was like just wrap them up because we never get those calls, especially when it’s the quarterback that gets hit
There was a similar play late in the Bama game. Bama WR dipped his head and took a hard hit to the helmet. He blacked out, fumbled and had to be carried off the field. It was reviewed and not called targeting. Once you are running, it needs to be a blatant helmet to helmet for it to be called.
I f*cking hate the targeting rule and have despised it since day 1. It’s too subjective and when you hear words like “He launched, a defenseless player” you’ve lost the plot of playing football.

The same Gen Z snot nosed punk who came up with targeting also invented the new NFL kickoff rule. If you want to be a defenseless player don’t play football. What happened to the standard personal foul calls on the field?

Game is gone
Nature Boy Ric Flair got some great acting lol. You ever seen the Scott Hall one where he takes the stunner from Stone Cold? Classic bumping stuff right there
I'm not a wrasslin' afficianado like some on here are, but if you think about, CIS porsting/porsters, I believe, share a lot in common with pro wrestling.

That venn diagram has a lot of overlap.

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I'll be honest, I was shocked last weeks call was overturned and this was not a targeting. I'm just not used to getting any 50-50 calls.

With that said, how soft that ppl want a game to be decided over a hard tackle and an illegal man downsized who had nothing to do with the play.

That's just clearly hater ****.

Also, **** ***** *** mendoza. I knew *** soon as he got hit, he was just trying to milk a flag out of it. **** him.
If the game wasnt on the line, they would have called it. Kudos to the refs for letting the game be decided on the field. They knew the ramifications of calling targeting on that..the game basically is over..That hit wasnt some ridiculous helmet on helmet bone crushing hit that basically would have forced their hand. It was "bang bang" play.
Miami had three timeouts. Miami would have likely gotten the ball back, provided there was a stop. People act like Cal would have been able to take a knee had they gotten that call.
This sort of thing happens 10 times a game. It’s usually a running back or a receiver dipping their head into contact and targeting is NEVER called. The only reason they reviewed the play for targeting was because it was a quarterback. Mendoza dipped his head into the contact.
Miami had three timeouts. Miami would have likely gotten the ball back, provided there was a stop. People act like Cal would have been able to take a knee had they gotten that call.

100% what’s especially funny is that Brock was going off on how Mario should have used a timeout before the 2 minute warning. By not using the timeout Mario guaranteed the ability to get the ball back with at least 1:30 left even if Cal got a first down and then Miami was able to hold on the next set of downs.

Using the timeout, if Cal gets the first down then Miami holds on the next set of downs, Miami gets the ball back with less than a minute.

Bottom line we still had a clear shot to win even if the refs called targeting and gave them a first down. Harder, sure… but Mario made the right move on not using the timeout and giving us a shot even if we gave up a first down.
We need the rule to continue
- I went to high school with Mark Buoniconti - kid always tacked with the crown of his head
- The Columbus coaches always pulled him out of the game

However we do need to be careful that big hits dont equate to targeting
- in the stadium and the small replay screen - looked like targeting - but clearly not the case