Bartow: Harley shuts down recruitment, sticks with WVU

Welp, he aint coming...

Not going to lie Pete source been off a lot this year more so than others
1. The fact that this "cane as soon as he was offered" didn't become a cane within a reasonable timeframe was telling.

2. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Different staph. Same results. Dugans is useless on the trail.
Smart move, kid would never be more that 5th WR and special teams contributor here. Have fun playing midget ball in hicktown.
Man, Dugans must honestly be a steaming pile of sh** as a recuiter. What other explanation for so many misses?
It's alarming enough for a staff to miss on every premier WR target in their first full year when there is so much immediate playing time available.

It's outright pathetic when you can't land a three-star receiver from your own backyard in a battle against f***ing West Virginia. And the staff deserves 100% of the blame on this one when they prioritized both Rodney Scott & Kevaughn Dingle from the outset while dragging their feet on Harley, refusing to offer until November.

WR recruiting is laughably inept. Unacceptable.
The early offer thing doesn't explain or justify it because we've offered plenty of guys early and lost them. We're either getting out-bagged or, most likely in this case, just flat out-recruited. Is Seider recruiting Harley? If he is that explains what happened. Seider took our guys to school.

Been saying it for awhile, but our staff doesn't have any killers on it. Maybe that's Rick overreacting to his bad time with Pruitt, who has that killer personality. But he hired too many easy going God squad guys.
Dude.... One of the Gayturds mentioned that Harley has tweeted some pro Gator stuff lately. I dont know what Harley tweeted but as one of these turds mentioned, they haven't even offered him yet. He's got to be trolling them for an offer and a jilt at the hat table... I get WVU but there's no way he picks UF over us. As I said before, that would make him dumber than Tre McShîtty picking F$U.
Nobody cares about Harley but canes WR isn't much of a need if we take anybody it's James Robinson

Now Herbert we'll take him if randy can sway him to UF

Wouldn't mind getting Slaton too
Umm....Peter got some splanin ta do

''Tis 2012 all over again for Petey Brow.

He's been far to confident and dismissive of dissenting opinions on the kids he says Miami is going to land.

I'm sure this will serve to further ground him...and he needs it.
Next time, listen to the Living Legend. I told you cats it was far from a done deal even while Pete kept assuring you he was coming. If it was such a done deal then it would have been done already.

No way Harley was going to fvck Hologram like that and decommit on him on the last week of the cycle after they offered him and were good to him. He was stringing it along because he wasn't sure what he was going to do. He wasn't doing it to fvck Hologram over at the last minute.

Yep, no doubt he also had people in his circle talking to him how UM didn't really care for him much early on and he should remember that - you know, typical sofla groupthink.

Not a big surprise. And tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if we lose Herbert as wel.
Everyone take a step back from the ledge. Smack them up and down in the bowl game and we'll see what he really thinks. I know it sucks when it's a VERY down year for athletes in your backyard. Usually S. FL is filled with WRs, but that's not the case this year. We only missed out on one stud WR this year. JJ. Grimes wasn't going anywhere, but OSU and this kid is not a stud. Fack him, on to the next one. The bigger worry is about Herbert and the Heritage OL kids. We need at least Slaton
Smart move, kid would never be more that 5th WR and special teams contributor here. Have fun playing midget ball in hicktown.

Classic, here comes all the excuse fans saying "he's not that good," when everyone on this board was saying we drastically needed him because of how electric he is.
With or without him the WR class isn't up to par. He's not a class changer (and yes I've said this lots of times).

We need real difference makers like Jeudy to take the next step.

This registers about a .0000001 on my rustle-meter.
Next time, listen to the Living Legend. I told you cats it was far from a done deal even while Pete kept assuring you he was coming. If it was such a done deal then it would have been done already.

No way Harley was going to fvck Hologram like that and decommit on him on the last week of the cycle after they offered him and were good to him. He was stringing it along because he wasn't sure what he was going to do. He wasn't doing it to fvck Hologram over at the last minute.

Yep, no doubt he also had people in his circle talking to him how UM didn't really care for him much early on and he should remember that - you know, typical sofla groupthink.

Not a big surprise. And tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if we lose Herbert as wel.

We never had Herbert, nor will we land him. He either sticks with Michigan or goes to UF for whatever idiotic reason.
Smart move, kid would never be more that 5th WR and special teams contributor here. Have fun playing midget ball in hicktown.

WVU WR's ball out and have been getting drafted into the league. Especially the speedy guys. Kevine White, Bailey, and Tavon Austin. I-Mac sucked though.