As if you needed more news today...


***** the noles, they are delusional, i hope their class falls apart. no one is coming into SFL anymore and getting recruits

Corey Dowlar/ESPN ‏@cdowlar

FSU will be hosting five-star outside linebacker Matthew Thomas this weekend, by the way. He was being recruited by J. Coley.
Jimbro Fisher on the rivals main board is such an idiot "Hurts recruiting but we were recruiting south Florida before Coley got here and will continue to do so after. Congrats on hiring an "OC" that hasn't called a play in 5 years."
The implications of this should have FSU fans more concerned about the state of their program than one recruiting class. Not that I care because I don't, but they have loss so many coaches in one season it really raises questions in my mind about what's going on up there. An FSU graduate leaves FSU as OC to take the same position at UM. I love that this looks like it's going to happen because I think it says so many positive things publicly about the direction of our program. I love too that he is a young coach who is hungry and wanting to move his career forward. That FSU wanted him to stay also gives us reason to be optimistic. This is so much bigger than one recruiting class.

Anyone doubting Golden at this point should be thoroughly monkey stomped.

//In the meantime like everyone I'll be waiting for the official final word.
Jimbro Fisher on the rivals main board is such an idiot "Hurts recruiting but we were recruiting south Florida before Coley got here and will continue to do so after. Congrats on hiring an "OC" that hasn't called a play in 5 years."

are you kidding me? he really said that?
Jimbro Fisher on the rivals main board is such an idiot "Hurts recruiting but we were recruiting south Florida before Coley got here and will continue to do so after. Congrats on hiring an "OC" that hasn't called a play in 5 years."

are you kidding me? he really said that?

I'd like to know that posters take on the Pruitt hire, a guy who hasn't called a defensive play since he was coaching high school in 2006 and was essentially an assistant DB coach because everyone knows that Saban is heavily involved in coaching DB's.

Jimbo will do ANYTHING to Keep Coley at this point, at least for another year. After that he can kick him to the curb. He needs him to close out the recruiting class.

Agree with Franchise and I said it in another thread, if we havent had official word within a few hours, this isnt happening. IM sure Golden gave him a tight deadline. This cannot be allowed to drag on for more than about 24 hours.

It has to be a tough call for Coley. ITs his alma mmater, which is why Im so dubious about all this. Then again, it takes him almost leaving before JImbo offers him concessions? Has to make him wonder if its just to placate him temporarily for the sake of recruiting. IF he passes up this offer, he's at Jimbo's mercy for the next year.

The guy grew up accross the street from the OB....literally. I am sure he loves FSU, but I am pretty sure he has some strong feelings about Miami.

That angle about him being an FSU alum don't mean squat. Why? Because him being from South Florida didn't keep him from going to FSU

If he loves his alma mater like I do mine it'll MOST DEFINITELY play some factor in his decision. He might not trust Jimbutt at this point.

Yea but if he grew up a UM fan it doesnt matter where u graduated from or went to school. Im sure there people who attend fsu that like Um but couldnt get in. Same with some UM people like fsu who knows if UM was his first love.

That's why I clearly used the qualifier "if he loves his alma mater like I do mine" when I made the statement. If he comes to UM to accept what is basically a lateral move after Jimbutt caved on playcalling, then he doesn't really give a p1ss about fsu.
Susan Miller Degnan ‏@smillerdegnan
#UM #Canes fans, your new offensive coordinator, James Coley (sorry #FSU), is already on campus at UM as I write this.
Retweeted by Lt. Philip Nolan

Guess who is most likely in 6's ear already!!!