Any word on Nesta?

Never showed up against equally talented players. Hardly won one on ones. I don't know how this is shocking, I am shocked that you are all watching the same player as I am.
Putting aside my disagreement for a sec, who do you intend to replace him with? As of now it looks like we’re pretty short handed, so I don’t see any reason to wish anyone gone.
Wasn't someone with sauces saying nobody likes Nesta and that he got jumped by Harley and Gurvan or some ****?


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Ignorant *** statement
He wasn’t the best locker room guy. Fwiw He was a bully to the younger kids and his outbursts on the sidelines and in the locker room were a huge part of our cultural issues. He also half assed it every other play. I’m ready for a new start without him. So…. Less ignorant and more insightful. Fact
If he comes back it would need to be in a lesser role. I'm not high on him as he only has one move and got caught out way to much this year on run players for my liking. Let the young bucks (Taylor, Roberts. Haye) get his snaps.

On the topic of DT really hoping for a breakout year for MIller as a 0 tech guy. Hope he can be reliable there with the potential transfer from Oregon.
He wasn’t the best locker room guy. Fwiw He was a bully to the younger kids and his outbursts on the sidelines and in the locker room were a huge part of our cultural issues. He also half assed it every other play. I’m ready for a new start without him. So…. Less ignorant and more insightful. Fact
This. I feel like he typified a lot of what's been wrong here. Way more style than substance, although I 'm not saying he had none. Dude could play, and did, but also had a chance to dominate, but never did. I don't think he got anywhere close to maximizing what he had to work with. I think that's partially on him and partially on the culture of handholding, friend making, and overall loser mentality coming down from the staff and athletics. Like Romberg said, Cristobal is bringing fear back to the head coaching position.

Nesta would be housebroken in one month under a Cristobal regime and I'm not sure he's willing to submit to the pain.
Honestly surprised by Boar's comment. Nesta seemed to hustle more than any ither DT in games to me. Didn't expect he'd been a net negative culturally.

Even still, for both Nesta and the team, the better move would be fir him to return and totally buy into Mario's system and culture. Hope he realizes this is his best shot and tales it.
Honestly surprised by Boar's comment. Nesta seemed to hustle more than any ither DT in games to me. Didn't expect he'd been a net negative culturally.

Even still, for both Nesta and the team, the better move would be fir him to return and totally buy into Mario's system and culture. Hope he realizes this is his best shot and tales it.
See my comment above.

He's fat. That's all you need to know. He is lazy and has not changed his body.
See my comment above.

He's fat. That's all you need to know. He is lazy and has not changed his body.
lol I mean you're not wrong. Being 6'2'' 305 w a belly wasn't what made Warren Sapp Warren Sapp. That guy put in the hard yards during the week when no one was watching. Nesta looks the part to be sure, but I'm not sure he's willing to do the dirty work. If he does leave, I sincerely think that's why.
He's not even in the top 15-20 draft-eligible players at his position. 7th rounder/UFA as of now. If he came back and rededicated himself, although it would show he could've done it all along, he'd help improve a very bad/almost nonexistent draft position.
lol I mean you're not wrong. Being 6'2'' 305 w a belly wasn't what made Warren Sapp Warren Sapp. That guy put in the hard yards during the week when no one was watching.

I'm not sure Nesta's willing to do that. If he does leave, I sincerely think that's why.
He's not even in the top 15-20 draft-eligible players at his position. 7th rounder/UFA as of now. If he came back and rededicated himself, although it would show he could've done it all along, he'd help improve a very bad/almost nonexistent draft position.
He has no shot at the league today. What youve outlined is his only path.
lol do you usually get this butthurt when people dont agree with your football opinion?

Glad you can read emotion thru text...

Let me know the winning lottery numbers while you're at it.

We need bodies in the trenches. He may not be the dominant player we expected but he's good enough to keep on the **** team.