Al-Quadin Muhammad cancelled his ND visit

you are joking about his family not being happy about him attending a catholic school, right?

Dead serious. He is Muslim no?

True Muslims are very religious and they will respect a Catholic school sometimes more than a secular school. The parents are usually old school and they love the structure of religion even if it is a different religion. In the end they compromise because there arent really any schools of Islam, and Christians at the end of the day are still people of the Book. Now their love for the Heeb nation, not so much......

Also Larry, I brought up McCord and Jelani because you stated "lauded preps on the DL". I still think that this defense will be greatly improved next year, but that still probably means average at best, but if you couple that with how or offense should grow, I see a 9-10 win team. Also this recruiting cycle isnt over yet, it could still be a disaster or we could still land KB and Bostwick.

Correction: For Muslims, Jews are also "people of the book". What "people of the book" means is "followers of the Bible (The BOOK)" new and old. Quran identifies Jesus, Moses, Isaac, etc.... are prophets sent from God to spread the word of God. You can't be a true Muslim without believing in ALL God's prophets and their messages.

Sorry for the lengthy explanation but I couldn't let this go without correction.

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Question: Lets say hypothetically he declares for us Jan 5 (or whatever the date of the AA game is). Tim Williams Official Visit is January 18. Do you think this will have any effect Williams? Can we take both? I'd love to have both and figure it out later (Ricardo Williams or Jalen Grimble exit stage left please?).

I'm kind of brainstorming out loud here.

How many teams take one DE in a class? Very rare.
Just heard he has been wearing the UM hat he got from Grace non stop at school since his trip

Probably trolling but


Meaningless. these kids love doing this stuff. whether it's wearing a hat, or flashing a U, etc. Half the time they commit somewhere else.

Yo what's up with you lately man lol...everything okay at home?

el oh el. Too many years of recruiting disappointments at the hands of Shannovidotti.

Also, I'm real nervous about DL recruiting this year.


Wolf, u are being setup if u think UM is getting everyone and don't have an idea who we actually have a shot at and who we don't.

Thanks for that excellent analysis bub.
I saw him play against STA, and he was dominant. He would be a huge addition to this class, but based on everything I've read he seems like a long shot for UM.

Yep... that **** looked like an Athletic Collegiate Defensive End. He was in St Thomas's backfield all night long.
Do ND recruits or DBP players engage in the recruiting games? People have told me that STA kids don't play those games.

Here is an story on Muhammad that just came out.. could reschedule the ND visit... up in the air.


"Muhammad took an official visit to Miami (Fla.) on Dec. 7, and thought highly of it. He highlighted the campus, eateries, the climate and facilities as the most impressive parts of the experience."

That flies in the face of all the talk about how bad our facilities are.
I bet this kid's grandmammy and grandpappy would frown upon him attending a catholic school.

What the heck does that mean? Muslims and conservative Catholics are very similar (I'm not even going to speculate on whether he is actually Muslim or whether his parents are practicing)
SoutbCane, i am very aware that Jews are also people of the book. The difference is that they r mortal enemies. My boy got kid out of his Master's program at DePaul for goin off on a ****** kid in his class about what is goin on in the Mid East. All over who got that true blessing from Abraham.