A quick update after talking to some people

this board never ceases to amaze me. Yes there were alot of insider's saying this class would be even better than last years class. seems now that a few kids committed elsewhere and it's back to Mario sucks and can't recruit? after going 5-7 and signing a top 8 class lol.. It's July 1st. there is still a whole season of football to be played and alot of flips to happen.. Miami fans are a joke. if I was a kid I wouldn't want to deal with this whining *** cutthroat fanbase either

Last year I was pretty negative on the offense at this time. From the receivers dropping balls and not picking up the scheme to the Ol being one injury away from being a **** show. This year I feel much better about things. From the OL being bigger / deeper , skill players being more spread out with guys being put in position to succeed and just a more mature group. On top of that being much more talented, which always helps. Dawson is the complete opposite of Gattis , schematically , coaching style and personality wise. Tbh the entire staff is total 180.
***** recruiting: 15-0 LFG
Had me until the last part. Several kids have committed to Miami with lower offers compared to other programs because of relationships.

Nebraska was more desperate to get him and there is a reason for that.
I lost myself on that as well. Toxicity by cannabis. I still like the beginning.
It’s comical that there are people in here 🖕🥱👎 at posters for speaking the truth in a non-inflammatory manner. If we’re not paying like others after 5-7, and/or losing ground on guys like Scott, what do you expect from people - trust the process and evals, wait for the on-field coaching…???

Less than 4 weeks and counting down Slurpers.
Usual suspects that think they know something but don’t know their *** from a hole in the ground.
The 5-7 season hurt us way more than Miami people was letting on. It’s not just the offense that needed to prove itself this season but our defense needs to prove they are improved. Mario really ****ed up his first season here, it’s going take a lot to show top tier recruits that Miami is the place to come.
Last year, Mario sold his vision before he coached a game at Miami and players bought into it.

Now, if he sells the same vision, players have a 5-7 disaster of a season to look at from 2022. That's why you keep reading the "we have to win games" narrative popping up a lot.
Wait , you mean to say leaving an emoji reaction isn’t good enough of an explanation? We were obviously wrong with those comments , just apologize to the “ living legend “ and move along friend.
There's another poster who's been doing the same thing for a bit but seemingly gets a pass. I'm old school, i prefer a true response......but it's not just a 'Chise thing. He's not breaking his vow of silence anytime soon, if ever.
Last year, Mario sold his vision before he coached a game at Miami and players bought into it.

Now, if he sells the same vision, players have a 5-7 disaster of a season to look at from 2022. That's why you keep reading the "we have to win games" narrative popping up a lot.

Mario fired most of the coaches and did a full-on reboot, so maybe he can try selling that vision 2.0 thing.
I promise this is not a i told u so post because i was all in on mario coming too. But shortly after hearing interviews and people talking about how it all went down the red flags where very clear to me.

After the last almost 20 years of bad coaching hires and incompetence from the administrators, and fresh off of not doing a real coaching search and hiring manny diaz because of relationships he has with people connected…We literally go out again and do the exact same ****????? Even tho mario is more proven than manny HOW can u not do a real coaching search this time??? THIS SAME WAY OF THINKING HAS BURNT US FOR 20 YEARS. So now they have a more proven coach that they have relationships and more money into the program they think its gonna just be all good now huh???

Rudy Fernandez literally said on a podcast after hiring rad and mario he had two names at the start of the process and was gonna go all in for them. So after 20 years we didn’t learn anything, we literally just went with guys that we have past connections with but just give them money this time like that solves it all. And then we hear the people with the money were reportedly saying they would only commit the money if the coach is mario??? Thats literally amateur **** man we are one of the greatest programs u should be willing to commit money to anyone if your goal is for us to succeed.

I hate long posts but i had to rant lol, and im still gonna give mario time to fix ****..Because wtf else am i gonna do lol
Not sure if we gotta rehash the Mario hire stuff but there was two big issues I saw with it potentially

1. No search
2. Making him basically unfireable from a money perspective but also from surrounding him with his buddies

We’ve made both of those mistakes several times now

But it’s too late for that now
There's another poster who's been doing the same thing for a bit but seemingly gets a pass. I'm old school, i prefer a true response......but it's not just a 'Chise thing. He's not breaking his vow of silence anytime soon, if ever.
I don’t even have reactions turned on so I could care less about that type of stuff tbh with ya. People can down vote me or use whatever other emoji they want. My response was more tongue and cheek.