A note on the Portal...

Because there is not a ton of money in ANY Baseball NIL program, I would be willing to hazard a guess that he ends up at UCF. State tuition, plus some local Orlando NIL opportunities (Cyr went to Windermere, where all the current and retired athletes live) are going to be better than almost anything else he can line up.
Yep. Baseball doesn’t have near the money for nil and money for the sport in general but I’m sure Cyr could do better than most in the bsssball nil world. Nobody is getting rich though lol
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Because there is not a ton of money in ANY Baseball NIL program, I would be willing to hazard a guess that he ends up at UCF. State tuition, plus some local Orlando NIL opportunities (Cyr went to Windermere, where all the current and retired athletes live) are going to be better than almost anything else he can line up.
I disagree the $EC puts a ton of money into their baseball programs. You should take a look at some of those stadiums. It’s just that the programs that really care meaning heavily invested is limited. It’s not a priority in the Big 10, when the former cheap owners of the Mets, the Wilpons are one of their big boosters that tells you all you need to know about the money involved there. I’d be shocked if he doesn’t end up at an SEC program. A borderline first round pick next year is going to get money.
I get the frustration. I’m not feeding you the company line because I don’t know the company line, at least from the coaches’ side.

I do work closely with Canes Connection, and they are bringing an innovative approach to this process that goes beyond writing checks. I’m excited to see the results, but I understand the wait and see attitude.
We all cried that Miami has no money, now we have a premier NIL program so money is not an issue. We can see that clearly with football. Mario is an aggressive recruiter who brings in the players, we just don’t see that in baseball with JD. I’m hoping he proves us wrong and pulls an FSU and turns the program around in year two but I wouldn’t put any real money on that.
I disagree the $EC puts a ton of money into their baseball programs. You should take a look at some of those stadiums. It’s just that the programs that really care meaning heavily invested is limited. It’s not a priority in the Big 10, when the former cheap owners of the Mets, the Wilpons are one of their big boosters that tells you all you need to know about the money involved there. I’d be shocked if he doesn’t end up at an SEC program. A borderline first round pick next year is going to get money.
Big 10 programs have so much money coming from Network they can’t spend it all. That’s having almost all of them invest in baseball. We’ve seen the Big-10 improve substantially in baseball because all of them are building indoor facilities with upgraded tech.

Miami facilities are behind a lot of northern schools now because the program has rested on the expectations that tradition and weather will keep them winning.

They need a shift and real investment or they’ll be lapped by SEC etc.
Big 10 programs have so much money coming from Network they can’t spend it all. That’s having almost all of them invest in baseball. We’ve seen the Big-10 improve substantially in baseball because all of them are building indoor facilities with upgraded tech.

Miami facilities are behind a lot of northern schools now because the program has rested on the expectations that tradition and weather will keep them winning.

They need a shift and real investment or they’ll be lapped by SEC etc.
Tired of being told how much Miami cares, while evidence continues to mount that we do not.... being lapped and resting on expectations is not caring and advancing the program...
Big 10 programs have so much money coming from Network they can’t spend it all. That’s having almost all of them invest in baseball. We’ve seen the Big-10 improve substantially in baseball because all of them are building indoor facilities with upgraded tech.

Miami facilities are behind a lot of northern schools now because the program has rested on the expectations that tradition and weather will keep them winning.

They need a shift and real investment or they’ll be lapped by SEC etc.
Didn’t they just have a 10 million dollar upgrade like a year ago?
I disagree the $EC puts a ton of money into their baseball programs. You should take a look at some of those stadiums. It’s just that the programs that really care meaning heavily invested is limited. It’s not a priority in the Big 10, when the former cheap owners of the Mets, the Wilpons are one of their big boosters that tells you all you need to know about the money involved there. I’d be shocked if he doesn’t end up at an SEC program. A borderline first round pick next year is going to get money.

Look, you are entitled to your opinions, but you're just wrong about this.

You are trying to cite "stadiums" to rebut my comments on NIL. How bizarre.

Yes, SEC programs, which are predominantly located at flagship land-grant state universities, have had the ability to spend a few dollars ON BASEBALL STADIUMS over the past 100 years. Yay.

But that's not the same as budgeting NIL, which of course comes from a different type of donor than the "I want my name on a building" donor. And this vague amorphous set of assumptions on how much NIL is being paid in baseball is just misguided. Yeah, it's easy for people to say "so-and-so is going to get paid", when you don't know what the market is, and how even the "mighty" SEC baseball programs have not devoted a lot of money to baseball NIL.

Just re-read what @Cribby posted. He lives in an SEC town, he is very knowledgeable on this. NONE of the baseball programs have devoted a lot of money to NIL, because they haven't had to. Has nothing to do with "this kid is going to be a first rounder". It's just the market.

"Could" Cyr get NIL from just about any school in the country? Sure. But he's from Windermere. Maybe you're not familiar with the area, but it's very wealthy and it's where a ton of current and retired pro athletes live. I don't want to make too many assumptions, but I highly doubt that Cyr's family had to struggle to cover the rest of Blake's tuition.

So if you convert his tuition to "state rates", then it's not like he has to use NIL to cover the cost of his education. And if his primary motivation is family-related, given his father's passing, then I'd expect UCF to be his most likely choice. He's just an East-West Expressway drive from home.

I know, I know, all of the "high baseball IQ" porsters are going to tell us how Cyr is some kind of mercenary who is just going to sign for a few thousand more NIL at some SEC school. And it could happen.

But with Norberto Lopez being at UCF, with Texas-Oklahoma leaving the Big 12, and with the idea that you really wouldn't need a ton of NIL to satisfy any transfer (even a "future first rounder"), then I think it's very possible that UCF could contend for the Big 12 championship next year and be an attractive landing spot for Blake.

We shall see.
I def think UCF makes sense but he is a power hitting MIF. I would not be shocked if UF, FSU, and even an out of state big name like LSU/Tenn make a run. Texas loses a ton too. They will be in the market for difference makers

But UCF sounds like a safe bet.
Didn’t they just have a 10 million dollar upgrade like a year ago?
This is a fair point. About half of this went to a new outfield wall, turf, and video board. $2m of it went to expanding the weight room. And they upgraded the indoor facility to get their pitch machines and cages to baseline of what is acceptable.

They spent something like $500k on LED lights and televisions, and new field turf in the weight room.

It’s nice. Not sure I wouldn’t have rather seen them spend some of those millions on updated performance tech they could build a pitching lab and swing lab with, but they did upgrade things.

Where the commitment needs to come from (in my opinion) is in spend on players/coaches and expanding their footprint a bit with their recruiting.

But it is fair to point out they have gone from a dumpster fire in facilities to in the game at least outside of power SEC clubs.
This is a fair point. About half of this went to a new outfield wall, turf, and video board. $2m of it went to expanding the weight room. And they upgraded the indoor facility to get their pitch machines and cages to baseline of what is acceptable.

They spent something like $500k on LED lights and televisions, and new field turf in the weight room.

It’s nice. Not sure I wouldn’t have rather seen them spend some of those millions on updated performance tech they could build a pitching lab and swing lab with, but they did upgrade things.

Where the commitment needs to come from (in my opinion) is in spend on players/coaches and expanding their footprint a bit with their recruiting.

But it is fair to point out they have gone from a dumpster fire in facilities to in the game at least outside of power SEC clubs.
A lab with multiple Florida locations approached Jim Morris and Blake James back in 2017 or 2018 - before Wake developed their state-of-art pitching lab - wanting to partner and open a facility with all of the same capabilities as Wake. Also, like WF, they wanted to be able to use it during certain hours through the week and off-seasons for camps and mainly sessions with mostly a professional pitcher/MiLB and MLB focus. Miami would have been the first program to have this capability. Now everyone has it.. including Appalachian State.. and Miami doesn't.

I don't remember exactly what the proposal wanted and maybe it was outlandish but I don't think that was the case. Basically wanted to partner with UHealth to have a physician and the medical backing and only some of the funding and then a small facility. Wake's is only about 30 feet wide by 90 feet long. It would have been much larger than that here.

Instead, Blake James said he'd rather focus on bleachers and video boards and Jim Morris said physics and labs in baseball "are a bunch of abracadabra hocus pocus bull ****" and it ended right there.

Still feel like the avenue is there. Wake partnered with their medical school and hospital to build it and staff it. Miami should do the same with UHealth - especially with the alarming rate of TJ going on with this program.
That is amazing. I'd approach Tread, RPP, **** even Driveline and see if they are interested.

I'm 44...I'm caught between old school and new school but the two can work together. But if you totally ignore tech today you are doing a disservice to the kids.
Stephen Clyne with TBT Training tried. A Clemson alum... trying to benefit UM

I think he proposed it in 2018 and ended up doing his own thing and securing funding for his current facility in Boca and opened it in 2019 and it took off.
It’s nice. Not sure I wouldn’t have rather seen them spend some of those millions on updated performance tech they could build a pitching lab and swing lab with, but they did upgrade things.
I could have sworn that when the millions of dollars of improvements were going on/announced, that the analytics and "lab" style stuff was supposed to be a part of that. That was the word anyways. You're telling me they bypassed all of that?
Stephen Clyne with TBT Training tried. A Clemson alum... trying to benefit UM

I think he proposed it in 2018 and ended up doing his own thing and securing funding for his current facility in Boca and opened it in 2019 and it took off.
yeah...I should have said thats amazing...ly frustrating.

Revisit it...I like the idea of partnering up with a big name. I know Cressey is more performance and less mound work but just something to attach our name to that kids know about.
A lab with multiple Florida locations approached Jim Morris and Blake James back in 2017 or 2018 - before Wake developed their state-of-art pitching lab - wanting to partner and open a facility with all of the same capabilities as Wake. Also, like WF, they wanted to be able to use it during certain hours through the week and off-seasons for camps and mainly sessions with mostly a professional pitcher/MiLB and MLB focus. Miami would have been the first program to have this capability. Now everyone has it.. including Appalachian State.. and Miami doesn't.

I don't remember exactly what the proposal wanted and maybe it was outlandish but I don't think that was the case. Basically wanted to partner with UHealth to have a physician and the medical backing and only some of the funding and then a small facility. Wake's is only about 30 feet wide by 90 feet long. It would have been much larger than that here.

Instead, Blake James said he'd rather focus on bleachers and video boards and Jim Morris said physics and labs in baseball "are a bunch of abracadabra hocus pocus bull ****" and it ended right there.

Still feel like the avenue is there. Wake partnered with their medical school and hospital to build it and staff it. Miami should do the same with UHealth - especially with the alarming rate of TJ going on with this program.

Yeah, I walked around the UCF facilities when we played them over 2 years ago, and I thought "what is all this stuff, and why do we not have it?".

And my first "oh ****" moment with Radakovich happened about a year-and-a-half ago at a luncheon when he was asked about adding seating capacity to the Light, and he said it wasn't necessary. All I could think about was how little land we actually have, and how you could at least IMPROVE the existing seating while adding new facilities underneath or to the back of the new seating.

So...yeah...we need to catch up on this stuff.
Stephen Clyne with TBT Training tried. A Clemson alum... trying to benefit UM

I think he proposed it in 2018 and ended up doing his own thing and securing funding for his current facility in Boca and opened it in 2019 and it took off.
Wow...that's what they are doing in that office building/warehouse off of Yamato?
Look, you are entitled to your opinions, but you're just wrong about this.

You are trying to cite "stadiums" to rebut my comments on NIL. How bizarre.

Yes, SEC programs, which are predominantly located at flagship land-grant state universities, have had the ability to spend a few dollars ON BASEBALL STADIUMS over the past 100 years. Yay.

But that's not the same as budgeting NIL, which of course comes from a different type of donor than the "I want my name on a building" donor. And this vague amorphous set of assumptions on how much NIL is being paid in baseball is just misguided. Yeah, it's easy for people to say "so-and-so is going to get paid", when you don't know what the market is, and how even the "mighty" SEC baseball programs have not devoted a lot of money to baseball NIL.

Just re-read what @Cribby posted. He lives in an SEC town, he is very knowledgeable on this. NONE of the baseball programs have devoted a lot of money to NIL, because they haven't had to. Has nothing to do with "this kid is going to be a first rounder". It's just the market.

"Could" Cyr get NIL from just about any school in the country? Sure. But he's from Windermere. Maybe you're not familiar with the area, but it's very wealthy and it's where a ton of current and retired pro athletes live. I don't want to make too many assumptions, but I highly doubt that Cyr's family had to struggle to cover the rest of Blake's tuition.

So if you convert his tuition to "state rates", then it's not like he has to use NIL to cover the cost of his education. And if his primary motivation is family-related, given his father's passing, then I'd expect UCF to be his most likely choice. He's just an East-West Expressway drive from home.

I know, I know, all of the "high baseball IQ" porsters are going to tell us how Cyr is some kind of mercenary who is just going to sign for a few thousand more NIL at some SEC school. And it could happen.

But with Norberto Lopez being at UCF, with Texas-Oklahoma leaving the Big 12, and with the idea that you really wouldn't need a ton of NIL to satisfy any transfer (even a "future first rounder"), then I think it's very possible that UCF could contend for the Big 12 championship next year and be an attractive landing spot for Blake.

We shall see.
It's ironic that you tell him his opinions are wrong but you claim your's and other valued opinions to be fact on the issue of NIL, which unlike coaching salaries aren't public record...yet. Canesfreak is a player in NIL and he keeps the figures of his deals with UM players close to the vest and rightfully so. The numbers that most or all of these kids are getting is just speculation.

But to think that SEC programs that are averaging 10,000 people at games aren't a much bigger presence in the NIL game than most of the other programs in the country is a bit naive.
I def think UCF makes sense but he is a power hitting MIF. I would not be shocked if UF, FSU, and even an out of state big name like LSU/Tenn make a run. Texas loses a ton too. They will be in the market for difference makers

But UCF sounds like a safe bet.
Florida was entertaining portal guests yesterday and today. I'm guessing that Cyr is on that guest list.