A note on the Portal...

Throwing in my own $0.02 on the JD/D-Go godfather/godson situation...I'll never ask someone to apologize for looking out for their family, blood or adopted or whatever.


JD's first job as leader of this program is to do the right thing *for the program*. If he basically chose D-Go (because of their relationship) over Cyr and in effect ran Cyr off, then that alone is a fireable offense and shows he can't be the leader of this program. I'm sorry, but his decisions about this roster have to be grounded in what's best for the program, and his personal relationship with D-Go has to come secondary to that.

It's the same stuff we heckled Richt for w/his son as OC, and that we've laughed at Mario over regarding Lou being a scholarship OL on this roster. Can't give JD any kind of pass on the same kind of thing.
I personally thought Dorian was going to need to transfer after JD got the job just because of the optics that would come if he were a starter. But he did everything to shut everyone up. Let’s not forget the fact that Cyr was borderline unplayable defensively and constantly being replaced late in games last season. Dorian had a monster fall, was elected a team captain and was our second best position player all year. Even before Cyr got hurt, Dorian was hitting better than him this year. This debate is a low hanging fruit but really holds no merit if you look at production from this past year
Vine Ok GIF
I'll be interested to see Lance's breakdown on Hugus. Ignoring the ERA, the walks, while improved over his freshman year, are high for my liking.
He is focusing only on pitching now so there is some projection based on his athleticism and arm.
I personally thought Dorian was going to need to transfer after JD got the job just because of the optics that would come if he were a starter. But he did everything to shut everyone up. Let’s not forget the fact that Cyr was borderline unplayable defensively and constantly being replaced late in games last season. Dorian had a monster fall, was elected a team captain and was our second best position player all year. Even before Cyr got hurt, Dorian was hitting better than him this year. This debate is a low hanging fruit but really holds no merit if you look at production from this past year
Dorian did perform well, absolutely. He probably maximized his skills for most of the season more than anyone on the roster not named Cuvet. I’ve given him his flowers when he’s earned them. I like him as a player.

Cyr was u playable defensively at a position (OF) that was really unnatural for him. He’s a MIF and mainly a 2B. Shoe on the other foot, if D-Go would have been put in the OF and Cyr at 2B, who knows…the discussion could have ended up how “unplayable defensively” D-Go would have been in the OF. Instead, he’s at his natural spot and improved at the plate enough to have success this year. Part of that is JD putting him in the best spot to succeed…and that’s just a fact.

That being said, my point stands. Low hanging fruit or not, JD is in the business of managing the team. If his relationship with D-Go is hurting that to the point of running off a talented guy like Cyr, or even if it’s not recruiting a transfer 2B that could be an upgrade (because we need upgrades all over the field except at 3B)…then that’s a major issue.
Other than Vandy's run for a few years, the SEC is still LSU and UF only when it comes to baseball IMO. You'll have the occasional outlier every 25 years or so like Ole Miss. And the conference gets every benefit of the doubt in seedings, yet typically choke on the big stage (just like every SEC team in basketball that isn't UK).

If we'd ever get our act together, we could be right there w UVA going to Omaha every other year.
Super super low on the JD hire to begin with. I thought he was deserving of being fired as the pitching coach before getting the HC job.

But I do like the staff he has in place. I like the new analytics they’ve introduced and only scratched the surface on their capabilities in year 1. I like the fight we had in Charlotte. Some solid and superstar pieces coming back (I hope) and as usual we’re very highly rated in recruiting. The new NCAA rules allowing scholarships to all athletes will really bolster us in general and level the playing field to other in-state schools

He was also handcuffed to the portal in year 1 due to timing of when he was hired. If they’re going to be super aggressive in the portal and remake the roster.. definitely willing to buy in for year 2 and see what happens. If Cyr, Cuvet, and Torres stick around, maybe Dorian comes back and make some solid additions it could be a dangerous lineup. I think pitching has a long way to go and don’t know they can do it all through the portal.
Pitching is the biggest disappoint with JD. For me, it was no excuse. He'd been the pitching coach for 2 decades. Pitching should have been stacked with arm talent in his transition to HC. Why he was not able to stack pitching talent is beyond me.
Pitching is the biggest disappoint with JD. For me, it was no excuse. He'd been the pitching coach for 2 decades. Pitching should have been stacked with arm talent in his transition to HC. Why he was not able to stack pitching talent is beyond me.
I think pitching has always been a disappointment at Miami in terms of how many guys ended up having good to really good pro careers. There isn't even a Testaverde type that at least had a really long career, that I'm aware of. We have only ever had at the very best guys that were really good college pitchers and that was it.