Mario went into Osu and beat Day head-to-head. Day has been at OSU for a min, Mario has bounced around building different programs. So, at the moment yes it seems like Day is the better coach but let's not act like Day hasn't continuously fumbled the bag. You think Day could inherit the Miami team before Mario came here and turn us around? I doubt it, cause all we've seen from him is inheriting talent and getting to the playoffs and losing. There is NO excuse to have Stroud (1st RD QB) and (4 1st Wr's )Wilson, Olave, Harrison, JSN on one team and not have a NC to show for it. He has continuously done LESS with MORE. Spent 20 mil on a roster this year and obviously made the stupidest choice to take Howard over Ward (I'm not complaining, I appreciate the stupidity) which will probably come back to bite them. OSU fans will also tell you his Defensive coaching staff is an issue. It's his job to fix it he won't. Is Day a good coach yea for sure but no he is not ELITE AT ALL. Elite coaches win a NC with all the talent that he gets. You think Saban or Myers doesn't win National Championships with that talent lets be fr! Its so bad OSU made him go get Chip Kelly. Lets please not sit here and act like Ryan Day is that Guy. He's had plenty of opportunity to show us that he is and fails every time and quite frankly his time is running out. OSU is getting restless. What do you think is going to happen if they spent all that money on the roster and going to get Chip Kelly and doesn't win the NC? Its literally NC or Bust this year.