Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

Seriously, CaneOil, I'm a UM graduate and am embarrassed to see that InstaGram note, purportedly from JT4. I'm hoping it's phony because, if it isn't, he had no business being enrolled at UM.
That comment has NOTHING to do with my support for the kid. I feel for him. If I had a one year old child 1000 miles away, and had to juggle academics (which he appears unprepared for), and football pressures, I'd need to "clear my head" too. Looks to me like he was set up to fail from the get-go here at UM.

If you watched 89 Blocks without orange & green tinted shades, you could clearly see this kid was coddled. Kid barely showed up to school & practices and was still allowed to play...I'm not surprised at all by the lastest turn of events.
You know, I have been around a long time. I identified Sam Shields as a converted WR who would play years in the NFL based on speed alone. He had done that. JT has speed. You can't coach that chit. You either have it or you don't. JT has it. He will have a long career in the NFL regardless of what happens at UM. So why should we not do EVERYTHING possible to rectify whatever issue is going on here. We got NO other receiver close to his talent. .
How many people think this would happen under Jimmy Johnson? Or Saban, Urban, Dabo, or any number of coaches? Mork simply does not know how to manage personalities. Stop making excuses for him!

You think Playmaker was an easy personality to navigate while at UM? Nobody with any sense would say yes.

The fact that this staff and others are trying to use Thomas's past to try justify dismissing for what may or may not have happened is disgusting.
Urban covered up Aaron Hernandez and Reggie Nelson shooting into a occupied vehicle amoung others. Bad example.
The point you were trying to make was that not even Urban would keep a malcontent and he kept more than that around.
You people acting like JT never gave his all on every play for UM are ridiculous. The kid balled every minute he played here. Really, is reality this hard for you? The kid was a last minute addition, even the coaches didn't expect him to sign, and he did and he did nothing but worked his butt off and played great given the QB's Richt trotted out there. I don't blame coaches often but in this situation, I think certain coaches egos are detrimental to the team.
Here is the deal... JT was a problem. Problem getting him eligible. Problem keeping him happy. And the big one is problem with production. He has first round drama with 7 th round talent. We couldn't win with him, so if he is a problem go. It just was not worth it. Flush the toilet.
Erryone on here acting like he was Randy bleeping Moss. Nope.
BS Jeff Thomas is First Round NFL talent and if you think otherwise you need to go back to high school coaching.
And btw I like Mark Richt personally but he has TOTALLY messed up the great second chance Miami gave him after being fired by University of Georgia. He had a chance to prove he was the great offensive coordinator he was in the late 1990s' early 2000. Instead of bringing someone competent to help him prove that, he hired his kid. His kid, unfortunately isn't up to the job. And his schemes don't work without Bobby Bowden offensive talent. It sucks but it is what it is.
No you don't let this kind of talent walk away. You don't do that at Alabama, FSU, UF, Clemson, Oklahoma, USC, or any other top program. You just DO NOT DO IT. You bend over backwards to make it right. JT is the BEST receiver we have had since 1980's and way better than AR. You are committing football suicide in doing this and yes, the guys leaning pro now will go pro after this. Totally asinine move.

I hope your joking around..
BS Jeff Thomas is First Round NFL talent and if you think otherwise you need to go back to high school coaching.
5’10” 170lbs and isn’t Hester fast. 1st round talent? No way... 3rd rounder who’s had limited production in 2 years. Now I understand he’s had Rosier throwing him the ball but still.
5’10” 170lbs and isn’t Hester fast. 1st round talent? No way... 3rd rounder who’s had limited production in 2 years. Now I understand he’s had Rosier throwing him the ball but still.

Limited production he’s running wide open all game
Best of luck to the young man but it’s time for the young bull Mike Harley to step up next... one man don’t stop no show... Coach Richt leading us in the right direction.
Young bull? Mike Harley is built more like a skinny calf