Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

Put a quality OL on the field and a QB with accuracy, and even 3-star WRs will produce. Losing Thomas hurts, but it is not the end of the world. More important are 1) hiring an OC 2) quality and depth on the OL 3) settling on one QB and coaching him up. Another thought: If Thomas was not perceived as a problem coming out of high school, the bag men at Bama and OSU would have delivered.
I am all for a change. Leach, Babers, Campbell, Butch.... But not Locksley ! I am from New Mexico, he was a disaster at UNM . No thanks

Holy **** if we had Leach they’d score 100 points a game. I don’t know that it would be legal to enjoy watching football that much.
No you don't let this kind of talent walk away. You don't do that at Alabama, FSU, UF, Clemson, Oklahoma, USC, or any other top program. You just DO NOT DO IT. You bend over backwards to make it right. JT is the BEST receiver we have had since 1980's and way better than AR. You are committing football suicide in doing this and yes, the guys leaning pro now will go pro after this. Totally asinine move.

From all that I have been reading, it appears that starting with his recruiting the Canes coaching staff consistently bent over backward for Thomas. If true, and the same behavioral issues persist, there comes a point in which it is time to stand upright and look the kid in the eye and tell him that he can fall in line or pursue other opportunities. No more having one set of rules for the team, and another set of rules for Jeff.

Sadly, the kid had a bad reputation coming out of high school, now this story adds to his legacy, which will make him finding employment within the NFL a higher mountain to climb.

I wish him well.
Man y’all giving this kid a HUGE pacifier..huge nipple to suck on..for whatever reason even throughout a 10 win season he was upset..for whatever reason..that tells u something about a cat..even tho he the only guy on the O eating and having a breakout season, he is me that tells me the narrative of “his unhappy about the offense is BS” I said from what is rumored a incident went down with him and coach either mon or tues( I’m guessing mon)..the next day he don’t show up for meeting and practice..the coaches meet with him and even cover for him during the media questions..coaches meet with him and either he acted a *** when approached with discipline or was shown the as far as this “stardom treatment” and rolling out the red carpet..let’s get something straight. Jeff will be missed these next 2 games..but NO1 player is the dif from a ship unless it’s a QB or Heisman level player..Jeff is not either this richt should’ve rolled over for him is bogus..this is coming from a “millennial”..if what is rumored he did is true. U can’t get away with it in real life or the nfl
I didn't say anything about pacifying the kid or rolling out the red carpet. I said, let the players deal with him to a point. Provide a buffer. In a strong locker room this BS would never happen. It would have been squashed last year. If anything Richt is discouraging the locker room because he doesn't empower his players to handle player issues that would be squashed. Instead he scolds the guys trying to take leadership. Richards, Perry, both were scolded when checking their teammates. He's not a lone. Most college coaches control and want to control everything while most NFL coaches let the team leaders deal with a lot of the issues. It's all a part of the growth for these young men, Let them lead.
I’ve seen situations where the best leaders couldn’t handle a kid that didn’t want to have any authority over him. What I meant to say about the media and fans was that how bad could the situation be with this kid. I’m trying to wrap my head around what could possibly make this kid just bounce like that.
Maybe dugans pushed too hard. But we don’t know what he fugg this kid was doing to make him push like that. We don’t know what this kid was doing to **** people off like that.
I see your point about the coaches needing to stop this from getting to this point. But it’s not like the kid was benched.
This is the vacuum you get from fans when the coaching staff says nothing on the dismissal. People will fill in their own blanks and some will be angry with the staff. They may be protecting the player and themselves, but then need to say more than just, "this is an internal issue and we're not going to discuss it." Your house just burned down and everyone wants to know what happened. It's an internal issue that we're not going to discuss. Come on.
Well the real world no free lunch will do all the teaching necessary.

Followed by , I didn’t know why me usually heard from kids whom think they know the world at 18 years old or so.

All you can do is wish him well and hope Yearby syndrome isn’t severe.

I’m sure many people have tried to show JT4 the way but the cerebral frontal cortex won’t allow it .

JT4 wants to be an adult...

BS Jeff Thomas is First Round NFL talent and if you think otherwise you need to go back to high school coaching.

It is not enough to possess a million dollar talent, but have a five dollar head. Should a player have a bad reputation coming out of high school, and then it intensifies in college to a point he's invited to leave a major football program there is not a prayer in **** that he will be an NFL first-round pick, second-round pick and possibly even a third-round pick.
You are making assumptions and assertions based upon watching a game as a fan.

How do you know Richt wants to be an authoritarian and what he may/may not view as disruptive?

This might be the most ridiculous drivel I've seen on the board today.
I'll tell you why. Because they have left a vacuum for fans to fill by not telling us anything after a major event. This will blow up in their faces with fan anger until they tell the fans something. Secondly, as I stated, he clearly views players "checking" other players as being disruptive. He jumped on Richards when he checked Rosier. He jumped on Perry when he checked Wiggins when he dropped several balls. That is called leadership. So, if you are a player and see that from the coach, then you're not going to step up as a leader when it comes time for player self corrections. These kids are teammates and brothers. They can say things to each other that a coach can't. When you were a kid, your parents would tell you not to do this or that thing because it was bad. You or anyone else won't listen to their parents telling you your messing up your future by doing xyz, but if your best friend tells you that your f'ging up and get your **** together, your going to listen.

A lot of things could get squashed if you let the players handle it. No better reason, than when you have a player acting like a primadonna. WR room could have talked to him. Could have got Gerald Willis to talk to him. I think Willis could have prevented this from happening. He's an out of state kid like Jeff Thomas. Has been thru some things that Thomas would or should respect. Could talk about life and making it to the next level.

The worst part about this dismissal is that it has hurt and affected everyone from now former teammates, recruits, fans, and Jeff Thomas himself. Thomas has just set himself back 2 years. He's going to have to sit out next year wherever he transfers to. Will he have the discipline to stay focused for an entire year not playing? Would have been in the NFL next year. At minimum he's 2 years away and maybe 3. NFL scouts will now question his character. I hope he turns it around somewhere else. Maybe he can have his own Gerald Willis story.
His maturity if any will be tested on his very first day in an NFL camp when a DB is backpedaling as JT4 is freaking out why he can’t break free like he did in his short college career LMAO.

Then his PRIDE will begin to EAT at him on why he can’t compete against NFL scout team players.

JT4 has no solid BASE on his talent lost by leaving it will be exposed by an NFL free agent player who’s had to work for every thing and will BEAT JT4 till JT4 recognizes he needs to nurture and mold his very RAW talents.

NFL speed and talent level is WAY beyond JT4 comprehension.

This is the vacuum you get from fans when the coaching staff says nothing on the dismissal. People will fill in their own blanks and some will be angry with the staff. They may be protecting the player and themselves, but then need to say more than just, "this is an internal issue and we're not going to discuss it." Your house just burned down and everyone wants to know what happened. It's an internal issue that we're not going to discuss. Come on.

To accomplish what you want would most probably damage Jeff even further when going public with the details of his dismissal. The coaching staff handled that portion of the story properly. And no, I don't believe for one second that this was a mutual decision as Jeff indicated in his note, that was a kind gesture by UM.
You do realize that in the 30 years since the 80's we've 50+ WRs play in the NFL including several sure fire Hall of Famers (Andre Johnson, Reggie Wayne, etc). Jeff Thomas isn't even half as good as Travis Benjamin.
Dude just stop. You’re coming off angry and brain damaged.
To accomplish what you want would most probably damage Jeff even further when going public with the details of his dismissal. The coaching staff handled that portion of the story properly. And no, I don't believe for one second that this was a mutual decision as Jeff indicated in his note, that was a kind gesture by UM.
To accomplish what you want would most probably damage Jeff even further when going public with the details of his dismissal. The coaching staff handled that portion of the story properly. And no, I don't believe for one second that this was a mutual decision as Jeff indicated in his note, that was a kind gesture by UM.
Correct. You should protect the player. However, you should say something more than, "It's an internal issue." At minimum, the head coach should say, "I met with Jeff Thomas. We discussed his career here at UM. Jeff wants to move on. I respect his decision. I wish him well."
Correct. You should protect the player. However, you should say something more than, "It's an internal issue." At minimum, the head coach should say, "I met with Jeff Thomas. We discussed his career here at UM. Jeff wants to move on. I respect his decision. I wish him well."

youre not important. no real fan is. every coach in every college will give the same media lines to cover up what's up. get over it. you read the issues going with thomas all day today given the herald and CIS reporting. you knew what happened, so stop with this nonsense. jeff even confirmed it all with his statement and damaged his reputation further.
So it’s on MR for taking him..if agree with that. But since we did give him the opportunity most major schools wouldn’t I can’t blame the staff for him ******* it up...even with his grades, most schools would stand by you until it’s clear your not gonna make it. And for a kid who’s is a top 50 player they’d hold that wasn’t just his grades that scared ppl off.

Pete even came on here and said that he wasn't recruited as much because of his grades. People didn't know about his issues in HS until the 89 Blocks documentary came out.
From what I read in the Miami Herald JT4 needs attitude adjustment if allowed back JT4 will not change PRIDE is his issue and needs some DESERT TIME to get his head straight.

Illinois can’t fix it JT4 has baggage I’m not to sure they welcome this infestation.

NFL can fix this real quick , cut JT4 loose if not the soap opera ain’t over.

A few thoughts:

1. He won’t really be missed due to severe underutilization (thanks Mork)

2. We are on self-probation with all this attrition we had the last 3 years. Whether he deserved to get kicked out or not, still Morks fault (recruiting knuckle heads/unable to control them or being too harsh on punishment)

3. Hire a real OC

4. Butch would have been a better hire

5. ****
My team 1st mindset detects a huge ME focus in JT4 .

Only cure is for him to take ME to another CFB team or the NFL to see if ME FIRST can get him more ME time.

His maturity if any will be tested on his very first day in an NFL camp when a DB is backpedaling as JT4 is freaking out why he can’t break free like he did in his short college career LMAO.

Then his PRIDE will begin to EAT at him on why he can’t compete against NFL scout team players.

JT4 has no solid BASE on his talent lost by leaving it will be exposed by an NFL free agent player who’s had to work for every thing and will BEAT JT4 till JT4 recognizes he needs to nurture and mold his very RAW talents.

NFL speed and talent level is WAY beyond JT4 comprehension.


U can only hope mark pope is as good as Jeff Thomas. Raw talent he is a top 5 WR in the country with a competent QB and OC
From all that I have been reading, it appears that starting with his recruiting the Canes coaching staff consistently bent over backward for Thomas. If true, and the same behavioral issues persist, there comes a point in which it is time to stand upright and look the kid in the eye and tell him that he can fall in line or pursue other opportunities. No more having one set of rules for the team, and another set of rules for Jeff.

Sadly, the kid had a bad reputation coming out of high school, now this story adds to his legacy, which will make him finding employment within the NFL a higher mountain to climb.

I wish him well.
How did they bend over backwards for JT?