Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

You are making assumptions and assertions based upon watching a game as a fan.

How do you know Richt wants to be an authoritarian and what he may/may not view as disruptive?

This might be the most ridiculous drivel I've seen on the board today.
No, You haven't been reading these boards. The fanbase if you wanna call it that have the maturity level of an 8 year old.
It's not his relationship with the media and the fans. It's either the coaches. It's their job to to keep players together. This is a failure on the coaches. You can't have one of your best players leaving. Not good for the team. Not good for JT4. JT4 Just set himself back 2-3 years as he will have to redshirt next year elsewhere.
I’ve seen situations where the best leaders couldn’t handle a kid that didn’t want to have any authority over him. What I meant to say about the media and fans was that how bad could the situation be with this kid. I’m trying to wrap my head around what could possibly make this kid just bounce like that.
Maybe dugans pushed too hard. But we don’t know what he fugg this kid was doing to make him push like that. We don’t know what this kid was doing to **** people off like that.
I see your point about the coaches needing to stop this from getting to this point. But it’s not like the kid was benched.
Just wait until the wheels truly come guys have stopped at contemplating player transfers during the offseason...I am talking about the exodus of coaches, and not the ones that we want gone. I can see Diaz moving on and taking a HC gig this offseason. You would think Dugans is set since he just signed, but I could see an SEC school coming to knock on his door. All the while, Searles will not be fired this offseason bc you have Corch Richt telling recruits that we should have the best O Line next season since Richt has been here. That doesn't sound like a man that is resolute in firing an underachieving Corch next month. Jr will still be here as QB corch solely bc he is Jr. We Fücked
It certainly makes the NOT TOP 10
Did not want. Was way too talented from the get go. He was one of a handful of pieces keeping the U from being Wake Forrest. Now we are one huge step closer to completing the BOT’s goal of being a lukewarm Coastal pretender that secures ACC checks. The grand plan is nearing completion. Guess it’s finally time to resign myself to the reality that my homestate KY Wildcats are a stronger football team and program than this U. Dear God I can’t believe life brought me to this point.
He left no choice and the situation was handled accordingly. No player is bigger than an entire program. We got 70 something other dudes that play and practice their heart outs. What kind message you send to them letting this **** slide?

Why don’t we have 84 other dudes?
Shocked that somebody actually posted something that makes sense. No coach is going to keep a malcontent whose a cancer,. Not Saban, Urban, Butch or any big time coach...
Didn't Urban keep Percy Harvin even after he hit the wr's coach. Urban was all about winning.
It's not his relationship with the media and the fans. It's either the coaches. It's their job to to keep players together. This is a failure on the coaches. You can't have one of your best players leaving. Not good for the team. Not good for JT4. JT4 Just set himself back 2-3 years as he will have to redshirt next year elsewhere.
Man y’all giving this kid a HUGE pacifier..huge nipple to suck on..for whatever reason even throughout a 10 win season he was upset..for whatever reason..that tells u something about a cat..even tho he the only guy on the O eating and having a breakout season, he is me that tells me the narrative of “his unhappy about the offense is BS” I said from what is rumored a incident went down with him and coach either mon or tues( I’m guessing mon)..the next day he don’t show up for meeting and practice..the coaches meet with him and even cover for him during the media questions..coaches meet with him and either he acted a *** when approached with discipline or was shown the as far as this “stardom treatment” and rolling out the red carpet..let’s get something straight. Jeff will be missed these next 2 games..but NO1 player is the dif from a ship unless it’s a QB or Heisman level player..Jeff is not either this richt should’ve rolled over for him is bogus..this is coming from a “millennial”..if what is rumored he did is true. U can’t get away with it in real life or the nfl
So it’s on MR for taking him..if agree with that. But since we did give him the opportunity most major schools wouldn’t I can’t blame the staff for him ******* it up...even with his grades, most schools would stand by you until it’s clear your not gonna make it. And for a kid who’s is a top 50 player they’d hold that wasn’t just his grades that scared ppl off.
He was an entitled malcontent, He was kicked off his high school team.....He was a cancer. No coach would put up with that, Bobby Bowden kicked Randy Moss off his team for a lot less. Moss was a generational talent, Thomas is a entitled dime a dozen receiver. I will be surprised if we ever hear about him again.
Man y’all giving this kid a HUGE pacifier..huge nipple to suck on..for whatever reason even throughout a 10 win season he was upset..for whatever reason..that tells u something about a cat..even tho he the only guy on the O eating and having a breakout season, he is me that tells me the narrative of “his unhappy about the offense is BS” I said from what is rumored a incident went down with him and coach either mon or tues( I’m guessing mon)..the next day he don’t show up for meeting and practice..the coaches meet with him and even cover for him during the media questions..coaches meet with him and either he acted a *** when approached with discipline or was shown the as far as this “stardom treatment” and rolling out the red carpet..let’s get something straight. Jeff will be missed these next 2 games..but NO1 player is the dif from a ship unless it’s a QB or Heisman level player..Jeff is not either this richt should’ve rolled over for him is bogus..this is coming from a “millennial”..if what is rumored he did is true. U can’t get away with it in real life or the nfl
Totally agree, Jeff Thomas was a good not a great receiver....they acting like he was OBJ.
I'll give an analogy that maybe dates me. Reggie Jackson was the greatest baseball player of his generation at least in terms of HR's. Billy Martin knew he had personal issues but respected his unbelievable talent as a player. So he kind of bent over back word to keep him happy. Some times that is what a coach has to do. Richt screwed this year up when he hung with Malik when every players on the team, including its most talented player, (JT) knew Nkosi should be playing. I don't know all the internal dynamics behind that but I can't say I am surprised that a player wouldn't want to bank on Richt playing the most talented player since he didn't do it this year. Look, Richt was a backup at UM. He got beat out by more talented players. When he signed with UM from Boca I was a PB County resident and really wanted him to win the job. He just never showed the talent and a guy named Mike Rodrigue(?) was better than him. So his affinity for the less talented guy at QB is not surprising. But under NO CIRCUMSTANCE do you not doing EVERYTHING possible to keep a guy like JT in your program. You go to him, you BEG and PLEAD with him to stay. You do not LET HIM GO regardless of the transgression unless it involves something criminal or affect NCAA eligibility. I have given Richt COMPLETE benefit of the doubt but this is a GAME CHANGER for me. If he doesn't make this right he deserves to be OUT OF HERE.
So Richt has a "high standards for excellence" but some how that means nothing when hiring his inexperienced son as Qb coach? Where were those standards for excellence then, coach Pricht?
Remember when Brown said there was a cancer on the team? Sucks that he was the best player we have.
I'll give an analogy that maybe dates me. Reggie Jackson was the greatest baseball player of his generation at least in terms of HR's. Billy Martin knew he had personal issues but respected his unbelievable talent as a player. So he kind of bent over back word to keep him happy. Some times that is what a coach has to do. Richt screwed this year up when he hung with Malik when every players on the team, including its most talented player, (JT) knew Nkosi should be playing. I don't know all the internal dynamics behind that but I can't say I am surprised that a player wouldn't want to bank on Richt playing the most talented player since he didn't do it this year. Look, Richt was a backup at UM. He got beat out by more talented players. When he signed with UM from Boca I was a PB County resident and really wanted him to win the job. He just never showed the talent and a guy named Mike Rodrigue(?) was better than him. So his affinity for the less talented guy at QB is not surprising. But under NO CIRCUMSTANCE do you not doing EVERYTHING possible to keep a guy like JT in your program. You go to him, you BEG and PLEAD with him to stay. You do not LET HIM GO regardless of the transgression unless it involves something criminal or affect NCAA eligibility. I have given Richt COMPLETE benefit of the doubt but this is a GAME CHANGER for me. If he doesn't make this right he deserves to be OUT OF HERE.
We did it with willis. What makes you think the staff just quit on him and weren’t trying. Some of you on here acting like the dude spoke up once and we sent him packing.
Stop comparing a pro athlete in the 70’s to a 19 year old from today. If pro and college athletes today acted like pro baseball players of the 70’s we would have law suits filed daily.
I'll give an analogy that maybe dates me. Reggie Jackson was the greatest baseball player of his generation at least in terms of HR's. Billy Martin knew he had personal issues but respected his unbelievable talent as a player. So he kind of bent over back word to keep him happy. Some times that is what a coach has to do. Richt screwed this year up when he hung with Malik when every players on the team, including its most talented player, (JT) knew Nkosi should be playing. I don't know all the internal dynamics behind that but I can't say I am surprised that a player wouldn't want to bank on Richt playing the most talented player since he didn't do it this year. Look, Richt was a backup at UM. He got beat out by more talented players. When he signed with UM from Boca I was a PB County resident and really wanted him to win the job. He just never showed the talent and a guy named Mike Rodrigue(?) was better than him. So his affinity for the less talented guy at QB is not surprising. But under NO CIRCUMSTANCE do you not doing EVERYTHING possible to keep a guy like JT in your program. You go to him, you BEG and PLEAD with him to stay. You do not LET HIM GO regardless of the transgression unless it involves something criminal or affect NCAA eligibility. I have given Richt COMPLETE benefit of the doubt but this is a GAME CHANGER for me. If he doesn't make this right he deserves to be OUT OF HERE.
In what world is Thomas the equal of Reggie HOF Jackson
No you don't let this kind of talent walk away. You don't do that at Alabama, FSU, UF, Clemson, Oklahoma, USC, or any other top program. You just DO NOT DO IT. You bend over backwards to make it right. JT is the BEST receiver we have had since 1980's and way better than AR. You are committing football suicide in doing this and yes, the guys leaning pro now will go pro after this. Totally asinine move.
No you don't let this kind of talent walk away. You don't do that at Alabama, FSU, UF, Clemson, Oklahoma, USC, or any other top program. You just DO NOT DO IT. You bend over backwards to make it right. JT is the BEST receiver we have had since 1980's and way better than AR. You are committing football suicide in doing this and yes, the guys leaning pro now will go pro after this. Totally asinine move.

You do realize that in the 30 years since the 80's we've had 50+ WRs play in the NFL including several sure fire Hall of Famers (Andre Johnson, Reggie Wayne, etc). Jeff Thomas isn't even half as good as Travis Benjamin.
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