Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

Mark Richt should be fired for an ever growing number of reasons. One of those many reasons is because he can't manage his star players.

If Thomas was looking to transfer during the spring after getting a good amount of burn as a freshman, how would you have managed Thomas?
I don't like that comment. I guess I'm getting soft as an old guy. I wish this kid the best. I can remember how lost I was at 20, it's not easy for everyone.
I hope JT gets some clarity in his life to go along with his exceptional talents. He may need to go through the boot-camp of life before this can happen. But it also seems that Richt doesn't have a hold of this team/offense and turmoil is rampant. We need a new direction asap or we're toast.
Zero rings club is full of Prima Donna receivers.
We can blame cmr for a lot of stuff but 1 kid infected an entire position room. A kid that would
Be leaving to the nfl next year if he didn’t have an attitude problem. So what we’re not winning. So what Pope doesn’t want to block. He was the premiere target this year but kept running his mouth. Iplayers that produce on the field influence other players greatly. He could’ve been more positive about it. He could’ve been out there with pope and Harley working on blocking and at least showing that he’s bringing the next man up. He could’ve been telling pope not to worry bruh your time to shine is coming. Other Teams have gone through worse stretches than this. He could’ve been a first rounder. We criticize the fugg out of dudes leaving early when they weren’t ready. Jt4 would’ve been ready after next season. But we’re her blaming the coaches?
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What else can we expect from this Dumpster season?
Not defending MR here but how do any of us know that he kicked him off the team? What if he committed some sort of crime or compliance violation that can't be undone?
There in lies the problem. In this era of transparency, coaches like Richt think they can just say nothing when a huge event like this takes place. The public doesn't need to no everything, but you have to give some reason for his dismissal other than, "this is an internal matter." People are going to speculate and fill in the vacuum void of information with theories and speculation. This can backfire on the coaching staff because fans become outraged as you are already seeing here. Without explanation, recruits can be turned off. Locker rooms can become divided.

One thing I dislike about Richt is that he seems to not let the players correct themselves. We've seen it over and over again. Ahman Richard's getting in Rosier 's face. N'kosi getting in receiver's face. Richt views it as a threat to the team, while other like myself view it as leadership. Kid's get tired of hearing, "it's my way or the highway!!!" A lot of kids are like, "f'it. I'm gone!!!" There's no outlet with the coaching staff. It's just, "Do as your told!!!" If Jeff Thomas didn't show up for meetings and practice, it's more likely he iwas acting out of frustration to a coach that won't listen to him. Dont look at him as being immature and/or selfish. These kids see how several NFL players have not shown up to campus and practices over disputes.

Richt seems to be drunk with power. Stuck in the 80's and 90's coaching style. Stubborn. Unwilling to change. You have to empower your players. They need to feel they're a part of the process. It's been said this thing started after last season. How does something like this even get to this point?

I'm sure Thomas became frustrated with the play calling. He may have complained to Richt. Richt may have scolded Thomas, "Let me do the coaching!!!!" I don't know. This is just my speculation. And that is the problem. I shouldn't have to speculate. It's just creating more angry fans.
Don't give a **** about this quiter.
Next man up... Bye Felicia
People were shying away from him because they didn't think he'd qualify. And in the end, you (the staff) fostered an environment that allowed him to feel comfortable in acting out the way he did. And since he sees others not being held accountable to performance related goals like Rosier and Richt's own son as QB coach, he probably didn't take Richt seriously at that point.
So it’s on MR for taking him..if agree with that. But since we did give him the opportunity most major schools wouldn’t I can’t blame the staff for him ******* it up...even with his grades, most schools would stand by you until it’s clear your not gonna make it. And for a kid who’s is a top 50 player they’d hold that wasn’t just his grades that scared ppl off.
From what I can gather this kid is braindead. Waste of talent. Kick rocks.
Zero rings club is full of Prima Donna receivers.
We can blame cmr for a lot of stuff but 1 kid infected an entire position room. A kid that would
Be leaving to the nfl next year if he didn’t have an attitude problem. So what we’re not winning. So what Pope doesn’t want to block. He was the premiere target this year but kept running his mouth. Iplayers that produce on the field influence other players greatly. He could’ve been more positive about it. He could’ve been out there with pope and Harley working on blocking and at least showing that he’s bringing the next man up. He could’ve been telling pope not to worry bruh your time to shine is coming. Other Teams have gone through worse stretches than this. He could’ve been a first rounder. We criticize the fugg out of dudes leaving early when they weren’t ready. Jt4 would’ve been ready after next season. But we’re her blaming the coaches?

I do blame the coaches. See my other post in this thread. This should have never gotten to this point. The fact that Richt wants to be the authoritarian manifests these problems. When players get in each other's faces to check them, Richt views it as disruptive to the team rather than what I would call leadership. We saw it with Ahman Richard's and Rosier, Perry and Wiggins. Both trying to exert leadership, that Richt views as disruptive when a player checks another. That could and should have happened with Thomas. He could have gotten Gerald Willis to talk to Thomas. A true leader. Player's don't want to hear "it" from coaches, but they will accept from their peers.

No player is going to quit the team or sit out of meetings and practice if another player is telling him to, "Get your **** together!!!" If a group of players deal with the issue, then even better. This all screams a need for a players' leadership council. The player's can speak their mind to the council and the council can talk frankly with the coaches. This gives a nice buffer between players and coaches.

I doubt Richt would ever do that because I believe he would see it as a threat to his power.
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I will stand by statement... rich has done a poor job all 3 seasons he’s been here. I’d gladly go into detail, discuss and even debate... but that’s not your thing.
Please go into further detail..discregard this season..I want to year how he was incompetent years 1&2
I do blame the coaches. See my other post in this thread. This should have never gotten to this point. The fact that Richt wants to be the authoritarian manifests these problems. When players get in each other's faces to check them, Richt views it as disruptive to the team rather than what I would call leadership. We saw it with Ahman Richard's and Rosier, Perry and Wiggins. Both trying to exert leadership, that Richt views as disruptive when a player checks another. That could and should have happened with Thomas.

No player is going to quit the team or sit out of meetings and practice if another player is telling him to, "Get your **** together!!!" If a group of players deal with the issue, then even better. This all screams a need for a players' leadership council. The player's can speak their mind to the council and the council can talk frankly with the coaches. This gives a nice buffer between players and coaches. I doubt Richt would ever do that because I believe he would see it as a threat to his power.
So you know all of this dictator type behavior is 💯 true? Or is it more cis talk and sauces?
Not saying it isn’t either cause idk.
But the dude gets major and I mean major love from his former players. So it I doubt all of the Shiite we are hearing is true. I think the qb situation killed the morale of the receiving group and jt4 put gasoline on it.
Brooklyndee even said he fudged up the qb situation. And he checked outa here a few weeks ago.
However jt4 was the last person that should’ve been *****ing since he was the only mf’er keeping this team alive!! I can understand pope and ezzard wanting to be out there but dude he was getting mad love on and off the field form the media and the fans. Please tell me another receiver in the acc that’s balling more than this dude. But he’s upset enough to want to sit out a year and go to a team that might lose more games than us!!!
So you know all of this dictator type behavior is 💯 true? Or is it more cis talk and sauces?
Not saying it isn’t either cause idk.
But the dude gets major and I mean major love from his former players. So it I doubt all of the Shiite we are hearing is true. I think the qb situation killed the morale of the receiving group and jt4 put gasoline on it.
Brooklyndee even said he fudged up the qb situation. And he checked outa here a few weeks ago.
However jt4 was the last person that should’ve been *****ing since he was the only mf’er keeping this team alive!! I can understand pope and ezzard wanting to be out there but dude he was getting mad love on and off the field form the media and the fans. Please tell me another receiver in the acc that’s balling more than this dude. But he’s upset enough to want to sit out a year and go to a team that might lose more games than us!!!
It's not his relationship with the media and the fans. It's either the coaches. It's their job to to keep players together. This is a failure on the coaches. You can't have one of your best players leaving. Not good for the team. Not good for JT4. JT4 Just set himself back 2-3 years as he will have to redshirt next year elsewhere.
I do blame the coaches. See my other post in this thread. This should have never gotten to this point. The fact that Richt wants to be the authoritarian manifests these problems. When players get in each other's faces to check them, Richt views it as disruptive to the team rather than what I would call leadership. We saw it with Ahman Richard's and Rosier, Perry and Wiggins. Both trying to exert leadership, that Richt views as disruptive when a player checks another. That could and should have happened with Thomas. He could have gotten Gerald Willis to talk to Thomas. A true leader. Player's don't want to hear "it" from coaches, but they will accept from their peers.

No player is going to quit the team or sit out of meetings and practice if another player is telling him to, "Get your **** together!!!" If a group of players deal with the issue, then even better. This all screams a need for a players' leadership council. The player's can speak their mind to the council and the council can talk frankly with the coaches. This gives a nice buffer between players and coaches.

I doubt Richt would ever do that because I believe he would see it as a threat to his power.

You are making assumptions and assertions based upon watching a game as a fan.

How do you know Richt wants to be an authoritarian and what he may/may not view as disruptive?

This might be the most ridiculous drivel I've seen on the board today.
Zero rings club is full of Prima Donna receivers.
We can blame cmr for a lot of stuff but 1 kid infected an entire position room. A kid that would
Be leaving to the nfl next year if he didn’t have an attitude problem. So what we’re not winning. So what Pope doesn’t want to block. He was the premiere target this year but kept running his mouth. Iplayers that produce on the field influence other players greatly. He could’ve been more positive about it. He could’ve been out there with pope and Harley working on blocking and at least showing that he’s bringing the next man up. He could’ve been telling pope not to worry bruh your time to shine is coming. Other Teams have gone through worse stretches than this. He could’ve been a first rounder. We criticize the fugg out of dudes leaving early when they weren’t ready. Jt4 would’ve been ready after next season. But we’re her blaming the coaches?
Shocked that somebody actually posted something that makes sense. No coach is going to keep a malcontent whose a cancer,. Not Saban, Urban, Butch or any big time coach...