Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

Lol what’s funny is I understand a kid like JT4 better than 99% of you soft *** bxxxx on this board... which is why I don’t judge him and hope he lands on his feet and becomes an NFL Star like he is suppose to be.

I also know that a kid like him is going to be **** near impossible for him to take in coaching.. .. he didn’t listen to coaches and mentors in his own community.

But you whiny soft hearted clowns on this board think y’all would handle this situation much better than Richt?? When most of you clowns tense up when a black dude is even walking ur direction unless he’s wearing a uniform showing he belongs to something you’re comfortable with gtfoh fxxxt
I so desperately wish I was part of a different fan base when this guy posts.
Yet, I am not. Guess what? You think JT is the first football player that requires extra maintenance? Jimmy Johnson said it best in terms of star players and I'm paraphrasing here - if Troy Aikman was caught sleeping in a meeting, he'd ask the person next to him to fill him in. If it was a role/special teams player, he would cut him immediately. Richt's system and lack of awareness along with how he mishandled this entire season is likely the affect of why Thomas was disgruntled (you and I can argue night and day about it, but no one truly knows). Also, this is the 3rd WR that has been kicked off the team for similar issues. No one really disagreed with Sam Bruce and Mullins. But this is now the 3rd guy, all of which the staff has recruited. This is not an issue of where it's Golden's unruly players. These are Richt's players.

And yet, you guys are the same ones that are going to make excuses for Richt later on that he just needs to keep getting more recruiting classes here and that he doesn't have enough talent. The endless cycle of excuses keeps on turning.
Dont forget that all 4 of our Qbs have been suspended this year. The Offensive coaches are responsible for this culture.
Its incredibly telling that the defensive side of the ball is running extremely smoothly.
No, because JT would have gotten drug up and down the locker room for acting out like that thinking he was bigger than the team. And the second he quit the first time he would have gotten bounced out of the locker room like he snuck into VIP at the club when trying to come back. The players handled the out of control attitudes themselves.

True. But I doubt they'd have to tighten him up.. it's a lot easier to stay dialed in when you're surrounded by savages (coaches and players). No comparison between this iteration of Canes compared to Butch's teams.
True. But I doubt they'd have to tighten him up.. it's a lot easier to stay dialed in when you're surrounded by savages (coaches and players). No comparison between this iteration of Canes compared to Butch's teams.
That’s because those were different times. FIU ain’t got no savages bruh and they can recruit 3 stars from inner city Miami and have some dawgs. The problem is there aren’t many left.
Jeff Thomas failed this program. Don’t get it confused.
Seriously, people need to realize that we worked with Gerald Willis of all people to get his **** straight. Yes, richt may be the world's worse, but richt doing these kids wrong is the last of our worries.

Jeff quit on his highschool team and was such a cancer, some of his teammates voted him off the team. Jeff can be upset all he wants with how things are ran, but he still quit, just like he did in highschool. When he encounters adversity, he caves, that is obvious.

Same thing with Pope and others. Entitiled. Demanding starting time as true freshmen. Richt has shown us that he isn't scared to play freshman. See rosseau and others. If these kids put their head down and earned it, they'd be better off.

Off the top of my head, I've seen Pope in the game a few times and each time he made a simple mistake. A flag here and a missed block there.

Now, none of the above excuses Richts inability to call an offense or run a program. Regardless, these players need to get over themselves
For those who insist that we have "depth" at WR, we do not. We have bodies. The "next man up" is nowhere close to JT's talent.
Pope is garbage???

that's a boldddddd statement cotton!!!
I didn't say that.

But, because you bring it up, has Pope shown you something to suggest he is near or at JT's level? I'm curious what film you are watching.
That’s because those were different times. FIU ain’t got no savages bruh and they can recruit 3 stars from inner city Miami and have some dawgs. The problem is there aren’t many left.

When I say savages, I don't just mean thugs. I mean savage mentality and savage talent. And it's kind of hard to have that talent when you have to recruit 2-stars. Saban, Dabo, Jimbo never had problems getting them. They're there.. We just can't get them anymore.
No matter who was right or wrong, recruits are going to side with JT. They'll see a start receiver and a crap offense and say I don't blame him for leaving. Richt has no juice or street cred, Saban yes, Richt no. The public perception will not be good among recruits.

Just waiting to see what JT has to say on social media.

Richt can't repair this mess.

After the bowl game CMR needs to step down for the good of the program.
Dont forget that all 4 of our Qbs have been suspended this year. The Offensive coaches are responsible for this culture.
Its incredibly telling that the defensive side of the ball is running extremely smoothly.

Three. Rosier hasn't been suspended. But yes, your point still remains fact.
I wouldn’t expect the players to not show him love and support him. No reason for them to completely shun him. He’s still their brother. Just like a family that has the sibling or crazy uncle that keep messing up. You support him, but there comes a point where you can’t be apart of it anymore. Just my opinion on the player tweets. I’m sure some other player might leave but it would be dumb for them to do it in solidarity over someone who showed little care for them and left them high and dry, twice now.

I expect the exodus of more (offensive side) players in the offseason as the staff doesn't know manage the roster and doesn't really know what they're doing overall from a schematic standpoint.
“It’s an in-house issue, we’re handling it in-house,” Brown said. “I’m not going to make a public comment about it.”
In house like the offensive play calling?
so accommodate one player. That doesn’t happen in college and certainly not the NFL bro. Abs once again Dugans doesn’t seem like that type of some point bro self accountibily has to come..but to a degree I agree with u.

This isn’t accommodating one player. It’s using different techniques/motivations for the player, based on what that player will respond to. That’s being done more and more at every level of sport.

These coaches are making a fortune to produce wins. Not bothering to consider who the player is before acting is as lazy as not bothering to game plan each week.

Again... I’m not saying that jt should be allowed to be late for practices. I’m saying the coaching staff needs to be smart enough to not drive away a star player when disciplining him.

They know what they’ve got w JT. They know he’s fragile. Who benefits from the way they handled it?

No one.