Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

I expect the exodus of more (offensive side) players in the offseason as the staff doesn't know manage the roster and doesn't really know what they're doing overall from a schematic standpoint.
“I will give him [time] to make changes,” Hill, a former Homeland Security agent, said in a rant on WQAM’s Marc Hochman and Channing Crowder show on Tuesday. And if he doesn’t, “then I will start [divulging] what I really know. What can they do to me? I’m already in the [UM] Hall of Fame.”

Hill said of Richt: “If you do the same thing and expect different results, you are crazy…. That’s a clear cut sign of insanity. Make some changes. You haven’t changed anything. Ask Al Golden and Randy [Shannon] how that went for them…. Shame on them.”
It's amazing how many mouth breathers we have in this fanbase. You really think Thomas got booted for no good reason? Who really believes that crap? You think that Richt, who has stood by guys like Gerald Willis, who left and then came back, and Cade Weldon, who is merely taking up a roster spot, would ditch his best receiver for ***** and giggles? No rational person would believe that, but as we've seen, rational thought is anathema to large swaths of this fanbase.

JT4 had to have done something really crappy, and it's not like he hasn't had problems before. We are talking about a guy who was kicked off his HS team. It takes a lot of dumb crap for a guy as talented as JT4 to get kicked off his HIGH SCHOOL team. This is the downside of taking guys that have obvious behavioral issues. Yes, some work out ,but most of them flame out. I'm not going to blame the staff for a guy who people were shying away BEFORE he came to campus. The only thing any of us can hope for is that this young man gets his life together, before he ends up another dude on the block.
This isn’t accommodating one player. It’s using different techniques/motivations for the player, based on what that player will respond to. That’s being done more and more at every level of sport.

These coaches are making a fortune to produce wins. Not bothering to consider who the player is before acting is as lazy as not bothering to game plan each week.

Again... I’m not saying that jt should be allowed to be late for practices. I’m saying the coaching staff needs to be smart enough to not drive away a star player when disciplining him.

They know what they’ve got w JT. They know he’s fragile. Who benefits from the way they handled it?

No one.

Plus they recruited him
It's amazing how many mouth breathers we have in this fanbase. You really think Thomas got booted for no good reason? Who really believes that crap? You think that Richt, who has stood by guys like Gerald Willis, who left and then came back, and Cade Weldon, who is merely taking up a roster spot, would ditch his best receiver for ***** and giggles? No rational person would believe that, but as we've seen, rational thought is anathema to large swaths of this fanbase.

JT4 had to have done something really crappy, and it's not like he hasn't had problems before. We are talking about a guy who was kicked off his HS team. It takes a lot of dumb crap for a guy as talented as JT4 to get kicked off his HIGH SCHOOL team. This is the downside of taking guys that have obvious behavioral issues. Yes, some work out ,but most of them flame out. I'm not going to blame the staff for a guy who people were shying away BEFORE he came to campus. The only thing any of us can hope for is that this young man gets his life together, before he ends up another dude on the block.

People were shying away from him because they didn't think he'd qualify. And in the end, you (the staff) fostered an environment that allowed him to feel comfortable in acting out the way he did. And since he sees others not being held accountable to performance related goals like Rosier and Richt's own son as QB coach, he probably didn't take Richt seriously at that point.
I didn't say that.

But, because you bring it up, has Pope shown you something to suggest he is near or at JT's level? I'm curious what film you are watching.

Im guessing you just want to forget about how good he was in High school and that he was a 5 star recruit...

Your fixing to learn his name now that hes fixing to climb up that depth chart now that JT4 is gone your gonna hear more from MP6
Im guessing you just want to forget about how good he was in High school and that he was a 5 star recruit...

Your fixing to learn his name now that hes fixing to climb up that depth chart now that JT4 is gone your gonna hear more from MP6

Hope you are right, but part of being a 5 star is running the right routes and learning the plays.
This isn’t accommodating one player. It’s using different techniques/motivations for the player, based on what that player will respond to. That’s being done more and more at every level of sport.

These coaches are making a fortune to produce wins. Not bothering to consider who the player is before acting is as lazy as not bothering to game plan each week.

Again... I’m not saying that jt should be allowed to be late for practices. I’m saying the coaching staff needs to be smart enough to not drive away a star player when disciplining him.

They know what they’ve got w JT. They know he’s fragile. Who benefits from the way they handled it?

No one.
People were shying away from him because they didn't think he'd qualify. And in the end, you (the staff) fostered an environment that allowed him to feel comfortable in acting out the way he did. And since he sees others not being held accountable to performance related goals like Rosier and Richt's own son as QB coach, he probably didn't take Richt seriously at that point.

Do you realize how lazy and half assed you have to be to NOT(Or be borderline) qualify as a student athlete at most major schools? If you are literate and can take a multiple choice test, you will most likely stand a fighting chance of qualifying. JT's problem was that A)He doesn't show up to class, and B)He's apparently a whiner. Good luck getting people to put up with that on a long term basis. Frankly, the FIRST time he would have whined at a place like Alabama or Clemson, his career would have been over. This is the problem, Miami doesn't have the depth to weed people like Thomas out. Go back and look at when Jimmy or dare I say Butch were in charge. If you were a baby back *****, you would get passed by someone who was ready to grind. You had to EARN privileges from guys like Jimmy, Howard and Butch. They may have bent the rules for some guys, but even they had limits. Jimmy once left The Playmaker on the tarmac in Dallas, because he had a firm flight time. Howard kicked numerous kids out in his day.
I any organization, no one individual is bigger than the sum of all individuals. I've seen it time and time again where one or more people get "special" treatment and it creates a cancer that can only be cured by removing those people at the core of the disease.

I certainly wish no ill will to JT4 and hope he becomes successful at whatever he pursues. We may never know all the details of this situation and maybe we shouldn't. Some things are better left unsaid.
Do you realize how lazy and half assed you have to be to NOT(Or be borderline) qualify as a student athlete at most major schools? If you are literate and can take a multiple choice test, you will most likely stand a fighting chance of qualifying. JT's problem was that A)He doesn't show up to class, and B)He's apparently a whiner. Good luck getting people to put up with that on a long term basis. Frankly, the FIRST time he would have whined at a place like Alabama or Clemson, his career would have been over. This is the problem, Miami doesn't have the depth to weed people like Thomas out. Go back and look at when Jimmy or dare I say Butch were in charge. If you were a baby back *****, you would get passed by someone who was ready to grind. You had to EARN privileges from guys like Jimmy, Howard and Butch. They may have bent the rules for some guys, but even they had limits. Jimmy once left The Playmaker on the tarmac in Dallas, because he had a firm flight time. Howard kicked numerous kids out in his day.

You just argued against yourself. That's not the case anymore. Richt has a propensity for playing senior players over more talented and deserving players. Also, you shouldn't probably bring up the "earn" anymore. Did Jon Richt EARN the QB coaching job?
Hope you are right, but part of being a 5 star is running the right routes and learning the plays.

Yup, dudes 18 and is a true frosh!

How much into the books and worrying about the little things were you at that age?

Im pretty sure you were worried about getting poon and where the party was at every weekend at that age

Pope is gonna learn at this level you cant just cruise along with talent alone (obviously he can now look at JT4)
I spoke to someone close to a defensive leader. They didn't want JT4 back.

Richt deserves all the blame in the world for this season, but this one is JT4. He quit on the team like he did in high school.

I'm not gonna argue that in this particular instance Jeff Thomas wasn't in the wrong.

Though big picture, all of these things are interconnected.

You knew who he was when you signed him. Like it or not, he is one of the best talents we've had here in over a decade.