Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

No matter who was right or wrong, recruits are going to side with JT. They'll see a start receiver and a crap offense and say I don't blame him for leaving. Richt has no juice or street cred, Saban yes, Richt no. The public perception will not be good among recruits.

Just waiting to see what JT has to say on social media.

Richt can't repair this mess.

After the bowl game CMR needs to step down for the good of the program.
Richt isn’t going to step down nor should he.
This isn’t accommodating one player. It’s using different techniques/motivations for the player, based on what that player will respond to. That’s being done more and more at every level of sport.

These coaches are making a fortune to produce wins. Not bothering to consider who the player is before acting is as lazy as not bothering to game plan each week.

Again... I’m not saying that jt should be allowed to be late for practices. I’m saying the coaching staff needs to be smart enough to not drive away a star player when disciplining him.

They know what they’ve got w JT. They know he’s fragile. Who benefits from the way they handled it?

No one.
I see who gets it and who don’t. **** is not so black and white as a lot of people make it seem.

Anyone with multiple kids should understand what you said. Growing up, after doing something stupid, my parents would beat my *** and I would act right. But my older brother, he would get it worse, but go right back out and continue with the bs.
I spoke to someone close to a defensive leader. They didn't want JT4 back.

Richt deserves all the blame in the world for this season, but this one is JT4. He quit on the team like he did in high school.

Are all the ***aloons in this thread going to come back and eat crow? ****heads like CaneGrad94 ruin the site and should be BANNED
We lost our best receiver because of every good player should be upset at the s...t show Richt is running and while I agree that the coaches can not permit players to get into verbal arguments with them this would had not happened if they were winning.
I see who gets it and who don’t. **** is not so black and white as a lot of people make it seem.

Anyone with multiple kids should understand what you said. Growing up, after doing something stupid, my parents would beat my *** and I would act right. But my older brother, he would get it worse, but go right back out and continue with the bs.
That’s it dude.. people respond differently to different discipline.

If Richts goal is to make these kids better human beings, as he says it is, then he should understand this too.
A struggling offense dismissed its best player.

Unless he raped or killled someone you do WHATEVER it takes to hold onto these guys and use them

This is fast approaching golden levels and in many ways has surpassed it
I was pretty upset about this move earlier and then watched the movie 89 blocks to see what kind of person Jeff Thomas was and now I can completely understand why he was dismissed. Jeff could be a 1st round pick if he gave his everything to football. It's sad to see him doing this to himself.
Am I the only one that feels Richt is TRYING to ***** us up?
If that’s the case, dude had to go. No staff can afford to let that happen and the kid stay on the team. Sucks for us and was a lose-lose situation if that happened.

Think about this... Look at all Richt has tolerated with the QBs maturity issues and the way their behavior has impacted the growth of the team to the degree that Malik is the only reliable QB. Richt has been in these kid's corners since he arrived on campus and tries to instill discipline that goes beyond football. Look at what happened with Gerald Willis and how he's responded to standards. Now this happens with Jeff Thomas and people have the nerve to be upset with coach Richt? As if he wants anything other than success for the entire program? C'mon man.

The softness is strong within the fanbase.
I spoke to someone close to a defensive leader. They didn't want JT4 back.

Richt deserves all the blame in the world for this season, but this one is JT4. He quit on the team like he did in high school.

Blah blah blah. Richt gets paid 4 mill to figure it out. Winning coaches get the benefit of the doubt. This fits with the rest of this **** season. The whole ******* mess is unacceptable on every level. A chimpanzee could do his job right now.
A struggling offense dismissed its best player.

Unless he raped or killled someone you do WHATEVER it takes to hold onto these guys and use them

This is fast approaching golden levels and in many ways has surpassed it

nah, integrity first and foremost. If Dugan's couldn't salvage or control the situation then I can't see how anyone could be mad at Richt. Sounds like hands were forced on this one.
So you wanna fire mark richt because of this Jeff Thomas spoiled brat type behavior...WTF is wrong with you?
I wanna fire Mark Richt because of 3 seasons of incompetence, which includes the mishandling of his best player.
Wtf is going on with this team? How we lose 5 games with this ****** schedule? AR and JT4 in the same year? We gotta be the laughing stock of college football. What recruits do this coaching staff expect to bring in? The dysfunction is embarrassing as a fan so I know the players are mad. Richt has seriously screwed us with his mismanagement of the program this season.