Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

You would have thought Jeff Thomas would have learned his lesson when not many major programs recruited him out of high school. I hope best for the kid that he can figure out being a quitter is not to way to live your life.

Can’t wait for a mature kid like hasslewood to come in and be a leader for this offense. Can’t win games with a bunch of Indians and no chiefs. We need leaders on this offense who motivate and try and make guys better instead of worrying about their own stats. Thought this was DJ Dallas but he has disappeared since the fumbles. We have over 5 guys like this on defense.
So the former BrooklynDee says everyone is transferring in the WR roo
and Williams is also out at QB. So we’d be lucky to win 6 or 7 games next year
quitting in HS (skipping practices, etc)
grades were an issue which turned off a lot of major schools
his hs coach said he likes to wall himself off from people as a protective mechanism
That's really unfortunate. If true, I hope the kid gets it together.
People can grasp at straws and call him a locker room disruption all they want. But we've now seen Brevin Jordan and Cager react negatively to Jeff Thomas no longer being on the team. See, you can pull this **** when you have the track record for it. When your offense isn't a complete **** show and you haven't turned a once promising season into a dumpster fire. This is on Richt.

I wouldn’t expect the players to not show him love and support him. No reason for them to completely shun him. He’s still their brother. Just like a family that has the sibling or crazy uncle that keep messing up. You support him, but there comes a point where you can’t be apart of it anymore. Just my opinion on the player tweets. I’m sure some other player might leave but it would be dumb for them to do it in solidarity over someone who showed little care for them and left them high and dry, twice now.
So what are we going to say about the other players that’s been showing their displeasure with richt ****** offense, ie mark pope, brevin Jordan Harley and lo lingard, this is all on richt and his stubbornness. He show should have made changes at a minimum to the Qb coach in the off season, we got no development there.
Non taken bro. I loved Butch too. Just think we can do better.
When we were last looking for a coach, I wanted Butch to be some kind of football director. I want Butch to hire the next coach and staff, not Blake James.
We have a lack of leaders on this team that’s for **** sure
Yep. If we had some really leadership someone would have choked Jeff’s little *** out a long time ago when he started his ish.
Richt does a lot more for these kids than most coaches. People who have been around the program or it’s players know that. If you don’t then please shut the **** up.
All true but I also think Butch set an internal fear factor with the players also. My point was that Butch wouldn’t have put up with JT’s 💩 either

Butch wouldn’t have to put up with anything... JT would have **** to be upset about ballin out in an environment that knows how to handle, develop, and utilize top talent like him.
I can't find any articles with details, what did he do that would make other universities give a hard pass?
Look up his HS school story..kid was a Top 50 or better player..major programs stopped recruiting him
Matt I don’t know if you post on this board or not but this is the beat post I’ve seen regarding this situation


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.... Jeff Thomas was no Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin or Emmett Smith. Jimmy was referring to star players on teams that have won championships—not sophomore wide outs who are hot and cold, playing on sub-par teams.

True. Some are making too much of Jimmy's quote. Stars had advantages, but there were always some absolute limits. No way would Jimmy have put up with someone undermining his control over the team or sowing bad habits for the rest of the players. He may have overlooked some things that stars did, but in order to qualify for such stardom, you had to consistently produce at a very high level and be a cohesive part of his team plan.