Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams

Comments (857)

Don't blame him at this point. Look at what's going on with this team and how Richt has handled it. Weldon gets multiple suspensions that are drug related - still on the team. Rosier plays like utter crap consistently while Perry has 1 bad quarter of play, yet Rosier is held to a different standard than that of Perry. We won't even get into how Richt hired his unqualified kid to lead the development of all the QBs. As far as quitting on the team, well, it appears that his (former) teammates don't have a problem with him (Jeff Thomas).

this is the second time thomas had to be convinced to stay. weldon had issues and served his punishment but remained committed. same goes for gerald willis. thomas did this in HS and did it again here
React negatively? Just supporting a friend and x player. I don’t see them supporting anything either way, except him as a person.

Reacting negatively in an indirect way towards the staff. It's negative because they're not happy about him leaving.
In most cases, I would side with the coach. Coaches can’t let this type of behavior go unpunished. They will lose all credibility and encourage this type of behavior.

The exception is when the coach is the main reason there is a problem in the first place. Richt’s mismanagement of this team, specifically the offense is the main reason these kids are acting out. They see exactly what we see. The offense is an abomination. They obviously have no faith in him and his crew and it’s coming out. JT was certain to have issues while he was here, but this isn’t solely on him. Richt really is an issue. Anyone that is supporting him really needs to be more objective. He’s underperforming in most aspects of his job.
In most cases, I would side with the coach. Coaches can’t let this type of behavior go unpunished. They will lose all credibility and encourage this type of behavior.

The exception is when the coach is the main reason there is a problem in the first place. Richt’s mismanagement of this team, specifically the offense is the main reason these kids are acting out. They see exactly what we see. The offense is an abomination. They obviously have no faith in him and his crew and it’s coming out. JT was certain to have issues while he was here, but this isn’t solely on him. Richt really is an issue. Anyone that is supporting him really needs to be more objective. He’s underperforming in most aspects of his job.

LOL he got into a fight with Dugans not richt...
this is the second time thomas had to be convinced to stay. weldon had issues and served his punishment but remained committed. same goes for gerald willis. thomas did this in HS and did it again here

And given the **** show that we continue to trot out there, people really wonder why he left. Weldon has consistently been suspended multiple times yet doesn't appear to be held accountable (ie stay in the program). GW has completely turned his career around and you don't hear one bad thing about him. No one knows why he took the year off, but he hasn't been in trouble since being at Miami anywhere near as Weldon has.
Not this late in the game. He’s a freakin Sophomore. He didn’t go to practices and meetings and sounds like he may have missed meeting lst week by sitting the first couple serious.
It blows but next man up. Pope time to show what he can do.
Hopefully Haselwood comes now too.

Haselwood WON'T come anywhere near the plush Gables! Because their's just too much drama and what not. And the offense is BEHIND the times and what not.
I remember when we've kicked off players that were cancers in the locker room and players with happy about it. If JT was such a problem, the players wouldn't even be voicing their displeasure. That's the negative aspect.

What displeasure? I think they are sad he’s gone. Doesn’t mean they agree with JT4’s decision. Grow up.
You guys think Richt WANTED to kick his best offensive player off the team? Seems clear to me JT4, for whatever reason he thinks he's justified to have, quit on the team. He tried to quit on the team during the offseason and had to be talked into staying with it. We all have our breaking points, Richt clearly reached his. You can only bend over backwards so far for any individual player before you have to cut them loose.

I hate losing JT4, but if he didn't want to be here, then let him go and wish him well, let's ride with the next man up.

Go Canes!
Did you ever watch Butch’s teams? If you don’t remember I’ll remind you. Butch Davis once suspended our top RB James Jackson in a large game I believe UCLA ‘98 for missing study hall. So Butch was just as bad but probably had a better handle on his players.
Lmfao...Butch had a Waaayyyy better handle on his kids....Players GPA while Butch was at UM was the Highest ever at that point...Butch had a Great rapport with his players...
people talking about the players supporting JT. I'm sure they are in a way, but Deejay's twitter tells me they understand why he gone.

Deejay dating dugans daughter if he cursed dugans out who u think deejay going to side with???
Thomas and Dugans got into it. 2 years in a row Ron got into it with a WR. not even counting Pope. the WORST part of this would be losing Thomas, losing Pope, and THEN Dugans going to fsu in the offseason and taking Hasselwood with him. :snoopfacepalm:
I have never heard of a team’s top offensive threat being thrown off of the team during the season. Someone please find me a precedent where this occurred.

IIRC Oklahoma State did dismiss Dez Bryant from the team.
Jesus Christ, everyone, listen to yourselves...

How about instead of taking sides because it pushes your agenda about the direction of the program, you all take a moment to step back and evaluate everything.

Sunshine pumpers: “JT4 was a cancer; it had to be done.”

Doom and gloomers: “Fvck Richt! This is all his fault. Only he would dismiss JT4.”

The truth is always somewhere in the middle, whether you all admit it or not.

I’m sure more will come out about this in the next couple of days.
In most cases, I would side with the coach. Coaches can’t let this type of behavior go unpunished. They will lose all credibility and encourage this type of behavior.

The exception is when the coach is the main reason there is a problem in the first place. Richt’s mismanagement of this team, specifically the offense is the main reason these kids are acting out. They see exactly what we see. The offense is an abomination. They obviously have no faith in him and his crew and it’s coming out. JT was certain to have issues while he was here, but this isn’t solely on him. Richt really is an issue. Anyone that is supporting him really needs to be more objective. He’s underperforming in most aspects of his job.

BULLS EYE!!!!!!!!!