Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams

Comments (857)

So we just gonna ignore the track record from HS and recruitment. We’ are going to Ignore the fact that even when we was winning last year there was rumors about him being disgruntled too

Who convinced him to come back? Coaches.

Who drove him to act out again? Coaches.

That’s all I’m trying to point out. There is blame to pass around to everyone right now.
I doubt he'll go to a team like Illinois. He will probley try to go to a school that will get him the ball.
Bro, I’ll tell u this. Before any school takes a transfer, they go back and look at your history. For Jeff it’s not good. I wouldn’t be all too surprised if he doesn’t end up at a illini..
Any truth to the rumor that his high school transcripts weren't up to snuff?
I despise Richt. He was hired to make us relevant again. He has failed. But, posters always refer to our glory days. Those times are ancient history. Richt fourth stiff coach in a row. Incidentally Davis, Coker, Shannon and Golden also lost to no talent teams. We are in a very bad cycle with no end in sight. But, it serves no purpose comparing the past 16 years to 1983-2002. You guys should adjust your standards. We are no longer mediocre, we are now a bad team.
It’s called legacy ...I don’t give a ****kk how long ago it was those teams set the standard of what Miami football is yeah we suck right now without a doubt
You remember the kid from MNW from year back on season of the bull who went off and tried to fight the coaches,.thats the type of **** u deal with. I agree with you if we talking about a middle school cat or even HS cat. But this CFB. It’s as close to professional with out getting paid..You can’t openly coach one kid diff...Or not get on one kid about **** you’d get on everybody else Dugans doesn’t seem like the type of coach who’s overboard with that aggression ****..if anyone on the staff is like that I’d say it would be Hartley & again it’s rumored that managing his personality has been on going some point the light has to come on for the kid. Hopefully from this point forward at his next opportunity it does

They have to coach kids differently. They don’t all respond to the same things. Especially when it’s a game breaker... U gotta keep the temperature down.
Any truth to the rumor that his high school transcripts weren't up to snuff?

no. that was false according to local 10 sports director and manny navarro
people talking about the players supporting JT. I'm sure they are in a way, but Deejay's twitter tells me they understand why he gone.
It’s called legacy ...I don’t give a ****kk how long ago it was those teams set the standard of what Miami football is yeah we suck right now without a doubt

lmao miami football has been bad for more than right now. GT also has four titles, but theyre not close to winning another one. same w miami.
Just think, one year ago we were ranked number two in the playoff poll, and were riding a 15 game win streak. Now we are a rotting bloated corpse......
I am beyond disappointed how easily Richt gave up on this kid and I believe Richt cant handle coaching this Miami team.

it wasnt the first time. thomas was leaving in the summer and he was talked back into coming back. this is the second time he pulled this and this time he actually cleared his crap
I don't know. The kid had to be talked into not transferring last year when the team was doing great. I doubt he was sticking it out here regardless of what happens this year.
I need multiple servings of sausage stuffing to get over this.

Luckily Kenneth is here.
lmao miami football has been bad for more than right now. GT also has four titles, but theyre not close to winning another one. same w miami.

We got pretty close last year before the ACCCG.
No. Fvck that. Jimmy Johnson isn’t kicking JT off the team. Neither is Butch Davis.

U can buy into that “discipline” narrative, but it’s comoletely false. Star players Are treated differently.

Butch would've had Jeff Thomas run gassers until he quit the team voluntarily.

He also wouldn't have a **** show unit that was ranked in the 90's with this roster either.
Ya, Richt has done a $hitty job this season for sure, but this Thomas is an overly dramatic little prima donna...BYE

You are funny, I bet if you were working for a deadbeat leader at an organization you would act the same way, this all falls on richt like it did the last three coaches, kids are trying to get to the league and want to win, what richt has done is down right stupid.
A lot of people here need to apologize to the OP from this morning's post. He was dead right!

Also, might as well write off recruits who are the victims of their poor-to-awful secondary education environments and have little chance of classroom success at a smallish, private school like Miami.

I agree and it would be nice if the OP could tell us who his sources are.