Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams

Comments (857)

Did you have a stroke?

If he goes to Illinois the offense and team they have is trash, so what you said was stupid and not true.

What I typed was autocorrected so that explains “the stroke like” post
DJ Johnson and Now Jeff Thomas and let's not forget all the decommits over the last few months. Something is going on at UM. Wtf is Mark Richt doing over there that continues to cause this. You don't kick the most talented player on offense off your team no matter what. You find ways to work things out with them and get them on the field at all cost. Mark Richt needs to worry about finding ways to win instead of trying to so called raise men. None of these players asked you to be there **** daddy. If there was a problem between Dugan's and Thomas then Dugan's should be Gone before Thomas. I'm so sick of this sorry *** coaching staff!

Sam bruce, dionte Mullins... it goes on and on
A lot of people here need to apologize to the OP from this morning's post. He was dead right!

Also, might as well write off recruits who are the victims of their poor-to-awful secondary education environments and have little chance of classroom success at a smallish, private school like Miami.
The University of Miami announced Wednesday that star sophomore wide receiver Jeff Thomas is no longer a member of the football program.

“We have high standards for excellence, for conduct and for the commitment to team for all of the young men who wear our uniform, and we will not waver from those standards,” head coach Mark Richt said. “We wish Jeff the very best as he moves forward in his journey.”

Since yesterday afternoon, CanesInSight has been hearing talk of Thomas leaving the team. At least one UM player later confirmed Thomas wasn’t at practice or meetings yesterday, left the team due to clashes with coaches, and has been disgruntled for some time now. Earlier today ahead of Wednesday's practice, UM communications department would only say Thomas was “not at practice due to personal reasons. He is a member of the football team.”

Apparently, that changed as UM instead elected to dismiss Thomas after practice.

With Thomas’ status up in the air, the team held Wednesday's practice as normal. Starting QB N’Kosi Perry and offensive coordinator/RB coach Thomas commented on the matter at the conclusion of practice in a media session, but did not elaborate on the situation at hand.

Before Thomas was dismissed shortly afterwards, Perry said that he had personally called Thomas and referred to him as “a huge part of the team," although he wouldn't elaborate what exactly was said in the conversation.

“It’s an in-house issue, we’re handling it in-house,” Brown said. “I’m not going to make a public comment about it.”

Thomas’ troubled history has been well-documented, as the receiver repeatedly missed classes and practices, and struggled academically at East St. Louis High back in Illinois. As a result, Thomas had to earn his way back onto his high school team via a team vote. After arriving in Miami in 2017 and having a breakout freshman season in which he averaged over 22 yards per catch, CIS learned that Thomas seriously contemplated a transfer over the 2018 summer before being convinced to stay by the staff. Privately, some around UM have expressed that an issue with Thomas was inevitable and that it was surprising that it has taken this long.

Thomas ends his Miami career with 52 catches, 937 yards, and 5 TD's in a little under 2 seasons of play.
That's all .. lol man well I guess it's gonna be more playing time opening up for others...
So ****** what he went off on coaches ...real players recognize this bull**** of a offense Richt calling somebody gotta call him out on it **** sugar coating **** that’s why we playing like **** right now losing to teams WE SHOULDNT BE LOSING TOO ...Would any of the old teams from the 90s and early 00s lose to teams like Duke and Pitt ? **** NO
I despise Richt. He was hired to make us relevant again. He has failed. But, posters always refer to our glory days. Those times are ancient history. Richt fourth stiff coach in a row. Incidentally Davis, Coker, Shannon and Golden also lost to no talent teams. We are in a very bad cycle with no end in sight. But, it serves no purpose comparing the past 16 years to 1983-2002. You guys should adjust your standards. We are no longer mediocre, we are now a bad team.
But sorry posters here will tell is next man up!! 😂. They just don’t realize how bad is going to get after season finale. Recruiting class is decimated and attrition by mutual agreement will sent this team rock bottom. Any other rationale is just being stupid.
But to keep posting about what may or may not be the inevitable is a ***** move.. Save that soft shouldered stuff for someone who cares...
Agree w all that. But....

Somewhere it was mentioned that Dugans went off on JT, causing him to nope out. So... if the kids that sensitive, and can’t handle being coached like that, find another way.

That doesn’t sound like they went the extra mile for him.
You remember the kid from MNW from year back on season of the bull who went off and tried to fight the coaches,.thats the type of **** u deal with. I agree with you if we talking about a middle school cat or even HS cat. But this CFB. It’s as close to professional with out getting paid..You can’t openly coach one kid diff...Or not get on one kid about **** you’d get on everybody else Dugans doesn’t seem like the type of coach who’s overboard with that aggression ****..if anyone on the staff is like that I’d say it would be Hartley & again it’s rumored that managing his personality has been on going some point the light has to come on for the kid. Hopefully from this point forward at his next opportunity it does
If he goes to Illinois the offense and team they have is trash, so what you said was stupid and not true.

What I typed was autocorrected so that explains “the stroke like” post
I doubt he'll go to a team like Illinois. He will probley try to go to a school that will get him the ball.
DJ Johnson and Now Jeff Thomas and let's not forget all the decommits over the last few months. Something is going on at UM. Wtf is Mark Richt doing over there that continues to cause this. You don't kick the most talented player on offense off your team no matter what. You find ways to work things out with them and get them on the field at all cost. Mark Richt needs to worry about finding ways to win instead of trying to so called raise men. None of these players asked you to be there **** daddy. If there was a problem between Dugan's and Thomas then Dugan's should be Gone before Thomas. I'm so sick of this sorry *** coaching staff!

Dugans should go before Thomas? The kid is good but he's not great. He's not the playmaker we try to make him out to be.