Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

I said it wasn’t smart on JTs part. It’s emotional rather than logical, and does him no good whatsoever. Kids got issues, I just doubt that the situation was handled very well.
Yea..from what I’ve heard (I’m no insider but I trust the cats who get some insight) it’s something that’s been festering and not really out of nowhere. The coaches had been managing it and his personality. But it just came to ahead
I have never heard of a team’s top offensive threat being thrown off of the team during the season. Someone please find me a precedent where this occurred.
Jalen Hrd left Tennesse mid season and transferred ,it happens
If that’s the case, dude had to go. No staff can afford to let that happen and the kid stay on the team. Sucks for us and was a lose-lose situation if that happened.
So ****** what he went off on coaches ...real players recognize this bull**** of a offense Richt calling somebody gotta call him out on it **** sugar coating **** that’s why we playing like **** right now losing to teams WE SHOULDNT BE LOSING TOO ...Would any of the old teams from the 90s and early 00s lose to teams like Duke and Pitt ? **** NO
Every great championship coach has exhibited the ability to manage and coexist with the talented problem players. You need them on your team. You have to find a way to keep them around and manage their egos and lunatic tendencies.

Richt lacks that skill, and unsurprisingly, lacks a championship, as well.
Gerald Willis begs to defir
That's the irony. Mighty ND RECOVERED from that national television BYTCH SLAPPING in Thee Rock. Whereas Miami HASN'T been the same No. 2 team in the nation. Go figure. For example, the chubby Kelly had the AUDACITY to change QB's after the FOURTH game of the season. OUCH! And now mighty ND will play in it's second major college football playoff.

Nevertheless, I " feel bad " for Manuel and the defensive players. Because arguably speaking this should have been at least a " 10-2 " regular season.

If anything this should show you how up and down this game is.. Two teams who didn't look like they would be better than us, that we beat up on, same coach... That's why it makes no sense to cry about one down season no matter how late into his tenure he is.. As long as it's not consecutive **** shows then I'm hoping for a wv/ND turn around.. And I'm absolutely sure they were saying the same things about their head coaches as well. That being said Richt gotta tighten up like right now.
Yea..from what I’ve heard (I’m no insider but I trust the cats who get some insight) it’s something that’s been festering and not really out of nowhere. The coaches had been managing it and his personality. But it just came to ahead
So the adults in the room gotta be adults. If a kid can’t handle being yelled at, find another way to get thru to him. Saban talked about that... managing players as individuals.
The players seem to be on thomas side
What makes you say that? Has a play come out in an interview and/or social media and said, "Jeff Thomas is not to blame" or "I support what he is doing" or "Coach or the coaches are to blame"? Anything?
Harley is the biggest cancer on the team and he'll be the one who benefits from this the most. Brutal.
So the adults in the room gotta be adults. If a kid can’t handle being yelled at, find another way to get thru to him. Saban talked about that... managing players as individuals.

It sure sounds like they have tried for awhile.
He won’t have to sit out a season. He’ll be playing next year for someone.
He also won't play in a trashbag of an offense. Plus he no longer answers to Richt.
He left no choice and the situation was handled accordingly. No player is bigger than an entire program. We got 70 something other dudes that play and practice their heart outs. What kind message you send to them letting this **** slide?
Crux of the issue right here:


You may be right and all that. But the kid was a gamer! Just remember the LSU game when JT made several ACROBATIC catches. The kid even PLAYED HURT in a few games! Also, what about him leading the nation in total offensive yards. It's too bad your main men CMR and Tommy Brown were out coached and couldn't put JT in some positive offense schemes for him to have continual success. But that's all moot now.

Nonetheless, like MANY Cane dudes I DON'T begrudge the kid and I seriously hope he has success at his new school!!!!!!!!!!!!!