Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams

Comments (857)

Why can’t he just be suspended like Michael Irvin’s son, or the precious QB’s... why dismissal???

To me that’s the real question here.
Because from what is swirling around this has been a ongoing type issue that just reached its tipping point. Once again, look at his recruitment and what went down in can’t blow up on the coaches and then not show up for team functions the whole week
You guys defending the coaching staff think so myopically. If you think this is a product of some isolated incident with Jeff you’re lost.

This is a direct reflection of what bad coaching can drive a kid(s) to do.
lol you are so dramatic. They just covered up his Sam Bruce, Dionte Mullins, Willie Williams etc... type qualities. We HAVE seen this before lol.

Its a real ******* shame because he is such a talent. Absolute ******* unit out there, and our best WR, but you can't put self interests in front of the team.

You don't see the team all staging a walk out over this do you? Trust me, if he was being slighted unfairly I think you might see some disgruntled activities by others.

Pink and Shaq seemed pretty happy post practice... no tears shed.

It is what it is. If he could play OG I would be more distraught.
Oh, C YA!!! He's from East St. Louis thinking he's from Dade?

Why wouldn't he buy into the system that put Richards in the record books? Sounds sadly immature. Someone in the NFL will pick him up but he has a lot to learn.
Hes an undersized ,fast receiver now with a bad attitude tag.....good luck with that
The kid has a track major program really recruited him knowing the talent he someone else said it wasn’t even smart by him..a year removed from draft eligibility..despite the overall O struggling he was having a breakout season for’s sad really
I said it wasn’t smart on JTs part. It’s emotional rather than logical, and does him no good whatsoever. Kids got issues, I just doubt that the situation was handled very well.
Any truth to the falsified transcripts from his high school to allow him to pass with bad grades ? That seems to be the other rumor flying around but this seems to be a scapegoat that he was in the doghouse with staff members
Crux of the issue right here:


The U rolls on and is bigger than any player or coach, no matter how "talented" they may be. I'm surprised so many diehards on here are forgetting this.

Primadonnas and selfish players/play are what lost that Ring in '86/'87- Testaverde.

Bye Jeff Thomas. We all hope you grow up and make the most of your talent at the next level.
I'm done with this program until Richt is gone, Blake is gone, and whatever moronic failure spearheaded the last 18 ******* years of abject irrelevance and failure within the BOT

There is no word for the embarrassment that is Miami football. This chit ******* hurts man.
If you quit now. You'll quit later in life. Believe that.

Richt's a sorry *** offensive coordinator and coach, but what message does it send if JT4 was allowed back in while turning his back on his teammates. All while guys like Willis tough it out and Malek and Richards are still on the sidelines getting down for the team. Thomas is a definite talent, but no one player is above the team. Period.

Walking out after a win? How's he going to handle it if he makes it pro and there are All-Conference and All-American wideouts trying to keep him off the block?
All the kid wanted to do was ball, make it to the league and take care of his family. Rick on the other hand trying to make the kid a choir boy. I get it no one player is above the team but this guy was second behind Richards as the best offensive player . The attrition that this team is going to have over the years it's going to be astronomical. it's going to be up there with decommits
The winner in this may be Jeff Thomas.

Yeah. I hope ends up some type of All-Conference player at his next school!! Maybe Honorable mention and what not. In a worst case scenario.

Oh, and one more notion. Wouldn't it be a " boss " if JT took his chit to mighty ALABAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!:zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg:
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Every great championship coach has exhibited the ability to manage and coexist with the talented problem players. You need them on your team. You have to find a way to keep them around and manage their egos and lunatic tendencies.

Richt lacks that skill, and unsurprisingly, lacks a championship, as well.
How do you let your best player on a medocre team.... get so upset he gets himself dismissed for disciplinary reasons? Only a coach who doesn't care about winning does dumb $#!+ like that... He coulda punished him in house...this bull$#it. Is ****** crazy!