Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams

Comments (857)

It's time we all accept that the Mork Rich experiment is a failure.

Total mismanagement in every single aspect of the team that Mork has touched.

I have a bad feeling that this is just the beginning of the exodus. Say goodbye to the 2019 class.


I'll be in the bathtub shaving my forearms with a straight razor.

lol you are so dramatic. They just covered up his Sam Bruce, Dionte Mullins, Willie Williams etc... type qualities. We HAVE seen this before lol.

Its a real ******* shame because he is such a talent. Absolute ******* unit out there, and our best WR, but you can't put self interests in front of the team.

You don't see the team all staging a walk out over this do you? Trust me, if he was being slighted unfairly I think you might see some disgruntled activities by others.

Pink and Shaq seemed pretty happy post practice... no tears shed.

It is what it is. If he could play OG I would be more distraught.
Not everyone in life gets the second chance he got. Jeff Thomas made a lot of mistakes in high school and teams like Alabama backed off him because of it. Richt gave him a shot and this is just a slap in the face coming from Jeff man. Cant be that selfish.
I didnt follow his recruitment, what mistakes?
I don’t understand why you don’t just suspend the kid for a game? Matter of fact why didn’t they suspend of kick Hartley out entirely as well for impersonating a Special Teams coach?
It's Richs fault that he recruited a kid that he knew was an alpha dog and he couldn't keep him on the chain.

Rich will never get and keep the real alphas. Because he's a beta.

Richt likes to run with teacup yorkies not wolves.
Earlier in Fall camp right after JT posted something to the effect of MIA because he’s working so hard. I was told that was laughable and that Jeff was a lazy lazy MFer but was also told by the same person he was still the best WR by far.
I don't hate CMR, but he, and Tommy Brown, are to BLAME for Miami's putrid offense this season! And please don't give me this lame crap about EXECUTION and what not. Because any old major dude would know a head coach puts his offensive players in a place to succeed and all that.

Nah, the people/person to blame is the OL/coach. You see these RBs developing and playing at a high level is almost exclusively because of Brown.

OL gets blown up on every 3rd and 1 or 4th and inches and you're pointing fingers at the RB coach? What games have yall been watching? Perry is running for his life half the time he's back there, especially against a strong DL.

OL has been the biggest weakness on this team since 2002. Ultimately Richt is responsible. He either needs to replace the OL coach or recruit better. Year 3 shouldn't be this soft.
You can be treated differently and still hold everyone accountable for the expectations that you set for them and the team.

But yes Richt or whoever mismanaged the **** out of this one.

Jimmy Johnson gave that quote three decades ago.

That s**t doesn't fly anymore in this era of soft, coddled, entitled athletes.

Side note; Jeff Thomas was no Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin or Emmett Smith. Jimmy was referring to star players on teams that have won championships—not sophomore wide outs who are hot and cold, playing on sub-par teams.
Meanwhile teams we smoked like WVU and ND are rolling.

That's the irony. Mighty ND RECOVERED from that national television BYTCH SLAPPING in Thee Rock. Whereas Miami HASN'T been the same No. 2 team in the nation. Go figure. For example, the chubby Kelly had the AUDACITY to change QB's after the FOURTH game of the season. OUCH! And now mighty ND will play in it's second major college football playoff.

Nevertheless, I " feel bad " for Manuel and the defensive players. Because arguably speaking this should have been at least a " 10-2 " regular season.
Absolutely stunning how much difference a year makes. From the verge of a college football playoff berth and a coach of the year candidate to an absolute flaming bag of crap. We now join USC and Florida State as former powerhouses that are now laughing stocks.

12 weeks of lies and deception by the most incompetent staff we have had.
Im not changing my avatar until Richt is fired.

One last time for favorite player......

“Let it go,
Let it go,
If a ho wanna ho, just let it go”.....
Yeah, OK? Keep telling yourself it don't matter.

It's funny that some of you "fans" keep your head buried in the sand, and when chit hits the fan the first thing you do is blame the players. These KIDS AIN'T GETTING PAID CHIT to play for this team. Their meal ticket, their hope is that they go to the right school who's fed them all of these sales line to get to the next level. Maybe you don't understand what it means to make it out the hood, but I do. You have no clue the pressure these kids feel to get them and their family out of dire situations.

So before you call a kid a "pre-madonna little girl", maybe you should understand why a kid like a Jeff Thomas would blow up and feel utter frustration. Richt has lied through his muthafckin teeth about how these receivers will be used and how his offense is going to be used. This camp is straight bull chit, and it's a no wonder that the former players who are around this bull chit in real time, are starting to become more and more boisterous.

Richt is making more than ANY COACH we've ever had and this investment has led the chittiest results out of all the coaches we've had through these last 3 regimes b/c he's supposed to be the most decorated coach we've had. He's completely out of touch and out of tune with anything relevant. FOH calling Jeff out, and Fck anyone on here trying to defend this nepotistic, quasi-narcissistic coach, too. He and Fake James need to get the fck out here and go move down to Palm Springs and retire.

Class of 2019 is completely fcked, this roster is completely fcked, the lack of appropriate coaching has this team fcked, and yet somehow we got white knight fans still blaming the kids. FOH.

Realest post.

All the up votes.
Ever since the 02 natty where we got robbed, we've been cursed.
Last time I speak about JT. This one hurts bad like real bad. Had the same **** happen to him in high school and his coaches and teammates allowed him back on when they could have easily said ***** you. If they didn’t give him a chance he probably doesn’t come here.

Miami gave him a chance and sounds like he messed up. I knew he was a ticking time bomb and I was nervous as all **** for him. Just needed 3 good years and he was off to the NFL. Idk what happened but if D Money says the players didn’t want him back then he must have really ****ed up. Jeff has demons and it doesn’t help he grew up in the worst area in the country.

I wish the best for him and I hope he lands somewhere else and makes it to the NFL and doesn’t give up. It’s a shame it had to end like this.
It is not going to be that much longer for this era. Some choose to bury their head in the sand, or up their ***, but those of us who have been around for than a minute, we can tell you that everything we're seeing is interconnected. When an organization is failing in multiple regards, it is very seldom the result of a diverse set of issues or circumstances, it tends to be a common thread which begins at the top.

We are seeing it here with the results on the field, the carousel of personnel changes, the snide remarks by the leadership, the dismissive attitude toward outcomes, the disgruntled nature of the players, the ungluing of a recruiting class, etc.

all this, right here....
He did the right thing. I talked to some people and they told me that he went completely off on the coaches and that he has had a bad attitude for weeks but it seemed to blow up sometime in the last few days. Supposedly personal insults were said. Jeff packed his **** and left UM. The coaches at first tried to make it work but it wasnt. Too far gone and we just lost our best player.
If that’s the case then Richt did the right thing. This is how you improve the culture by getting rid of cancers that contribute to dividing the locker room. If the locker room is divided by these kind of selfish players then it keeps the whole team from buying in and that’s the kind of culture they have at Bama/Clemson. They keep themselves in line and buy in!