Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (857)

They were in the pros, not college.

An LB was sleeping the back of the room and Jimmy cut him. Someone asked what if it was Aikman, he said he would've nudged him and told him to wake up.
The interview is there, and he was talking about managing the lunacy of the college player.
Go look up Jimmy Johnson’s answer to the question of how to handle star players. The nutshell: stars can do whatever they want.

Truth is that this situation should’ve been handled long ago. Richt has totally mismanaged his best player.

You can be treated differently and still hold everyone accountable for the expectations that you set for them and the team.

But yes Richt or whoever mismanaged the **** out of this one.
If you fire all your weapons, nobody will say "offense needs to be better with those weapons". Smart by Richt to protect his ***** ***.
It's time we all accept that the Mork Rich experiment is a failure.

Total mismanagement in every single aspect of the team that Mork has touched.

I have a bad feeling that this is just the beginning of the exodus. Say goodbye to the 2019 class.


I'll be in the bathtub shaving my forearms with a straight razor.
yes it Richts fault that a kid who had a crap reputation reverted to form.
Absolutely stunning how much difference a year makes. From the verge of a college football playoff berth and a coach of the year candidate to an absolute flaming bag of crap. We now join USC and Florida State as former powerhouses that are now laughing stocks.
No question this season hasn't gone the way any of us expected and has been one of the worst seasons in the program's history. Offense sucked and it looks like it was due to lack of good coaching, which is unacceptable at this level. Now, this Jeff Thomas issue is an entire different ballgame. I've had people tell me that he's never bought in to the program. Whether it's because he didn't trust the coaching, or he's a prima donna that is only about himself, no one player is bigger than the program. If he doesn't want to be here, there's no way to work around that. Best of luck to the young and wish him nothing but the best.


Perhaps he never bought into the offensive play calling by the corches?
DJ Johnson and Now Jeff Thomas and let's not forget all the decommits over the last few months. Something is going on at UM. Wtf is Mark Richt doing over there that continues to cause this. You don't kick the most talented player on offense off your team no matter what. You find ways to work things out with them and get them on the field at all cost. Mark Richt needs to worry about finding ways to win instead of trying to so called raise men. None of these players asked you to be there **** daddy. If there was a problem between Dugan's and Thomas then Dugan's should be Gone before Thomas. I'm so sick of this sorry *** coaching staff!
DJ Johnson left because other players were outworking him & getting playing time. He thought being this or that meant he didn’t have to put effort/hard work into things.
This sounds like Jeff Thomas called out the coaches cause he won’t stand for mediocre football that can affect his career and then gets canned over it. No one wants to play for Richt and his lame *** offense. Would you want to come here and not be able to pat your numbers and showcase your talent? I wouldn’t with the offense that’s being put out there. It’s a **** show and I don’t blame him for saying to **** with it. I’m sure he’ll go and play for some team that can get him the ball Down the field.
I think it sounds like JT is immature more than he was calling out playcalling.

Richt sucks, and shouid be fires, but JT apparently is a little girl.
Because they respect him as a player and an individual who has gone through a lot in his life.

Doesn’t mean they have to respect the way he went out.

So you are saying if you asked Brevin right now if he would want Jeff back on the team, he would say no? Find that pretty hard to believe. You usually don't call someone a "humble beast" if you don't like playing with that player.
DJ Johnson and Now Jeff Thomas and let's not forget all the decommits over the last few months. Something is going on at UM. Wtf is Mark Richt doing over there that continues to cause this. You don't kick the most talented player on offense off your team no matter what. You find ways to work things out with them and get them on the field at all cost. Mark Richt needs to worry about finding ways to win instead of trying to so called raise men. None of these players asked you to be there **** daddy. If there was a problem between Dugan's and Thomas then Dugan's should be Gone before Thomas. I'm so sick of this sorry *** coaching staff!

Posters will tell you to not use common sense and that everything going down there since the LSU game is just bad luck and lack of execution.