Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams

Comments (857)

No. Fvck that. Jimmy Johnson isn’t kicking JT off the team. Neither is Butch Davis.

U can buy into that “discipline” narrative, but it’s comoletely false. Star players Are treated differently.
The kid has a track major program really recruited him knowing the talent he someone else said it wasn’t even smart by him..a year removed from draft eligibility..despite the overall O struggling he was having a breakout season for’s sad really
Nah, the people/person to blame is the OL/coach. You see these RBs developing and playing at a high level is almost exclusively because of Brown.

OL gets blown up on every 3rd and 1 or 4th and inches and you're pointing fingers at the RB coach? What games have yall been watching? Perry is running for his life half the time he's back there, especially against a strong DL.

OL has been the biggest weakness on this team since 2002. Ultimately Richt is responsible. He either needs to replace the OL coach or recruit better. Year 3 shouldn't be this soft.

I beg to disagree. Their are A LOT of teams with suspect offensive lines which have the stronger offensive numbers than Miami! And that's Power 5 teams!
So why is Brevin essentially showing support for Jeff Thomas if no one wanted him back?
of co
When's Richt Jr. going to be dismissed? Being completely and utterly useless is even worse
i heard from an inside source he was smoking pot with Ex wide receivers Hill and Irving! Players were ****ed he was not sharing and they told Richt! All over weed!
There are only two scenarios with Jeff going forward: he will either never be heard of again as a football player or become a Tyreek Hill type story where some GM doesn't care about all the red flags. No in between and my guess would be the former.
Crux of the issue right here:

He did the right thing. I talked to some people and they told me that he went completely off on the coaches and that he has had a bad attitude for weeks but it seemed to blow up sometime in the last few days. Supposedly personal insults were said. Jeff packed his **** and left UM. The coaches at first tried to make it work but it wasnt. Too far gone and we just lost our best player.

Richt's tenure here can't end fast enough. Where are his fanboys. Come in here and defend your messiah who has destroyed our program. Fûck each and every one of you with your players don't execute and like kind excuses for the king of corchery. I hope you get no marshmallows on the sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving.
No marshmallows? You are merciless..
This sounds like Jeff Thomas called out the coaches cause he won’t stand for mediocre football that can affect his career and then gets canned over it. No one wants to play for Richt and his lame *** offense. Would you want to come here and not be able to pat your numbers and showcase your talent? I wouldn’t with the offense that’s being put out there. It’s a **** show and I don’t blame him for saying to **** with it. I’m sure he’ll go and play for some team that can get him the ball Down the field.
Sounds like Jeff Thomas has issues before he came here and nothing changed, late for practice, missing classes argueing with coachs….hes not Randy Moss hes a dime a dozen south fl receiver.
Kick Hartley off the team for impersonating a special teams coach let’s at least be consistent here!
You are insufferable

Lol what’s funny is I understand a kid like JT4 better than 99% of you soft *** bxxxx on this board... which is why I don’t judge him and hope he lands on his feet and becomes an NFL Star like he is suppose to be.

I also know that a kid like him is going to be **** near impossible for him to take in coaching.. .. he didn’t listen to coaches and mentors in his own community.

But you whiny soft hearted clowns on this board think y’all would handle this situation much better than Richt?? When most of you clowns tense up when a black dude is even walking ur direction unless he’s wearing a uniform showing he belongs to something you’re comfortable with gtfoh xxxxxt
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High standards my ***. That sh't went out the door when you brought your incompetent son.

BINGO! And that good ol' boy offensive line coach should have never been on staff this season, also!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:
Kid is a quitter plain and simple. Not first time he did it. Stop talking shot about richt for doing something that took a lot of balls. If you would roll over for this type of behavior bc he is a good player your are the reason our fan base Is one of the worst in college football.
This whole program is a mess because the HC is a mess. Doesn’t even matter what side of the JT debate you’re on, it’s just one of a bucket full of problems.
Call me a **** or whatever, but I'm sorry, I still blame Richt.

I remember Shaq once complained about how he had to play w Chris Quinn. Its embarrassing for elite talent to have to depend on scrubs.

JT has no business catching passes from Malik or playing in a Mickey Mouse offense. Some of these kids were sold a bill of goods, including Perry, as they were told we would be running a fast break offense.

No way JT leaves if we're lighting up the scoreboard. We didn't do right by him and the entire team by trotting 12 out there. It leads to frustration and eventually resentment.
He did the right thing. I talked to some people and they told me that he went completely off on the coaches and that he has had a bad attitude for weeks but it seemed to blow up sometime in the last few days. Supposedly personal insults were said. Jeff packed his **** and left UM. The coaches at first tried to make it work but it wasnt. Too far gone and we just lost our best player.
Then fvck him.
Jimmy Johnson gave that quote three decades ago.

That s**t doesn't fly anymore in this era of soft, coddled, entitled athletes.

Side note; Jeff Thomas was no Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin or Emmett Smith. Jimmy was referring to star players on teams that have won championships—not sophomore wide outs who are hot and cold, playing on sub-par teams.

You've obviously not kept up with how college football works in real life.

You've also obviously never heard of Alabama offensive lineman Cam Robinson and reserve defensive back Laurence "Hootie" Jones.

Carry on.
If that’s the case then Richt did the right thing. This is how you improve the culture by getting rid of cancers that contribute to dividing the locker room. If the locker room is divided by these kind of selfish players then it keeps the whole team from buying in and that’s the kind of culture they have at Bama/Clemson. They keep themselves in line and buy in!
they keep themselves in line because they have leaders that know what they are doing. You wouldn't keep yourself in line behind a clown. Jeff's probably thinking his worse decision was committing to clown Richt