Zo's Evals Already Impacting Recruiting

No evidence to confirm this theory yet, but Zo res in, does evals and all of sudden the staff is intrigued by the potential of Fowles. Coincidence? Methinks not, but not enough evidence to include this in the OP (yet).
Why is evidence required for you to be convinced Zo is doing his job. What kind of evidence do you require and does anyone think the staff would make mention any recruit is being evaled by Zo. You can bet Zo, Mario and Staff are **** well doing evals and meetings on a daily basis.

Why is evidence required for you to be convinced Zo is doing his job. What kind of evidence do you require and does anyone think the staff would make mention any recruit is being evaled by Zo. You can bet Zo, Mario and Staff are **** well doing evals and meetings on a daily basis.
I can speculate all day, but every point in the OP is sourced from someone else and not me reading tea leaves and trying to piece things together.

My understanding is Zo has done an eval on every prospect we're considering (unfortunately I don't remember what show I heard that on but its a relatively obvious fact).
Last huge nugget of news from @Stevo365 on tonight's CaneInsight Live. Says he's seen the text messages from 8&4 recruits and they are frosted about the lack of follow through on NIL payments. Methinks this might have an impact on Keem's decisions and our sudden new found resurgence on his board along with Zo's eval.

Edit: Updated link to directly play @Stevo365 8&4 commentary

Yea the "collectives" aren't paying. And I'm guessing that's happening because they know they aren't actually legal per NIL rules. But the kids are being hung out to dry.
Yea the "collectives" aren't paying. And I'm guessing that's happening because they know they aren't actually legal per NIL rules. But the kids are being hung out to dry.

Gotta be real bad for business so either it's an oversight and they're trying to clean it up but if not, oooooweeee, recruiting is gonna be great for us
Stay tuned. As some have pointed out there are a looooot of problems with that whole model.

Which is odd to me b/c these NILs were set up by a collaboration of very smart/rich people with lawyers. How do they mess this up this bad?
I think we'll learn how important Zo is to Miami 2-3 years from now when the 2023 and 2024 recruiting classes move into starting roles. I definitely believe having a guy with his experience overseeing evals is going to pay off in a big way.
Problem is contract language. We have enough people in here who can explain this far better than I can, but I deal with law at work every day and I can tell you:

Contract language can be really really shady and subject to differing interpretation. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a legal case in the upcoming months or years, where a College Athlete sues a collective for breach of contract.
or these "agents" for these high school athletes got paid upfront for their services and in the immortal words of the Steve Miller Band "took the money and ran!!"
or these "agents" for these high school athletes got paid upfront for their services and in the immortal words of the Steve Miller Band "took the money and ran!!"
These kids learning the hard way that the bag man always gets paid first. Good they learning early bc it will get worse for those that make it to the next level
8&4 is probably holding the payments because they realize they have to come up with a legitimate way to spend it when they were just winging the money to begin with
Remember, the economy/market was in better shape several months ago. Rich contributors may not be in the same shape they were back then.
What may have turned them off in brown?
Miami would‘ve taken Brown just on the politics of the situation. They never stopped recruited him or moved on. You don’t turn away a local five star. That said the staff is much higher on HW and Jean.