Would you be content with replacing Coach D with Al Groh?

Yeah, Al Groh is a great choice - fresh off a brilliant performance where his scheme got him fired at GT. Or maybe if Jerry Jones cleans house in Dallas we hire Kiffin. Not sure who has more tread on the tires.

Isn't Coach Al running Al Groh's scheme already? We can replace a Ford Pinto with a Ford Pinto with Firestone tires. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is what I thought. Groh is, unforfunately the mastermnd of the defense Al thinks is so great. If that is Mark's replacement, I join the fire Al now club.

I'm with you. Hire Groh, and Al's gotta goh.

Lamp you're my boy but if your down for Al G to be ran out of Miami then sure hire Groh or like to call him Gross (in reference to his defensivve scheme) to be our D Co-ordinator

I think it would be an upgrade to what we currently have. Anyone who thinks Groh can't coach is fooling themselves.. In saying that, I'd prefer to scrap the 3-4 altogether & get a traditional, aggressive 4-3 back in place.

It would be an upgrade from diarrhea to semi-firm stool.
Lamp you're my boy but if your down for Al G to be ran out of Miami then sure hire Groh or like to call him Gross (in reference to his defensivve scheme) to be our D Co-ordinator

I think it would be an upgrade to what we currently have. Anyone who thinks Groh can't coach is fooling themselves.. In saying that, I'd prefer to scrap the 3-4 altogether & get a traditional, aggressive 4-3 back in place.

It would be an upgrade from diarrhea to semi-firm stool.

the sad thing is that it would be an upgrade...that how bad we are defensively...fuggin sad man...just sad...gonna go have a drink...this **** depresses me