Wisconsin accuses Miami of tampering

Wisconsin never got the memo that you want no part ‘s of Miami in the offseason. Trying to come at UM between Jan -August is like having a casket match with the Undertaker. We’re in the midst of a dynasty.
They must have assumed that we were off-season losers because of how bad they dominate us in bowl games.

They were mistaken.

I think the Big 10 is mad because Miami violated a gentleman’s agreement on the rev-share deals. The truth is it’s more evidence of NCAA collusion.

This episode will likely hurt our reputation in the Big 10. That’s the only real practical concern I have.
What gentleman’s agreement???
I think the Big 10 is mad because Miami violated a gentleman’s agreement on the rev-share deals. The truth is it’s more evidence of NCAA collusion.

This episode will likely hurt our reputation in the Big 10. That’s the only real practical concern I have.
Yeah these are the takes that are most important to me IMO.

My worry is that, while none of this holds up in court, it still puts a target on our back. Potentially makes us an easy target and requires compliance to be held to an extremely high standard.
Not uf they win the suit, then we look foolish and petty, right. If it backfires then we will all be calling Mario a moron, but in the meantime we are all on board? Seems like alot to go through for 1 player on both sides, but 1 side is fighting for a player and the other side is fighting for a principle/precedent between the 2 which side looks petty?
What principle/precedent is Wisky fighting for? The right to bind a kid to a one sided contract...one that is based on a revenue sharing settlement that has not even happened yet?

I was running with the angle/narrative that the BIG 10, including OSU/Mich/PSU,etc, are behind Wisky’s tampering allegations AND the way UW treated Lucas throughout the process.

All of that may be true.

But also, if you follow some of the tweets from lawyers who have claimed to have "red-lined" some of these Wisconsin/Big 10 "new revenue sharing deals", it should be fairly clear that GOOD LEGAL REPRESENTATION quickly identifies the problems with this "legal template". Maybe Wisconsin (and other Big 10 schools) have some other suckers who signed on for a 2-year GOR, and perhaps this is the reason they are defying any media request for open records and copies of the new NIL/rev-share deals.

The fact remains, whether the Big 10 and Big 10 schools knew what they were doing was wrong PREVIOUSLY, they are definitely on-notice now. And I don't think they like that.
Let’s hope we didn’t do anything that can cause sanctions. We don’t know the whole story and the Big Ten is pretty ****ed.
Unless we "did something" that Wisky and the Big 10 has yet to accuse us of, then there is nothing sanction worthy. The NCAA already said there is no basis to deny Lucas' immediate eligibility at Miami. The "tampering" allegation, IF true, and IF provable, is a minor violation per the NCAA regs. You know what is also a violation? A school not submitting a student's portal paperwork within 2 days
What principle/precedent is Wisky fighting for? The right to bind a kid to a one sided contract...one that is based on a revenue sharing settlement that has not even happened yet?
Wisky/Big10 fighting to kill player free agency and bind players to schools for multiple years without treating them as employees and without having to collectively bargain with players
I think the Big 10 is mad because Miami violated a gentleman’s agreement on the rev-share deals. The truth is it’s more evidence of NCAA collusion.

This episode will likely hurt our reputation in the Big 10. That’s the only real practical concern I have.
Thankfully the Big 10 would never violate a gentleman’s agreement like an alliance with the pac 12 and acc…
I think the Big 10 is mad because Miami violated a gentleman’s agreement on the rev-share deals. The truth is it’s more evidence of NCAA collusion.

This episode will likely hurt our reputation in the Big 10. That’s the only real practical concern I have.
Good. We'd have been signing the program's death warrant had we went along with establishing the precedent that Big10 schools could bind a player to a school for multiple years (if it was 2 with Lucas, nothing stopping it from eventually becoming 3/4/5). Barring something unforseen we're stuck in the ACC for a while as I undestand it. We just saw 100% of the HS 5* recruits sign with P2 schools. That continuing + P2 schools binding players to their institutions for multiple years via rev-share deals would really hurt this program.
I think the Big 10 is mad because Miami violated a gentleman’s agreement on the rev-share deals. The truth is it’s more evidence of NCAA collusion.

This episode will likely hurt our reputation in the Big 10. That’s the only real practical concern I have.

I think the Big 10 is mad because Miami violated a gentleman’s agreement on the rev-share deals. The truth is it’s more evidence of NCAA collusion.

This episode will likely hurt our reputation in the Big 10. That’s the only real practical concern I have.

What gentleman’s agreement???
D$, what gentleman’s agreement???

We have an agreement where B1G teams can poach our players but we can’t do the same?
Lucas issue aside… anyone else concerned with how this could affect a future B1G invite especially if it ends up going the court route? By no means am I saying we should back down but I can definitely see this burning a few bridges.

Worry about that bridge when we/if we have to cross it? Lol
What invite?

It's been 3 years... They're clearly not interested.
This episode will likely hurt our reputation in the Big 10. That’s the only real practical concern I have.

Big12 has no such concerns

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