Wiltfong On Campbell

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Oh, God...


I mean, really?

I’m just starting to feel sad for meat now, like I’m bullying someone that’s underage and incapable.

Longest recruiting board threads on an individual recruit: Jerry Jeudy, Anthony McFarland, Josh Jobe, Alex Collins, Tyson Campbell (twice), Brian Edwards & CJ Henderson combined thread, Sony, Pat Surtain Jr., Lo Lingard, Denver Kirkland, Johnnie Dixon, CJ Henderson, Johnnie Dixon again

Y'all seeing a pattern here? The power of CIS is undeniable.

/5-star ambassador is the outlier
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If you really believed that someone was "underage and incapable," then you wouldn't be posting about it. You would just walk away.

The truth is that you're shook. Why, I don't really know. You're just that kind of guy who gets easily rattled, I guess.

I'm not even mad, I'm just amused at the meltdown.
The problem is you don't understand the game nor the fact that the University of Miami doesn't have the state infrastructure or proper channels to play the game even if they wanted to. All this dropping bags **** is amateur hour nonsense.

We have some pretty filthy rich alumni...what do you think boosters are?! Usually filthy rich Alumni

Again, you don't get it. You don't play the game the way Bama does by simply "dropping bags". It's a much more detail oriented way of doing business. And even if it were as simple as just dumping money to players we'd never get anyone major state schools wanted cause we can't compete as a private institution. LMAO at rich alumni, you could gather them all up and ask them to spend till bankruptcy and it still wouldn't touch Texas or Bama.

We don't need to be the top dollar dog to get top guys in SoFla, just play the game and pay. I get it, it's a well-oiled machine, but I'm pretty sure Nicky S. doesn't sit shotgun for the Thursday Bag Dropping meetings. It's a network, and we can have one, although it would obviously be smaller than say a Bama...I'm just telling you like it is. Don't have to like it or agree, but it's the truth. If we don't pay, we don't play.

Lol, but you're not telling it like it is. You're living in a fantasy land where you think Miami can compete on a financial level with these schools and it's just not true. No **** players get incentives, but for top end talent we can't compete if it's simply about a bidding war. Plus it makes no **** sense to have to pay to play, but then to turn around and say that the amount isn't important............what???

I don't think we need to outbid teams, man...that's what I'm saying. Why do top talent kids come t our school now if we pay them $0?!? Just imagine if we paid "something," not top dollar but something. We would get more top talent to come bc if you combine the legacy of the U with some bread on the side, kids from SoFla will stay local at a higher rate.
I think it’s more important if we found our “franchise” QB, rather than worrying about a DB. In my opinion, Alabama doesn’t win that game without changing QBs. Also, if you ask FSU who’d the rather lose for the year. Francois or McFadden. They’d pick McFadden every time. I know we don’t want to not land Campbell, but he’s not bringing us a National Championship
Longest recruiting board threads on an individual recruit: Jerry Jeudy, Anthony McFarland, Josh Jobe, Alex Collins, Tyson Campbell (twice), Brian Edwards & CJ Henderson combined thread, Sony, Pat Surtain Jr., Lo Lingard, Denver Kirkland, Johnnie Dixon, CJ Henderson, Johnnie Dixon again

Y'all seeing a pattern here? The power of CIS is undeniable.

/5-star ambassador is the outlier

Can't believe the hard-on people here had for Brian Edwards
I’m still waiting to hear about how all our rich boosters are going to start a bag network. Some of you dullards make me laugh at your meatheaded ignorance.

When you think of the vast majority of our rabid fan and booster base think Laz. Or this board. Not the kind of socioeconomics that drives the SEC. Yes most of their fans are toothless sister molesters, but there’s some extremely wealthy rabid “plantation owners” behind the scenes that keep things rolling not affiliated directly with the school. We don’t have those.

What we have are disinterested people looking for tax breaks, for the most part, that 90% of the time can’t be bothered to go show up and sit in their extra wide seats with TVs in the living room boxes or luxury suites. Trust me on this. Our boosters are a completely different breed.

Again you thickheads, here’s, the proof, we have to fūcking beg for pennies. Look at what’s right under your fūcking noses.

University of Miami Indoor Practice Facility

Do you get it now?

$700,000 since August.

In the top SEC schools boosters would have paid that in one day.

Do I have to spell it out even more?

Ain’t happening.

Not only that, be glad it’s not happening.

Nobody can keep their mouths shut down here anyway. The most recent example? The luxury rental car guys were ready to roll on Grace and Muhammad and sing like canaries if compliance hadn’t snuffed that shlt early. Nobody can be trusted to keep their yaps shut in south Florida.

For crissakes, you dumb motherfūckers want to talk about dropping bags on an open forum. That ought tell you everything you need to know right there.

This ain’t the place for it.

This, and the IPF situation is also a great comparison. Those donations would be provide the donors with a tax break (at least a partial one). And our "boosters" will hem and haw before making that donation, as noted by the funding over the last few months. Bags, on the other hand, are meant to be discrete and are not tax deductible. Anyone who thinks our fans, who avoid paying the former (IPF), will be willing to fund the latter (bags for athletes) is sadly mistaken.

Our guys will stroke huge checks for the business, law and med schools. They're not the type to get involved in dropping bags to high school recruits.

That might be because a proportionally larger number of UM alums oinly attended graduate or professional school at UM, and did not attend the undergraduate school. When I looked at the numbers some years ago, I was mildly surprised to see that a larger proportion of the UM student body was graduate and professional than undergraduate. It was more in numbers, but it was a higher percentage. I'm sure it's a different picture at most of the larger state universities with whom we compete in sports.

That also probably means that there is a relatively smaller base of students actively supporting athletics. I suspect most support comes from undergraduates (although I have known people who only attended a grad or professional school at UM but who are also avid supporters of athletics.)

Yes. The primary individual I'm talking about attended grad school at UM. He has written checks for a variety of areas, including athletics, but far more on the academic, grad school side.

I have an idea what it is like to be an undergraduate at schools like UF and FSU. I've been to many gamedays at both schools. So many of the undergraduates get involved, they spend the entire day, picking up a date (maybe) for brunch or to go to a tailgate, go to the game, drop the date off, and pick her up again for a party. At least th is was the pattern at places like like UF and FSU for a lot of people but that was decades ago. It might have changed, maybe not as many are in fraternities, and I think a lot of people don't set up dates, they just meet in groups of friends, etc. Still, I'm sure the football experience is not as big a part of the ife of many and perhaps most law students, graduate business students, and especially not medical students at UM. It's probably also true for the other graduate students.

UM is a very different kind of school and does not have the broad alumni base and big student body that a lot of its competition has. Even a private school like USC is, I think, much larger. I haven't checked for a long time but that is my recollection from looking at the numbers years ago.
Nobody is forcing Miami to play the bag game. But if they won't play, then they should level the playing field prophylactically by ratting out the programs that do drop bags.

Because recruiting is a zero-sum game. There is a limited amount of all-star talent and Miami needs to get its share while preventing other programs from getting theirs. Miami can either A.) Match or exceed the offers these kids are getting (which you say Miami won't do) or B.) Make sure these kids don't get illicit offers from other schools.

You seem to be saying that UM should just accept the fact that other schools' boosters are gonna buy players while Miami sits on its hands. I somehow doubt that's what's going on but I won't push it.

Because frankly, I don't really care what goes on behind the recruiting curtain... as long as Miami gets ours. This staff is clearly recruiting well. That's what matters.

Did you read and comprehend what I wrote? Until you can refute or counter, your response is just meaningless empty drivel. Reread my post. Go to the link. Wrap your brain around that. Seek to understand before you comment further.

You actually have to understand the school, the booster, the city, the demographics, what’s at play, who the players are. You don’t. You are way out of your depth.

To make it abundantly simple for you: no bag game for Miami. And Miami “ratting out” others is not possible and is such a stupid idea only a pre-teen would think of it. Just dumb.

The question is, did you read and understand what I wrote?

You took several paragraphs to basically say "Miami can't/won't play the bag game."

And my point was to say fine... but in that case we need a level playing field and there's more than one way to skin a cat. Now tell us why, as you so colorfully put it, ratting out others is "not possible and such a stupid idea only a pre-teen would think of it?"

I'm dying to hear this.

You’re as dumb as a bag of rocks. It’s like talking to a 3 year old.

Who are you? What is your profession? How do you earn your money?

Lololol. Wtf am I reading here? [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] simply decided to temporarily acquiesce his feelings on Miami's potential bags to discuss what our options would be otherwise. There is no reason for frivolous name-calling. He wasn't arguing. Lmao. Why is ratting out others not possible? Just a simple question. And why is it something only a pre-teen would do? The mores of the CFB recruiting landscape are not clean. [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] is saying either join in, or rat them out. You have to compete somehow.

And a failure to raise $700k in this case means nothing. It's been said here that the school will cover the cost if it's not paid for by the fans. Why would boosters pay for that if they know the school will pay for it?

Or, let's continue the straw man argument of whether [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] is under 20. Fascinating.
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down vote me all you want you soft shouldered Mickey Mouse loving, ghey faqquits...you girls live in some false reality. We will never win another Ship if we don't play the game. All this Howdy Doody "Do things the right way" bull shît doesn't work. Winning is all that matters in this game, at all costs. Don't like it? then go be a fan of FIU

You can throw out all the tough guy talk you want, but try using your brain to understand the reality of the situation.

Nobody’s soft shouldered here, we just know the reality of what’s going on.

Work up a head of steam and decipher this: University of Miami Indoor Practice Facility

When you get around to understanding what it tells you, you’ll understand why we don’t drop bags.

First off, I got confirmed bodies to my name and service record....14 confirmed kills to be transparent. Not trying to be a tough guy on here, I am just amused and slightly annoyed that "some" folks on here want to deny the undeniable that the game has changed and in order to compete at the highest level, we must be hip with the times. For all the moralists on this board, sure, it rubs them the wrong way to even think of it, but it doesn't make it any less true. Our boys in the early 2000s were getting paid...sure, the Shapiro thing went south and our amateur hour skills got exposed, but it doesn't negate the fact that athletes got paid. I give Richt all the credit in the world bc right now he is able to recruit at a fairly high level based on the schools legacy, his success at UGA (Which includes paying players), and the fact that we are respectable on the field finally after 13+ years.
We have some pretty filthy rich alumni...what do you think boosters are?! Usually filthy rich Alumni

Again, you don't get it. You don't play the game the way Bama does by simply "dropping bags". It's a much more detail oriented way of doing business. And even if it were as simple as just dumping money to players we'd never get anyone major state schools wanted cause we can't compete as a private institution. LMAO at rich alumni, you could gather them all up and ask them to spend till bankruptcy and it still wouldn't touch Texas or Bama.

We don't need to be the top dollar dog to get top guys in SoFla, just play the game and pay. I get it, it's a well-oiled machine, but I'm pretty sure Nicky S. doesn't sit shotgun for the Thursday Bag Dropping meetings. It's a network, and we can have one, although it would obviously be smaller than say a Bama...I'm just telling you like it is. Don't have to like it or agree, but it's the truth. If we don't pay, we don't play.

Lol, but you're not telling it like it is. You're living in a fantasy land where you think Miami can compete on a financial level with these schools and it's just not true. No **** players get incentives, but for top end talent we can't compete if it's simply about a bidding war. Plus it makes no **** sense to have to pay to play, but then to turn around and say that the amount isn't important............what???

I don't think we need to outbid teams, man...that's what I'm saying. Why do top talent kids come t our school now if we pay them $0?!? Just imagine if we paid "something," not top dollar but something. We would get more top talent to come bc if you combine the legacy of the U with some bread on the side, kids from SoFla will stay local at a higher rate.

Some people aren't strategic thinkers. Don't bother. Miami could easily pay to play if they wanted.

Just for example, if I were gonna run a dirty Miami program, I would take stock of one glaringly obvious fact: there are more SPORTS AGENTS running around the city of Miami than any other city in America, except maybe Los Angeles.

Those are your potential bag men right there. It's in their vested interest to keep these promising high school All Americans close by, to where they can maintain a long term relationship with them and then sign them to their sports agency 3/4 years later.

Not saying that this happens.... but if I were gonna run a dirty Miami program, that's how I would do it.
Longest recruiting board threads on an individual recruit: Jerry Jeudy, Anthony McFarland, Josh Jobe, Alex Collins, Tyson Campbell (twice), Brian Edwards & CJ Henderson combined thread, Sony, Pat Surtain Jr., Lo Lingard, Denver Kirkland, Johnnie Dixon, CJ Henderson, Johnnie Dixon again

Y'all seeing a pattern here? The power of CIS is undeniable.

/5-star ambassador is the outlier

Sam Bruce.
We’ve got some really dumb posters and let’s just leave it at that. If you don’t get the big picture I’ll let somebody else explain it to you because I don’t have the patience. I’ve laid it out. It’s all there. If you don’t get it, it’s on you.

Meat is just beyond help, so I just give up on him. When he brings up using south Florida sports agents as a conduit, it just shows how completely immature and delusional he is. How he truly has absolutely has no fūcking clue. Sports agents are a one way ticket to the death penalty. That’s knee-slapping laughable. Meat, anybody with any sense on this board is pointing at your post and laughing their asses off at you right now. You just lost all ctredibility.

And what the fck do confirmed kills have to do with what we’re talking about here? How does that factor into the conversation? I mean thanks for your service, I’m glad you smoked those guys, but what’s the point?
Longest recruiting board threads on an individual recruit: Jerry Jeudy, Anthony McFarland, Josh Jobe, Alex Collins, Tyson Campbell (twice), Brian Edwards & CJ Henderson combined thread, Sony, Pat Surtain Jr., Lo Lingard, Denver Kirkland, Johnnie Dixon, CJ Henderson, Johnnie Dixon again

Y'all seeing a pattern here? The power of CIS is undeniable.

/5-star ambassador is the outlier

Did we really have long threads on Dixon? At least compared to the others?

I honestly don't remember posting much about him.
We’ve got some really dumb posters and let’s just leave it at that. If you don’t get the big picture I’ll let somebody else explain it to you because I don’t have the patience. I’ve laid it out. It’s all there. If you don’t get it, it’s on you.

Meat is just beyond help, so I just give up on him. When he brings up using south Florida sports agents as a conduit, it just shows how completely immature and delusional he is. How he truly has absolutely has no fūcking clue. Sports agents are a one way ticket to the death penalty. That’s knee-slapping laughable. Meat, anybody with any sense on this board is pointing at your post and laughing their asses off at you right now. You just lost all ctredibility.

And what the fck do confirmed kills have to do with what we’re talking about here? How does that factor into the conversation? I mean thanks for your service, I’m glad you smoked those guys, but what’s the point?

You the one handing out the "tough guy" moniker...so as a mater of fact, yeah, I'm a tough guy.
Any updates on Campbell? I don’t really give a **** about whatever argument is going on here
Nobody is forcing Miami to play the bag game. But if they won't play, then they should level the playing field prophylactically by ratting out the programs that do drop bags.

Because recruiting is a zero-sum game. There is a limited amount of all-star talent and Miami needs to get its share while preventing other programs from getting theirs. Miami can either A.) Match or exceed the offers these kids are getting (which you say Miami won't do) or B.) Make sure these kids don't get illicit offers from other schools.

You seem to be saying that UM should just accept the fact that other schools' boosters are gonna buy players while Miami sits on its hands. I somehow doubt that's what's going on but I won't push it.

Because frankly, I don't really care what goes on behind the recruiting curtain... as long as Miami gets ours. This staff is clearly recruiting well. That's what matters.

Did you read and comprehend what I wrote? Until you can refute or counter, your response is just meaningless empty drivel. Reread my post. Go to the link. Wrap your brain around that. Seek to understand before you comment further.

You actually have to understand the school, the booster, the city, the demographics, what’s at play, who the players are. You don’t. You are way out of your depth.

To make it abundantly simple for you: no bag game for Miami. And Miami “ratting out” others is not possible and is such a stupid idea only a pre-teen would think of it. Just dumb.

The question is, did you read and understand what I wrote?

You took several paragraphs to basically say "Miami can't/won't play the bag game."

And my point was to say fine... but in that case we need a level playing field and there's more than one way to skin a cat. Now tell us why, as you so colorfully put it, ratting out others is "not possible and such a stupid idea only a pre-teen would think of it?"

I'm dying to hear this.

You’re as dumb as a bag of rocks. It’s like talking to a 3 year old.

Who are you? What is your profession? How do you earn your money?

Lololol. Wtf am I reading here? [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] simply decided to temporarily acquiesce his feelings on Miami's potential bags to discuss what our options would be otherwise. There is no reason for frivolous name-calling. He wasn't arguing. Lmao. Why is ratting out others not possible? Just a simple question. And why is it something only a pre-teen would do? The mores of the CFB recruiting landscape are not clean. [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] is saying either join in, or rat them out. You have to compete somehow.

And a failure to raise $700k in this case means nothing. It's been said here that the school will cover the cost if it's not paid for by the fans. Why would boosters pay for that if they know the school will pay for it?

Or, let's continue the straw man argument of whether [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] is under 20. Fascinating.

He doesn't have answers to those questions.
Nobody is forcing Miami to play the bag game. But if they won't play, then they should level the playing field prophylactically by ratting out the programs that do drop bags.

Because recruiting is a zero-sum game. There is a limited amount of all-star talent and Miami needs to get its share while preventing other programs from getting theirs. Miami can either A.) Match or exceed the offers these kids are getting (which you say Miami won't do) or B.) Make sure these kids don't get illicit offers from other schools.

You seem to be saying that UM should just accept the fact that other schools' boosters are gonna buy players while Miami sits on its hands. I somehow doubt that's what's going on but I won't push it.

Because frankly, I don't really care what goes on behind the recruiting curtain... as long as Miami gets ours. This staff is clearly recruiting well. That's what matters.

Did you read and comprehend what I wrote? Until you can refute or counter, your response is just meaningless empty drivel. Reread my post. Go to the link. Wrap your brain around that. Seek to understand before you comment further.

You actually have to understand the school, the booster, the city, the demographics, what’s at play, who the players are. You don’t. You are way out of your depth.

To make it abundantly simple for you: no bag game for Miami. And Miami “ratting out” others is not possible and is such a stupid idea only a pre-teen would think of it. Just dumb.

The question is, did you read and understand what I wrote?

You took several paragraphs to basically say "Miami can't/won't play the bag game."

And my point was to say fine... but in that case we need a level playing field and there's more than one way to skin a cat. Now tell us why, as you so colorfully put it, ratting out others is "not possible and such a stupid idea only a pre-teen would think of it?"

I'm dying to hear this.

You’re as dumb as a bag of rocks. It’s like talking to a 3 year old.

Who are you? What is your profession? How do you earn your money?

Lololol. Wtf am I reading here? [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] simply decided to temporarily acquiesce his feelings on Miami's potential bags to discuss what our options would be otherwise. There is no reason for frivolous name-calling. He wasn't arguing. Lmao. Why is ratting out others not possible? Just a simple question. And why is it something only a pre-teen would do? The mores of the CFB recruiting landscape are not clean. [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] is saying either join in, or rat them out. You have to compete somehow.

And a failure to raise $700k in this case means nothing. It's been said here that the school will cover the cost if it's not paid for by the fans. Why would boosters pay for that if they know the school will pay for it?

Or, let's continue the straw man argument of whether [MENTION=15255]Meat[/MENTION] is under 20. Fascinating.

He doesn't have answers to those questions.

Which is fine. I don't have the answers to it either. There's no reason to disparage you for legitimate questions though.
We’ve got some really dumb posters and let’s just leave it at that. If you don’t get the big picture I’ll let somebody else explain it to you because I don’t have the patience. I’ve laid it out. It’s all there. If you don’t get it, it’s on you.

Meat is just beyond help, so I just give up on him. When he brings up using south Florida sports agents as a conduit, it just shows how completely immature and delusional he is. How he truly has absolutely has no fūcking clue. Sports agents are a one way ticket to the death penalty. That’s knee-slapping laughable. Meat, anybody with any sense on this board is pointing at your post and laughing their asses off at you right now. You just lost all ctredibility.

And what the fck do confirmed kills have to do with what we’re talking about here? How does that factor into the conversation? I mean thanks for your service, I’m glad you smoked those guys, but what’s the point?

You the one handing out the "tough guy" moniker...so as a mater of fact, yeah, I'm a tough guy.

Nope. You were the one with the soft shouldered comments and a bunch of other stuff. That’s where that came from

Again with the confirmed kills which you’ve mentioned now numerous times. Again thanks for your service. Those were abroad. So what does that have to do with anything we’re discussing here. Again, I’m glad you got the bad guys, but what does that have to do with the discussion? Just wondering why you keep bringing it up.
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