I’m still waiting to hear about how all our rich boosters are going to start a bag network. Some of you dullards make me laugh at your meatheaded ignorance.
When you think of the vast majority of our rabid fan and booster base think Laz. Or this board. Not the kind of socioeconomics that drives the SEC. Yes most of their fans are toothless sister molesters, but there’s some extremely wealthy rabid “plantation owners” behind the scenes that keep things rolling not affiliated directly with the school. We don’t have those.
What we have are disinterested people looking for tax breaks, for the most part, that 90% of the time can’t be bothered to go show up and sit in their extra wide seats with TVs in the living room boxes or luxury suites. Trust me on this. Our boosters are a completely different breed.
Again you thickheads, here’s, the proof, we have to fūcking beg for pennies. Look at what’s right under your fūcking noses.
University of Miami Indoor Practice Facility
Do you get it now?
$700,000 since August.
In the top SEC schools boosters would have paid that in one day.
Do I have to spell it out even more?
Ain’t happening.
Not only that, be glad it’s not happening.
Nobody can keep their mouths shut down here anyway. The most recent example? The luxury rental car guys were ready to roll on Grace and Muhammad and sing like canaries if compliance hadn’t snuffed that shlt early. Nobody can be trusted to keep their yaps shut in south Florida.
For crissakes, you dumb motherfūckers want to talk about dropping bags on an open forum. That ought tell you everything you need to know right there.
This ain’t the place for it.