Good effort.
Thanks for the video.
N'Kosi is not a dual threat QB, even though you mentioned he was several times. He just isn't. He's a pass first, pocket, moving pocket, and rolling out QB with good mobility. He is not a running QB.
Now, Rosier is an actual dual threat QB, because he can scamper for 60 in the bat of an eye. And has already done so in an actual college game.
Perry. Is. NOT. A. ****ing. Duel. Threat. QB.
Perry. Is. NOT. A. ****ing. Duel. Threat. QB.
Have you seen him with a pistol? Kid is dangerous.
You don't know too much about football, do you?
Running ability?
Sure, looks great compared to the potted plant we had back there before.
But, no. He's not a "running" QB, or someone who was even considered one in high school. Are you really this dense?
His feet should help get him out of trouble in the pocket from time to time, and maybe run for the occasional short first down. But he is in no way a running quarterback.
Are you really this big of a jerk off, or is this just your internet persona?
Nope. I'm really this big of a jerkoff, especially to idiots that have no idea what they're talking about.
Let me ask you something.
Are you really this soft that you get offended like a sensitive snowflake because I challenged someone else's very stupid opinion, one not based on any discernible facts?
You must have a rough life constantly being offended like this.
Offended............ no. Curious to why you are confrontational because your opinion is different from someone......... yes. Run along. I'm busy.
LOL - I've got a groupie hanging on my every word.
I paid you some attention. Are you satisfied yet, or need more?
Perry. Is. NOT. A. ****ing. Duel. Threat. QB.
Have you seen him with a pistol? Kid is dangerous.
I hear his knife game is even better. Could be our first triple threat QB? I can hear the announcers now...
Announcer #1 : "Boy Chuck, that FSU defender didn't see THAT coming!"
Announcer #2 : "They don't call him a triple threat for no reason, Bob." "He's not getting up from that one..."
Ref: "The previous play is under review."
Dohrman is definitely a $#it stirrerperry is definitely a dual threat QB
Dohrman is definitely a $#it stirrerperry is definitely a dual threat QB
perry is definitely a dual threat QB