That it took so long for scouts to break away from the Stone Age and begin measuring arm length and wingspan will forever be a mystery to me. For certain positions, it would flip me out to listen to or read people call players undersized. 6’ 1” DEs with 6’ 8” wingspans often played bigger than 6’ 4” DEs with 6’ 5” wingspans.
I guess because I’m getting older and now I’m injured (rotator cuff), I’ve been on this sports science/performance research bender. There are extremely subtle things to test for now: like stability and muscle strength *in your feet*. And, how stuff like that relates to explosiveness. We’re a handful of years away from some really interesting sports science stuff. Yet scouts remain in their universe, like in the movie Moneyball, talking about ‘when he walks into a room, people notice.’ Lol, shut up.