We need lane

Lane Kiffin is one of only 3 active coaches with 10 wins with 3 different programs. I wouldn’t mind Christobal, but we would be crazy to not at least look at Kiffin
This falls on the new AD; as it has become obvious the Columbus Mafia booster crew has their sights set on Mario, with blinders on.
Lane Kiffin is one of only 3 active coaches with 10 wins with 3 different programs. I wouldn’t mind Christobal, but we would be crazy to not at least look at Kiffin
Who are the other ones? I thought Saban but he only got to 9 wins at Mich State. It's not Butch, Mack, or Cutcliffe.

Edit: Hugh Freeze qualifies.. who's #3?
That's wat I'm talking about I want someone not even being mentioned I'm good either way but meh on Mario.. I need another year from him and lane our fanbase just crowing these guy for what.. give me someone with hardware from let's say from 2013 up until now. Putting in real work..
Who tf would that be genius?
I'm sorry your #1 guy got blown out on national tv by a vastly inferior team and for the second time in four years, squandered his chance to make the playoffs. Im not a total hater, he's still an upgrade over what we've had and I won't whine about it the way the pro Mario crowd would whine nonstop if UM hired Kiffin. In my updated rankings I have him at #5 now. Kiffin, Stoops, Aranda, Fickell, Mario in that order. Top 5 is still good.

I think it's clear to anyone who watched football the last two weeks that if you matched up Oregon (which is almost 100% Mario recruits) against this Ole Miss team that, on paper, has significantly less talent, Ole Miss would win and would likely bully Oregon on the LOS even more than Utah did.
I don’t have a number 1 guy. I want a new coach. Period.

I don’t care about hypothetical matchups.

But people that are blindly getting excited about some guy double pumping in a game between two perennial bottom dwellers, needs to evaluate the coaches and how they behave as part of the overall picture of what we need to do to go forward.

Remember some people also used to get super excited about Manny antics during the off-season..

I’m fine with Lane, but also acknowledge he can act like an immature frat boy that gets overexcited with “look at me” antics.

If you can’t see this, you’re being blinded by over emotional expressions of excitement and self congratulatory displays of immaturity. He didn’t win the championship, or his division, nor did he even beat a very good team.

Keep this in perspective.
Listen I want Mario, and/or Lane. I just don’t think we would touch Lane when it comes down to it.

The old Miami would not have. But we’re being told that we’re serious about winning now, are we not? These corpses have been trying to sell this Harvard of the south bull**** for 20 years. Guess what? Go ask anyone outside of SFL about Miami and you’ll get “Thug U” before you can finish your sentence. That perception will never change, no matter how ridiculous it is. And it’s plenty ******* ridiculous. But enough of the good boy squeaky clean garbage. I’m not saying Lane is a cheater, or a scumbag, or anything like that. But just look at your post. That’s the PERCEPTION of him. Is he crying to change it? No, he’s winning games and having fun. Would be nice if we did that here instead of hiring a guy cause he wears a ******* tie on the sidelines.