Water is wet and the NCAA sucks

Even with all their previous posturing and F ups I am still shocked by their arrogance. I read the allegations and just don't see wrong doing that deserves more than what we have given ourselves and been thru because of their incompetence. If the rumor is true about KW's testimony being partly or all thrown out. They have less than zero. Other than obvious bias against us wtf am I missing?

How have you read the allegations? As far as I know, the NOA hasn't been released to the public.

The NCAA disputed UM’s claim that it was “highly suspect” that it waited to suspend guard Durand Scott hours before a 2012 Atlantic Coast Conference tournament game. The violation reportedly resulted from Fernandez allegedly paying for a flight for Scott's AAU coach, resulting in a six-game suspension.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/04/15/3344719_p2/ncaa-says-university-of-miamis.html#storylink=cpy

So he was suspended for his coach getting a free flight, but Newton got to play after his father received over 100k?
Don't like the way this is all setting up. They're cornered and will fight back with powerful delusion.

I'm a little concerned as well, we backed an injured dog into a corner and they are fighting back with everything they have, and unfortunalely they answer to nobody.
Don't like the way this is all setting up. They're cornered and will fight back with powerful delusion.

I'm a little concerned as well, we backed an injured dog into a corner and they are fighting back with everything they have, and unfortunalely they answer to nobody.
They're figting back with nothing. 'we're offended' is their response. That's what you say when you have nothing else to say.

They say in the law, 'if you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. If you don't have the facts on your side, argue the law. If you don't have the facts or the law on your side, pound the table.' the NCAA is pounding the table right about now.
Honestly good luck to them. Smart thing would to let it good. If they want to prove a point they have a good chance to **** up their whole organization. Shalala isn't going to let this go.

We have suffered enough. Time to let it go.
Don't like the way this is all setting up. They're cornered and will fight back with powerful delusion.

I'm a little concerned as well, we backed an injured dog into a corner and they are fighting back with everything they have, and unfortunalely they answer to nobody.

Doesn't bother me. If they try to get tough, I promise you we aren't backing down. We might take the whole NCAA down. Emmett is beyond a dumb **** (and trying to save his job) so who knows.
They're offended? Offended? What about all those kids they ****ed by this investigation? All the kids who could've come here but didn't due to this? If anyone should be offended, it's UM and the players at UM. They have no right to be offended by the truth.

If Emmert died tomorrow I would drink a gallon of gas so I could **** on his burning corpse. He and the rest of that corrupt **** organization are a disgrace to human beings everywhere.
I would be shocked if Donna didn't have an ace in the hole before she fired off on these idiots. I don't mean more evidence. I mean a political power house(white house peeps) assuring her they will see this in court and dig. She will not have loic on her resume when she decides to retire. She is a very powerful and proud women.
That claim, and others, are part of the response that was signed by Jonathan F. Duncan, the NCAA's Interim Vice President of Enforcement, in response to a motion Miami filed with the association's Committee on Infractions to have the case brought to an immediate conclusion.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the enforcement staff's response to that motion Sunday night.

"Overall, the enforcement staff believes that the institution is again grasping at straws in an attempt to disqualify members of the enforcement team with the most knowledge about the case," Duncan wrote.

In his response, Duncan wrote that the NCAA's enforcement staff "believes that the majority of the parties' assertions in their motions to dismiss are largely based on assumptions, false accusations, misleading statements and meritless claims."


Definition of irony
Here is the beauty of this .The NCAA is supposed to be a neutral truth loving organization that goes out of its way to be straightforward ,honest and trustworthy. By releasing these angry rebuttals to the press they have come across as petty,vengeful and unfair. UM has given them the bait and they have taken it.
This current NCAA has been like a corrupt prosecutor -dead set on getting the prejudged bad guy whatever it takes. They are being sued by Todd Mcnair for this very thing. They have been given absolute power over these colleges and they have abused it.
By taking this to the public and possibly the courts and congress the U is ensuring that reasonable checks and balances in their investigative methods exist from now on. If the NCAA delivers harsh penalties based on hearsay to us UM will sue and get a court stay on the penalties. Any unfair judgement will be more fodder for a civil lawsuit as it will further prove bias.
This will have to be a more open and honest NCAA in the future and the main players in this farce -Emmert and ISch will have to be replaced. Its inevitable
Here is the beauty of this .The NCAA is supposed to be a neutral truth loving organization that goes out of its way to be straightforward ,honest and trustworthy. By releasing these angry rebuttals to the press they have come across as petty,vengeful and unfair. UM has given them the bait and they have taken it.
This current NCAA has been like a corrupt prosecutor -dead set on getting the prejudged bad guy whatever it takes. They are being sued by Todd Mcnair for this very thing. They have been given absolute power over these colleges and they have abused it.
By taking this to the public and possibly the courts and congress the U is ensuring that reasonable checks and balances in their investigative methods exist from now on. If the NCAA delivers harsh penalties based on hearsay to us UM will sue and get a court stay on the penalties. Any unfair judgement will be more fodder for a civil lawsuit as it will further prove bias.
This will have to be a more open and honest NCAA in the future and the main players in this farce -Emmert and ISch will have to be replaced. Its inevitable

This more than anything makes me believe they know they're in deep isht. To fire back at a "member institution" like that hardly point to an organization that's there to support it's members. They want to be right and dare anyone to question their authority.
The NCAA really has no choice, but to dig their heels in and fight to the end. If they roll over and concede, they are done as a enforcing body. It is really their only option at this point. They are so far painted in a corner, they can't get out. They are staying on the ship, until it is completely on the bottom of the ocean. This way i just takes a little longer to get to the bottom, because they are done, either way, imo.
The response is a whole lot of nothing. In message board parlance, Enforcement seems a little butt hurt.
The NCAA really has no choice, but to dig their heels in and fight to the end. If they roll over and concede, they are done as a enforcing body. It is really their only option at this point.

It isn't the only option, it is the option they choose. They could fire a lot more people and start fresh. They choose to go down a road of no return. All they are doing is digging in and looking foolish doing it.
The NCAA really has no choice, but to dig their heels in and fight to the end. If they roll over and concede, they are done as a enforcing body. It is really their only option at this point. They are so far painted in a corner, they can't get out. They are staying on the ship, until it is completely on the bottom of the ocean. This way i just takes a little longer to get to the bottom, because they are done, either way, imo.

The smart thing to do would be to admit that their investigation was flawed and that they were going to revamp the entire process. It's not rocket science. As is stands now, no one will cooperate with them in the future. Emmert himself had publicly stated that Miami was extraordinarily cooperative, yet he still tried to make an example of it.
The NCAA really has no choice, but to dig their heels in and fight to the end. If they roll over and concede, they are done as a enforcing body. It is really their only option at this point.

It isn't the only option, it is the option they choose. They could fire a lot more people and start fresh. They choose to go down a road of no return. All they are doing is digging in and looking foolish doing it.

I agree they look foolish, but to them, they would look more foolish if they caved at this point. Before they got into a media war, which shows zero class by an organization that oversees anything, they should have just given us time served. They are going all in and it will not end well for them, imo.
get ready for the little mad dog to release something. everytime they put something out she leaks something about the noa and disputes it.