Water is wet and the NCAA sucks

Even with all their previous posturing and F ups I am still shocked by their arrogance. I read the allegations and just don't see wrong doing that deserves more than what we have given ourselves and been thru because of their incompetence. If the rumor is true about KW's testimony being partly or all thrown out. They have less than zero. Other than obvious bias against us wtf am I missing?

Don't like the way this is all setting up. They're cornered and will fight back with powerful delusion.

People are conflating enfranctins and the COI under the label 'NCAA.' Of course enforcement is going to fight back. It's their reputations that are tattered. Amd obviously they were biased, wanted to get UM, and are now more bitter than ever and want to get it even worse because of what has happened. There's no reason for anyone to think enforcement wouldnt respond defensively to UM's motion to dismiss.

That said, the question is what the COI will do, and the NcAA's board of trustees will do.
Holy **** they are delusional

The NCAA's enforcement staff responded to Miami's claims and harsh criticisms of the NCAA by lashing back out claiming that UM is "grasping at straws" in an attempt to disqualify members of the enforcement team and also said that it is "offended" by Miami's insinuations in regards to the case.

Those comments were made in a 42-page document that Jonathan Duncan, the Interim Vice President of Enforcement, sent to Britton Banowsky, the Chairman of the Committee on Infractions in regards to the Nevin Shapiro scandal at Miami.

"In the enforcement staff's view, the motions to dismiss are largely based on assumptions, false accusations, misleading statements and meritless claims about the enforcement staff and its investigation. For the reasons set forth below, the enforcement staff requests that the Committee on Infractions deny the motions," Duncan wrote.

Among the issues that Miami president Donna Shalala had raised in her criticism of the NCAA's handling of the Shapiro scandal, where she called out the organization's for "unprofessional and unethical behavior" and said some of their arguments "ludicrous" and that the University of Miami had been "wronged" was the fact that the NCAA had never even interviewed former Miami athletic director Paul Dee.

"Though the enforcement staff did not interview Dee prior to his untimely passing, it was not due to oversight or inattention," Duncan wrote. "In this case, the enforcement staff planned to and did conduct interviews relating to institutional control issues in June 2012, approximately three weeks after Dee's passing. Because Dee's death was unexpected, the enforcement staff could not have predicted that he would not be available for an interview in June 2012. Had the institution or enforcement staff known of Dee's condition or impending death, the enforcement staff would have exhausted all reasonable efforts to preserve Dee's testimony."

Duncan also defended the actions of several enforcement staff members, who the NCAA has since let go: "The enforcement staff 'self-reported' the [Maria Elena] Perez [attorney for Shapiro who was paid by the NCAA after doing that work, though she contends that she never actually was employed by the association] issue. Perez was the and then cooperated diligently with internal NCAA staff members and the Cadwalader firm to fully identify and disclose information related to the Perez issue. After an external investigation, those individuals found to have had culpability in the matter have been held accountable, and as a united enforcement staff, we deeply regret, have apologized for and are embarrassed by the events and circumstances," Duncan wrote. "Nevertheless, we will not stand idly by when meritless, personal attacks are launched under the broad brush stroke of 'enforcement staff misconduct.'

"... Overall, the enforcement staff believes that the institution is again grasping at straws in an attempt to disqualify members of the enforcement team with the most knowledge about the case. Not only are these personal attacks based on no evidence that would support the removal of Barnhart and Hannah from the case, they are also not a basis for dismissal of the case in its entirety."

In addition, Duncan responded to the information that former NCAA investigator Ameen Najjar had written a letter to a judge on Shapiro's behalf and about Miami's claim that the NCAA was it was accepting a self-collaboration meaning Shapiro, a man who had swindled people out of nearly a billion dollars in Ponzi schemes, only had to repeat himself for an allegation to be admitted into the record.

"Though Najjar wrote a letter that could be seen as vouching for Shapiro's credibility, it is clear that the enforcement staff took additional steps in the months ensuing to determine whether the information Shapiro and others reported was accurate. It is clear that the enforcement staff did not assume the information Shapiro reported was truthful.

"... As in all investigations, it is the responsibility of the enforcement staff at the beginning of an investigation to determine if information or statements from an individual are credible enough to move forward with a full investigation. In this case, the enforcement staff conducted over 20 interviews with Shapiro between March and May 2011 where Shapiro provided a large amount of information about numerous possible violations of NCAA legislation. In addition, Shapiro provided the enforcement staff with pictures, phone records, bank records and credit card receipts that corroborated statements made in his interviews. After Shapiro's initial interviews were completed, the enforcement staff needed to make a determination as to whether the information provided by Shapiro was credible enough to substantiate the launch of a full investigation. At that time, the enforcement staff felt that Shapiro's statements, as well as the documentation he produced, were credible enough to move forward with the investigation."

As part of his conclusion, Duncan wrote: "Based on the foregoing, the enforcement staff believes that the majority of the parties' assertions in their motions to dismiss are largely based on assumptions, false accusations, misleading statements and meritless claims. However, the enforcement staff would first defer to the judgment of the Committee on Infractions regarding whether it has the authority to act to dismiss a case prior to a hearing. If the Committee on Infractions determines that it has such authority, the enforcement staff believes that the only legitimate argument raised for such action relates to the potential violation of confidentiality involving the public release of Cadwalader report. Nevertheless, even if the Committee on Infractions believes that a violation occurred in that regard, the enforcement staff is uncertain as to any demonstration of harm that would merit dismissal of the case."
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This, this and then THIS again.

COI is the judge. Enforcement are the clown car mechanics who tried build a case, as prosecutors, and enforcement is the judge. I suspect COI will be somewhat embarrassed by their brethren's activities and incompetence and will let them know so in the appropriate manner. ****, how can they not be embarrassed?

If you read the excerpt from the enforcement brief, they claimed they took steps to verify the veracity of the info Shapiro provided, yet their proof lies largely from the fact he repeated the allegations!! That is seriously clownish.

BUT, there were infractions and we have self-imposed. The only question is whether UM already has done enough.

Don't like the way this is all setting up. They're cornered and will fight back with powerful delusion.

People are conflating enfranctins and the COI under the label 'NCAA.' Of course enforcement is going to fight back. It's their reputations that are tattered. Amd obviously they were biased, wanted to get UM, and are now more bitter than ever and want to get it even worse because of what has happened. There's no reason for anyone to think enforcement wouldnt respond defensively to UM's motion to dismiss.

That said, the question is what the COI will do, and the NcAA's board of trustees will do.
Players involved paid restitution and were suspended for multiple games. Self-imposed 2 bowl bans and an ACC championship----unprecedented. Enough is enough!
This is all posturing by the enforcement staff. They are butt hurt. What does someone do when they are butt hurt? They cry and whine like ******* about how the other party is wrong. This response has no teeth. On top of that they've thoroughly embarrassed the NCAA as a whole. Me thinks the COI will give the university a light enough punishment that it will make it seem like they are still relevant while the university will make a calculated decision to accept said light punishments and all parties just move on.
I hope we've set some money aside in the athletics budget to fight this because this crap is going to court.
honestly If we impose another bowl ban or the ncaa bans us from post season play im gonna kill emeret myself. Probation for 4 years. loss of 5 scholarships---ill take that
While I think we eventually get out of this ok the fact that this BS is still going on has to be killing us. Still pretty easy for other programs to point to what the NCAA is saying and go see they are still gonna nuke Miami.
I really hope we don't get ****ed

Not surprised at all that Inspector Clouseau and his band of idiot fake investigators went for the heel-dig. That's what idiots do. These morons are no different than the dopes who heel-dig on message boards even in the face of overwhelming evidence against them. It's human nature for dopes to dig their heels in to try to protect the jobs they're not qualified to hold.

UM went all-in, and these dopes are digging heels in an attempt to protect their jobs. The Enforcement Idiots set a bag of dog **** on fire and threw it on the porch. It's up to the COI to either stomp on it or let it continue to burn.
Also, the **** about Dee is preposterous. How long was this debacle of an "investigation" going on before Dee croaked? Whether they knew he was sick or not (and they did know because he was part of the fugging ncaa), he should have been the first person they talked to after that midget spit out his diarrhea.
Not worried. 30% of their evidence has been dismissed since Feb. I wouldn't be surprised to see another 20 or 30 go before all is said and done.
He still never discussed the unprecedented concept of "saying something twice confirmation".

UM never denied that Shapiro said enough to warrant an investigation. Their issue is that a mountain of infractions cited in the NOA were ONLY confirmed by Shapiro saying something more than once, WHICH IS NOT CORRABORATION! If I claim I saw Will Muschamp **** a chicken, and provided a picture of him on a farm, that doesn't mean it actually happened. THAT is Miami's issue, which this piece of garbage sidestepped.

I'm at the point now where I want these people's families run over by trucks. I'm sick of this witchhunt, and I'm tired of the obviousness of which this investigation was intended to prevent a sleeping giant from waking up. Enough is enough.
He still never discussed the unprecedented concept of "saying something twice confirmation".

UM never denied that Shapiro said enough to warrant an investigation. Their issue is that a mountain of infractions cited in the NOA were ONLY confirmed by Shapiro saying something more than once, WHICH IS NOT CORRABORATION! If I claim I saw Will Muschamp **** a chicken, and provided a picture of him on a farm, that doesn't mean it actually happened. THAT is Miami's issue, which this piece of garbage sidestepped.

I'm at the point now where I want these people's families run over by trucks. I'm sick of this witchhunt, and I'm tired of the obviousness of which this investigation was intended to prevent a sleeping giant from waking up. Enough is enough.

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special bulletin: a former booster for the University of Auburn can confirm that he found this website open on a web browser in current Florida head coach Will Muschamp's personal office. Therefore, the NCAA has confirmed that he did indeed **** a chicken."