Video re-watch - terrible calls by the refs - huge impact

I want to add that in a potential game changing moment Friday night, @TheOriginalCane and I made the decision to separate at halftime, leave the restaurant and watch the 2nd half in our respective homes. This was NOT because we lost faith in UM, but rather our poor game watching Karma had to change.

The last time we watched a game together was last year’s GTech v UM game.

Before that we were both at the GTech v UM basketball game in the 2022-23 season. UM was great that season and reached the Final 4, but they lost to a poor GTech team with both of us in the stands.

So something had to change and at halftime we said our goodbyes and did not communicate again until AFTER the game.

So to the Canes and fans who were able to enjoy the win because we made the decision to not watch the 2nd half together, all I can say is You’re Welcome.
You don't know how relieved I am to read this. All weekend I've been beating myself down for not getting the Costco garlic chicken wings Friday like I had for every other game this year.

Thank you for going home!
ACC is a raging dumpster fire.

Have people forgotten the year + where not a single holding call was made against our opponents?

We literally had multiple dudes drafted on our dline.

Shït was beyond blatant. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore at this point.
If holding isn't called on Bell on the TD throw we cover and end the game with 3 picks on drones.
How some of those passes were completed is beyond me, it looked like our DB's were waiting for the Tech receivers to catch it, then we go tackle them. The one 0 (Misz) let that receiver catch, should have been an Interception, and going the other way. Tech's DB's actually attacked the ball, really disappointing.
Cannot spin the ball like that, if you want to win. You have to know (as a player for the Canes) that the refs are going to hold you to a much higher standard. I thought it was harsh because he didn't appear to spin it at a DBs feet or actively taunt the opponent but you have to know going forward that they will call Miami players for anything vaguely just don't do it!! It sucks but assume you're playing in the No Fun League and act accordingly if you want to win.
I saw it happen in other games that day, no call
My 'Cane brotheren, serious question...Why the **** are we wasting our time and energy justifying our WIN? Since when did we start caring what Eddie Royal, Andre Ware, or any other recessive-gened waste of humanity has to think? And why the **** are we acting surprised that the CFB world is doing everything it can to diminish any UM success?

NUT UP; let the hate flow; and bathe in the tears dammit!
Watch these plays again. It's truly indefensible.

1. Third and goal, Miami about to go up 21-7. Markel Bell is matched up against Keyshawn Burgos. Bell has at least 4 inches and 100 pounds on Burgos. There is NO HOLDING. Burgos spins his body until his BACK is against Bell, then he falls down. The ref waits forever to throw the flag, until Cam throws the ball. The replay is clear. Even the announcer questions the call. But the phantom holding stands, taking a touchdown off the board, and the very next play is an interception.

2. Fourth down, VaTech about to go up 24-14. The kicker wears jersey #17. But wait, VaTech only has 10 men on the field. So who runs onto the field but....#17 Cole Nelson. It's so ******* obvious, it's not like they have two #17s buried in the interior of the line. It's...the KICKER...and the GUY RUNNING ONTO THE FIELD LATE. In fact, it is so obvious, that you can see the ambiguously-gendered assistant coach behind Pry's left shoulder (the one wearing the purple shirt and the large necklace) yelling "there's two #17s" to Pry. But the refs don't call a penalty, and the first #17 makes the long field goal.

3. Ongoing game long ignoring of unsportsmanlike conduct. The refs IMMEDIATELY gave Jacolby George a penalty for spinning the ball in the end zone, then ignored FOR FOUR QUARTERS the VaTech players taunting Miami players, particularly with the Cam Ward celebration. Not one unsportsmanlike call on VaTech. NOT ONE. But Jacolby George spinning the ball was flagged.

But, yeah, sure, the refs were on Miami's side because of one call...ridiculous....
The refs were not on our side on the Hail Mary. The fools called it a TD. They had to have the suits in Charlotte tell them they F'ed up. That was a TERRIBLE call. How can you call a play a TD when you couldn't have possibly seen what didn't actually happen?
The refs were not on our side on the Hail Mary. The fools called it a TD. They had to have the suits in Charlotte tell them they F'ed up. That was a TERRIBLE call. How can you call a play a TD when you couldn't have possibly seen what didn't actually happen?


And we need to be honest about this, because the VaTech crybabies and Miami HATERS have formed a narrative.

And the narrative is that a POSITIVE determination of "a catch" was made, and thus it is entitled to some kind of insane deference and presumption of correctness.

Here is the reality. SEVEN players jumped up for the ball, with an eighth player right in front of the scrum. The referees were effectively blocked out of being able to see anything. And as the ball came down, it was effectively touched by three players, two from VaTech, one from Miami.

And now for the truth. As the refs ran over to the giant pile of human bodies, they INFERRED a catch by (a) the location of the VaTech receivers, and (b) the fact that Isaiah Horton was swiping the ball out. They concluded "if the receiver is in-bounds and the defender is trying to pry the ball free after a couple of seconds, then the receiver MUST HAVE had the ball controlled earlier, right? RIGHT?"

That's why it was a terrible call. Not because it was inherently right or wrong, but because the refs simply DID NOT SEE IT. And while I hated the Jacolby George first down call earlier in the game, it is easier for refs to say "no, I didn't see it" and then let the video overrule their calls...than it is to call something THEY DID NOT SEE and then hope the video "saw it" better than they did.

No ref saw a catch. It was impossible to do so. There was a mass of 7 bodies obstructing anyone's view.

The most important rule of this situation was NOT "but a call was made on the field". No, the MOST important rule was "when a player leaves his feet to make a catch, the cattch has to survive contact with the ground". And the SECOND most important rule was "if an out-of-bounds player touches the ball before the catch is made with firm control, then the play is immediately incomplete".

VaTech lost fair and square. There is no "let's rely on a technicality related to the burden of production of evidence" defense. That's bull****.

I understand that VaTech's feelings were hurt. I understand that they only saw a couple of replays from ESPN's cameras while watching on their 40 inch plasma Vizio. I'm sorry that they think the referee made the decision, the same evil referee who officiated the Miami kickoff return against Duke years ago. I understand that the mean referee only gave a 1-sentence announcement of the outcome, rather than a lengthy explanation.

But **** all that. VaTech is wrong on the facts, VaTech is wrong on the rules, VaTech is wrong on the outcome.

And I'm tired of being sympathetic to such a bunch of nasty ***** like the VaTech fans.

I've never liked Gator and SemenHole fans due to the rivalry. I've never liked Hokie and Mountaineer fans because they are awful human beings. Though, now that I come to think of it, Gator and SemenHole fans are awful human beings too.
His knee was down

It's a valid point.

Let's frame-by-frame this.

Here is Cam's knee GOING DOWN. You can still see grass and/or the white jersey/vomit-maroon pants, so in this frame, Cam's knee is not yet down.

In the next frame, it certainly looks like Cam's knee is down.

In the next frame, the knee starts to come BACK UP, because Cam is trying to remain upright by pushing with his left foot:

FInally, in this last frame, Cam has raised his left leg off the ground and is starting to push the ball forward, though his knee-touch has already ended the play:

Sorry, Hokies, no fumble.
It's a valid point.

Let's frame-by-frame this.

Here is Cam's knee GOING DOWN. You can still see grass and/or the white jersey/vomit-maroon pants, so in this frame, Cam's knee is not yet down.
View attachment 305453

In the next frame, it certainly looks like Cam's knee is down.
View attachment 305454

In the next frame, the knee starts to come BACK UP, because Cam is trying to remain upright by pushing with his left foot:
View attachment 305455

FInally, in this last frame, Cam has raised his left leg off the ground and is starting to push the ball forward, though his knee-touch has already ended the play:
View attachment 305456

Sorry, Hokies, no fumble.

It’s actually pretty shocking how bad the officiating was. And it definitely kept the game closer than it otherwise would have been - even considering how poorly the team played.

I almost feel bad for the head ref… I don’t think he was out to ***** us (I think the intentional grounding call was a bit of a gift to us), I just think he’s not very good at his job.

And we need to be honest about this, because the VaTech crybabies and Miami HATERS have formed a narrative.

And the narrative is that a POSITIVE determination of "a catch" was made, and thus it is entitled to some kind of insane deference and presumption of correctness.

Here is the reality. SEVEN players jumped up for the ball, with an eighth player right in front of the scrum. The referees were effectively blocked out of being able to see anything. And as the ball came down, it was effectively touched by three players, two from VaTech, one from Miami.

And now for the truth. As the refs ran over to the giant pile of human bodies, they INFERRED a catch by (a) the location of the VaTech receivers, and (b) the fact that Isaiah Horton was swiping the ball out. They concluded "if the receiver is in-bounds and the defender is trying to pry the ball free after a couple of seconds, then the receiver MUST HAVE had the ball controlled earlier, right? RIGHT?"

That's why it was a terrible call. Not because it was inherently right or wrong, but because the refs simply DID NOT SEE IT. And while I hated the Jacolby George first down call earlier in the game, it is easier for refs to say "no, I didn't see it" and then let the video overrule their calls...than it is to call something THEY DID NOT SEE and then hope the video "saw it" better than they did.

No ref saw a catch. It was impossible to do so. There was a mass of 7 bodies obstructing anyone's view.

The most important rule of this situation was NOT "but a call was made on the field". No, the MOST important rule was "when a player leaves his feet to make a catch, the cattch has to survive contact with the ground". And the SECOND most important rule was "if an out-of-bounds player touches the ball before the catch is made with firm control, then the play is immediately incomplete".

VaTech lost fair and square. There is no "let's rely on a technicality related to the burden of production of evidence" defense. That's bull****.

I understand that VaTech's feelings were hurt. I understand that they only saw a couple of replays from ESPN's cameras while watching on their 40 inch plasma Vizio. I'm sorry that they think the referee made the decision, the same evil referee who officiated the Miami kickoff return against Duke years ago. I understand that the mean referee only gave a 1-sentence announcement of the outcome, rather than a lengthy explanation.

But **** all that. VaTech is wrong on the facts, VaTech is wrong on the rules, VaTech is wrong on the outcome.

And I'm tired of being sympathetic to such a bunch of nasty ***** like the VaTech fans.

I've never liked Gator and SemenHole fans due to the rivalry. I've never liked Hokie and Mountaineer fans because they are awful human beings. Though, now that I come to think of it, Gator and SemenHole fans are awful human beings too.

Now just imagine if that critical video shot was covered by a player.... we were fortunate and championship runs need luck..

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