Tears USF Twitter tears

Reading this stuff is just hilarious, same old tired hate we used to get 49 years ago, yes I was around for that. Precisely what makes this so great, **** em all, us against the world, CANES TILL I DIE !
We may take over the stadium at GT as well, we normally travel well there plus lots of Cane fans in the area.
Their fan base is chill.
I actually kinda love GT, in another life I could see myself having gone to school there. They are a chill bunch of engineering nerds. I feel pretty at home in Atlanta, too. It's such an easy flight, and Miami has a solid alumni base there, should definitely be a big Miami crowd.

That said, they're getting it on Nov 9th. No doubt.
I actually kinda love GT, in another life I could see myself having gone to school there. They are a chill bunch of engineering nerds. I feel pretty at home in Atlanta, too. It's such an easy flight, and Miami has a solid alumni base there, should definitely be a big Miami crowd.

That said, they're getting it on Nov 9th. No doubt.
Last time I was there (a Miami loss), they were A-holes in the freezing 1910s relic of a stadium Bobby Dodd is...

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USF went for the sugar high against Miami and now the come down:

- AAC Refs showed their ***, so no school will be as dumb as Miami and not insist on having their own conference officiating crew at a USF road game...Nah, just insist on home game only.

- No More War on I-4 as UCF is in the Big 12 and were unhappy with USF scheduling before the move. Don't call us USF will be UCF's position in the future.

- Yeah the War on I-4,Florida Turnpike, and I-95 with FAU is just not as catchy.

- With Air Force rumored into the the AAC, at least one home game every year will be against a service academy and if they tried the shenanigans they pulled with Miami, the optics to will be all over social media as borderline unpatriotic.

- Memphis and Tulsa to PAC12?.Mountain West? Boy, is looks like road games to new AAC member FIU and Pitbull Stadium on the horizon


Maybe just build the 8,000 seat student section and call it a day for the entire project...Maybe FPU will have football soon so they can win a game in state consistently
I don’t believe for a second that our fan base initiates more fights or inappropriate behavior than most collegiate fan bases. It’s that our fan base LOOKS different than most collegiate fan bases. We do not attend games wearing button down shirts and khaki pants.

You have to read between the lines, folks. It’s not that our actions are any different. It’s how we dress. How we talk. The music we listen to and the number of neck tats we display. It’s what we represent. They don’t like it. Period.

Why is it that opposing fan bases use the “you didn't even attend the University of Miami” line? It’s their way of saying you don’t belong here. You are not good enough to enjoy this game. This game is for the privileged few who attend college. It’s an exclusive club.

It’s utter nonsense and simply a coping mechanism and a form of elitism to mask bias and racism.

And…for the record…I have degrees from both the University of Miami and an Ivy League institution. I know what it’s like to be different and represent a threat to long standing institutions.

F^&Q them and keep winning.
This is the reason i hate UNC.

This is the epitome of their fan base and they havent ever won sh*t.

*-The bolded is the entire SEC. Which is why i have no use for going to that conference...