Urban/(J. Battle) news

Public Records related to the investigation into allegations involving Urban Meyer

Link to the report released last night. Wow is all I can say. Doesn't present the University in a good light after reading it... I will be surprised if this is the end...
It definitely isn't the end. They left so many crumbs behind for amatuer and professional reporters who have the time (like McMurphy) to follow up on. Deleted text messages, etc.

I admit, I'm really surprised they held on to him. I thought for sure he was finished, not only bc of the current climate, but bc keeping him opens you up to all kinds of legal liabilities. If he lied to you once, and the media, and covered such a thing up, who knows what else is under the rug waiting to be uncovered, and given Urban's history...
The name calling by you here is ridiculous sir. Stop being an internet champion in your own mind. You'd never in a million years speak to me face to face like this over a simple difference of opinion. Toughen up and keep your composure....

I'm very surprised by this for sure. However this is not over. It depends on the public outcry. It could get very bad, very quickly at OSU. They've just made themselves vulnerable and I don't think they realize it just yet.

I apologize for being over the top harsh. No excuse for that my man. I own up. I’ll share the story if we ever do meet.

I hope you’re right about it getting bad for them. I still don’t see it though. It’s going to take him getting caught red handed or for OSU to start losing IMO. The guy covered up for Hernandez. He covered up for Elliot on multiple occasions. He does whatever it takes to win and has no morals whatsoever. Wherever he goes, he’s more powerful than his bosses. It’s going to take more than some text messages and a ****ed off reporter. It’s going to take someone inside to spill the beans. Ala scared pee-wee in the Shapiro case.
An NCAA investigation won’t do squat either at this point. The school hired this panel to cover all the bases. You can bet your **** they got testimonies from anyone who could implicate Urban...and probably coached them on what to say. This way they can claim the person is lying if they ever come out. The entire staff was likely just issued new computers and cell phones.
The way I was raised and if my parents were guiding me with my recruitment process, they would not let me commit to OSU after all this.... at the very least, Urban has "again" been exposed as a compulsive LIAR that anyone with common sense would not let their child be coached/mentored by. I really hope Battle's mom does some deep thinking as to who will be watching over her son for the next 3-5years.... Scum or Pastor Richt
The way I was raised and if my parents were guiding me with my recruitment process, they would not let me commit to OSU after all this.... at the very least, Urban has "again" been exposed as a compulsive LIAR that anyone with common sense would not let their child be coached/mentored by. I really hope Battle's mom does some deep thinking as to who will be watching over her son for the next 3-5years.... Scum or Pastor Richt
Unfortunately, some parents don’t care if the kid is mentored and the kids usually don’t care either in those scenarios. All they care about is getting theirs. Which Urban has proven be can provide.
Minor tidbit in the report that may be getting lost: Smith took high school coaches in Miami to a strip club on a recruiting trip. Meyer found out about it but did not report him to compliance. Report calls it a possible NCAA violation (peobably a secondary violation?) that was not reported. My guess is nothing comes of this, but still...

It's just another black eye. Sure, it's a secondary violation and will likely result in another slap on the wrist. But yeah, it adds onto the public perception already about OSU and Meyer.
So can I go out and do some really bad things, maybe commit some crimes, have extensive knowledge of it, and then just claim that I have a tendency to forget things of which I have extensive knowledge?

Will that get me off the hook?

I’ll also say I was on medication - will it work for me in a court of law?

I think I’ll go rape, pillage and plunder now, and get the Ohio state board of trustees to judge me, I’ll get off the hook, I’ll just tell them I forget things of which I have extensive knowledge of. Oh, also, I was on medication and that makes me forget to.
So can I go out and do some really bad things, maybe commit some crimes, have extensive knowledge of it, and then just claim that I have a tendency to forget things of which I have extensive knowledge?

Will that get me off the hook?

I’ll also say I was on medication - will it work for me in a court of law?

I think I’ll go rape, pillage and plunder now, and get the Ohio state board of trustees to judge me, I’ll get off the hook, I’ll just tell them I forget things of which I have extensive knowledge of. Oh, also, I was on medication and that makes me forget to.

Ohio State Trustee: "What's your W/L percentage?"
They literally said in one sentence that he is excused because he has a tendency to forget things of which he has extensive knowledge of.

I will repeat this. They said that it was OK, because he has a tendency to forget things of which he has extensive knowledge of. Oh and he also takes medications. If that is not the most self contradictory statement I’ve ever read, from people that are supposed to be intelligent, many with advanced degrees, I don’t know what is.

And they are actually putting that out there for public consumption. They’re basically saying to the rest of the world: we are going to do whatever the fūck we want, now eat this bull**** excuse, chew on it. We don’t care.
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How there's absolutely no talk of thr death penalty, how the AD is getting a pass with more then one scandal going on makes me sick. If this was us there'd be 24/7 of "Thug U", Death Penalty and hatred for us talk
What did they fire Woody Hayes for? Throwing a forearm on an opposing player? Worse than lying to everybody and keeping an abuser on staff?

Mary Jo White ran their investigation. She used to run the other SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).

I know stuff ...

Not OSU but other SEC....

Whom do I talk to?

'nuff said.
Mannnn. I shouldn't have but I viewed this one completely wrong. I was of the mindset that they were either gonna can his *** or completely exonerate him as a slap on the wrist suspension would play the worst p-r wise.

My mistake was underestimating the type of clowns that can exist in or be called to power positions at football factory universities (or sometimes just academia in general). These weasels obviously had no intention of ever firing Ol' Urbie but also exist in a bubble where they actually think a 3 gamer sit-out covers their asses too.

The best part? The "punishment" now essentially makes the TCU game not count if the lose it. Hilarious.