How ever you want to skew your agenda go canes the simple fact is this, Toledo, Virginia, pitt and wisky até manures lunch! That’s point of the story here and all that matters! No “top DC” gets his lunch ate by those 3 scrub teams and one above average one, none! His defense is smoke and mirrors, full of holes and lacks the discipline and fundamentals/principles that have been apart of the game since the beginning. Had you played the game at the college level you would see that as clear as a winter day in south Florida, I assure you. Games like UNC and BYU never happen to top DCs because they’re teams at the bare minimum have proper fundamentals and discipline and that’s at the bare minimum! Diaz carries himself like he’s the smartest guy in the room and has literally tried to reinvent the defensive football wheel at the expense of his own career as a football coach, these are facts. Do you ever wonder why no other DC in all of CFB runs his scheme except good ole take lesser job/really “fired” Baker? Incase you haven’t noticed CFB is a copy cat league, so if a DC is running an excellent successful scheme, everyone under the sun starts copying it! Yet no one is copying Manures, I wonder why?

lol The espn wonder boy thought he was gonna out smart over 100 years of CFB from his espn editing office even though he never even played the ******* game! Lmao dudes a fraud from the very beginning and the proof is in the pudding and incase you forgot, I’ll go ahead and post it for you below my friend.
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