
Also feel we have at best stagnated as an academic institution under his leadership.

When Shalala retired, UM was on the verge of passing schools such as UMichigan, NYU and George Washington on the academic rankings. Today we sit behind not only UF, but freaking Georgia (!!!)[/QUOTE]
As a father with 2 kids at UGA, I’m proud to say that UGA has become one of the best public universities in the nation
This I'm not a huge fan of the crazy fast hurry up. Too many mistakes and injuries. Last I checked weren't they one of the most penalized teams as well?
We used to be penalized a lot. And we were on a championship level. I think there was some sort of correlation, actually.

Maybe RichtBall was too passive.
Don’t know if they are parting ways or not but I was just going to comment that Frenk needs to get this right because I’ve heard a lot of important folks within UM are not happy with him right now. Supposedly one of the reasons he was hired is because he said he was going to bring in all this fundraising from Mexico and that never materialized. Also feel we have at best stagnated as an academic institution under his leadership.
Fundraising from Mexico? Why?

What interest is there among wealthy Mexicans in UM?

Is Frenk buddies with Carlos Slim?
My sister works at the school and has been telling me the same thing for months. Everytime she worked with Frenk and his people she felt he was lost and didn't have a clue what was going on half of the time. Once I heard that I wasn't surprised about the academics slip.

Has Frenk had any experience in America higher education?