Rumor Underwood flip story

I agree with everything other than your last sentence, assuming you’re implying that fans need to contribute to collectives. When being a fan “requires” that I donate money, I’m out. As long as it’s a choice, fine. Some can donate and others not donate. I feel the same about political contributions. People can donate all they want, but it’s not required. Side note - please don’t take this down a political path; I solely referenced it as a comparison.

Here’s my hang up, at some point, the common man/fan goes from disinterest to complete non-participation. When enough of that happens, it dissolves. Why did the NFL pass MLB in popularity? Several reasons but a large contributor was lack of parity in MLB. Think about how many Royal fans you know or Brewers or Reds. How does that compare to Yankee fans? I could go on and on but it’s Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
Eventually, the entity becomes too big to sustain which is fine if that is what the market dictates - we are seeing that currently with the NBA losing viewership (too expensive to watch and follow your favorite team with all the necessary streaming platforms).

When the entity like MLB evolves as you mentioned, then the MLB should allow for said franchises to die out by way of contraction, but due to revenue sharing and other MLB interventions owners keep the franchise around to enrich themselves. The fans should just abandon the franchise but don't because they are emotionally invested in something that never existed (something like that happens in English football clubs and the fans retaliate see MK Dons and the birth of AFC Wimbledon).

No one is forced to do anything. The market in all of its dynamics should be voluntary.

Great stuff btw and yes Happy Thanksgiving

We have deep pockets. Cristobal has the laying on of hands from every Cuban Godfather and Caporegimes in Miami. Plus a formerly recalcitrant Board of Trustees is now fully on board.

We have no problem competing with Ohio State, Bama, LSU and Georgia with regard to financial commitment and coaching salaries. We can get the best now and build the best team. Now it's all just talent acquisition and development. It's more a question of making sure we have the right coaches.

But at some point, the small schools with little or no Bag Game are going to go to their Congressmen and scream. That's when you'll get Regulatory Intervention and what Saban wants, a salary cap. It's the only way to save the smaller programs.
I’m not in favor of dropping $ like this on a QB recruit. Spend that money more elsewhere like OL, DL and DB. Almost all of the top teams QBs are transfers. I think it is a huge waste to drop 10mil on an unknown who likely transfers out anyway if you’re not contending right away.
Laying the foundation to build your team is money well spent on recruiting. When the time presents itself, NIL for the portal is a good idea, and overpaying for unproven QB talent is just premature ejaculation.
Dan Kendra does medical sales now…if you saw him and he said “I was the the top recruit in the country and an absolute physical freak” you would spit your drink out and laugh at him.

Dan could have been Tim Tebow but with an arm…although he’d tell you he should have went to Penn State and played LB…but FSU made it tough to say no if you catch my drift.
Kendra could throw it 70. Ridiculous arm and athlete at QB. He went to FSU and bulked up way too much and ruined his career. He was a little nuts too, so QB may not have been the best position for him.....LB may have made more sense, ie Andy Katzenmoyer.