UknowWhat I Found On The Crootin Trail

This is the most positive post I've ever seen on here and it is quite refreshing to read viewpoints from a parent. Thanks for your service as is most appreciated and you deserve a big pat on the back sir...

Probably because it's not speculation and people whining about **** they have no idea about. Golden is here to win. We have taken some lumps but look at the roster and the other things he has done. It's a matter of time before it all comes together.

I thought I heard awhile back they were in the process of building new dorms specifically for athletes... Either way, thank you for your service and welcome to the []_[]!!!
The best thread I've read. Thanks for your service to our great country Mr. Quarterman;

Welcome to the U Shaq. Look forward to watching you play.
Imo this was shaqs best option uf and fsu seem to go after the lanky linebackers while miami is kinda in the mold of a big ten type linebacker run stoppers...both pros and cons to types of backers all 3 programs take but nonetheless a good 2 down thumper in the middle that could blossom into a 3down backer

Yea like Owens, Figs, Grace, Michael Smith, D Jack, Kirby.. Only Perryman and Juwon Young built like ''thumpers''.. FSU and UF wanted this kid badly as did everyone else in the country... UF has Antonio Morrison as a ''thumper'' and Alex Azalone or whatever his name is as ''thumpers'' Most MLB are 2 down thumpers..

I have never seen fsu linked with shaq and i follow recruiting heavy in the south and the state of florida..all im saying is look at the makeup of the 2 defenses and the lbs they have morrison is like 230 if that for uf nowhere near perryman and fsu starting mlb is like 220lbs
Jrock is a criminole, or at least post like one, and I don't want any UM commit near Bleaks negative ***.

With that said, keep doing your thing for the U, UknowWhat! Glad to have you and your son w/ the Canes and I can't wait to watch hiim ball out
Hopefully shaq can be the duke of his class recruiting the best players to come with him.
Thank you for your service to our great country and raising your son right lol.
Awesome AWESOME thread. BTW, the comments below should be read by all of those that call bs when people show concern about the timing of offers.

I think the most important tactic was expressing that they want you to be apart of their program. (Showing the Love), They didn't have to do to much because we have always had love for Miami... I think whats most important.. is get on the kids early on... first impression are lasting.. Shaq's second choice should not have been in competition... but they jumped on him early expressing their needs for his talents...showing him right where he would fit in.... They new his film better than we did... the good and the bad (not just highlights)... and were honest and didn't tell us what we wanted to hear... but told us what we needed to know...

Except when people use examples that don't apply: Should have offered him early!!! Player commits to school that offered even later.
crossover22[]_[];1897613 said:
This thread goes to prove that parents and recruits see this board. So hopefully our posters will realize that and represent the U with class.

And shaq is a beast and a huge get for Miami.

Agreed. On all accounts.
Quote Originally Posted by crossover22[]_[] View Post
This thread goes to prove that parents and recruits see this board. So hopefully our posters will realize that and represent the U with class.

And shaq is a beast and a huge get for Miami.

Always wanted to mention that but figured that's what forums are for I guess, but it definitely is the truth. These kids know more than you can imagine with the internet and computers. You would be dumb to think they weren't checking out these forums and articles posted talking about them. Come on now its 2014
Congrats to Shaq, it's great to see a recruit come from a strong family...Congrats to the Quarterman Family on joining The U
Someone needs to post the pictures of our new locker rooms, athletics/student center and new fields. Trust me if we can win games we'll be a top 5 recruiting class every year. Question to ask is if you would live in Tuscalloser, Tally, Auburn, Gainesville etc after graduating? If not why spend 3-4 year in places you wouldn't live. No excuses that Bama etc. puts guys in the league! No they don't! Your play puts you in the league!
@UknowWhat is Shaq training with anyone yet? If not you should look my brother up, Charlton "Chewy" Williams at The Hit Center on Philips Highway in Jacksonville

He trains several NFL guys, as well as some of the top rated high school kids. He has trained Kevin Toliver II for years and he is also working with Victor Alexander & Andre Smith.

Here is a video of him training Carolina Panthers Cornerback Drayton Florence
@UknowWhat is Shaq training with anyone yet? If not you should look my brother up, Charlton "Chewy" Williams at The Hit Center on Philips Highway in Jacksonville

He trains several NFL guys, as well as some of the top rated high school kids. He has trained Kevin Toliver II for years and he is also working with Victor Alexander & Andre Smith.

Here is a video of him training Carolina Panthers Cornerback Drayton Florence

Shaq works with Dana Arthur who is an excellent S&C coach
@UknowWhat is Shaq training with anyone yet? If not you should look my brother up, Charlton "Chewy" Williams at The Hit Center on Philips Highway in Jacksonville

He trains several NFL guys, as well as some of the top rated high school kids. He has trained Kevin Toliver II for years and he is also working with Victor Alexander & Andre Smith.

Here is a video of him training Carolina Panthers Cornerback Drayton Florence

Shaq works with Dana Arthur who is an excellent S&C coach

Thats great to hear!!!